import os from twisted.internet import reactor, defer from twisted.logger import Logger from .process import VPNProcess from .constants import IS_LINUX # TODO # TODO merge these classes with service. # [ ] register change state listener # emit_async(catalog.VPN_STATUS_CHANGED) # [ ] catch ping-restart # 'NETWORK_UNREACHABLE': ( # 'Network is unreachable (code=101)',), # 'PROCESS_RESTART_TLS': ( # "SIGTERM[soft,tls-error]",), class VPNControl(object): """ This is the high-level object that the service knows about. It exposes the start and terminate methods. On start, it spawns a VPNProcess instance that will use a vpnlauncher suited for the running platform and connect to the management interface opened by the openvpn process, executing commands over that interface on demand. """ TERMINATE_MAXTRIES = 10 TERMINATE_WAIT = 1 # secs RESTART_WAIT = 2 # secs log = Logger() def __init__(self, remotes, vpnconfig, providerconfig, socket_host, socket_port): self._vpnproc = None self._user_stopped = False self._remotes = remotes self._vpnconfig = vpnconfig self._providerconfig = providerconfig self._host = socket_host self._port = socket_port def start(self): self.log.debug('VPN: start') self._user_stopped = False args = [self._vpnconfig, self._providerconfig, self._host, self._port] kwargs = {'openvpn_verb': 4, 'remotes': self._remotes, 'restartfun': self.restart} vpnproc = VPNProcess(*args, **kwargs) # TODO -- restore # if get_openvpn_process(): # # 'Another vpn process is running. Will try to stop it.') # vpnproc.stop_if_already_running() try: vpnproc.preUp() except Exception as e: self.log.error('Error on vpn pre-up {0!r}'.format(e)) raise try: cmd = vpnproc.getCommand() except Exception as e: self.log.error( 'Error while getting vpn command... {0!r}'.format(e)) raise env = os.environ try: runningproc = reactor.spawnProcess(vpnproc, cmd[0], cmd, env) except Exception as e: self.log.error( 'Error while spawning vpn process... {0!r}'.format(e)) return False # TODO get pid from management instead = self._vpnproc = vpnproc return True @defer.inlineCallbacks def restart(self): yield self.stop(shutdown=False, restart=True) reactor.callLater( self.RESTART_WAIT, self.start) def stop(self, shutdown=False, restart=False): """ Stops the openvpn subprocess. Attempts to send a SIGTERM first, and after a timeout it sends a SIGKILL. :param shutdown: whether this is the final shutdown :type shutdown: bool :param restart: whether this stop is part of a hard restart. :type restart: bool """ # We assume that the only valid stops are initiated # by an user action, not hard restarts self._user_stopped = not restart if self._vpnproc is not None: self._vpnproc.restarting = restart try: if self._vpnproc is not None: self._vpnproc.preDown() except Exception as e: self.log.error('Error on vpn pre-down {0!r}'.format(e)) raise d = defer.succeed(True) if IS_LINUX: # TODO factor this out to a linux-only launcher mechanism. # First we try to be polite and send a SIGTERM... if self._vpnproc is not None: self._sentterm = True self._vpnproc.terminate() # we trigger a countdown to be unpolite # if strictly needed. d = defer.Deferred() reactor.callLater( self.TERMINATE_WAIT, self._kill_if_left_alive, d) return d # TODO -- remove indirection @property def status(self): if not self._vpnproc: return {'status': 'off', 'error': None} return self._vpnproc.status @property def traffic_status(self): return self._vpnproc.traffic_status def _killit(self): if self._vpnproc is None: self.log.debug("There's no vpn process running to kill.") else: self._vpnproc.aborted = True self._vpnproc.kill() def _kill_if_left_alive(self, deferred, tries=0): """ Check if the process is still alive, and send a SIGKILL after a timeout period. :param tries: counter of tries, used in recursion :type tries: int """ if tries < self.TERMINATE_MAXTRIES: if is None: deferred.callback(True) return else: self.log.debug('Process did not die, waiting...') tries += 1 reactor.callLater(self.TERMINATE_WAIT, self._kill_if_left_alive, deferred, tries) return # after running out of patience, we try a killProcess self.log.debug('Process did not die. Sending a SIGKILL.') try: self._killit() except OSError: self.log.error('Could not kill process!') deferred.callback(True)