# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # pixelizer.py # Copyright (C) 2016-2017 LEAP # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. """ Pixelizer: the pixelated integrator. Right now this module is kind of hardcoded, but it should be possible for bitmask to use this as an optional plugin. For the moment we fail gracefully if we cannot find the pixelated modules in the import path. There's a lot of code duplication right now in this double game of adaptors for pixelated adaptors. Refactoring pixelated and bitmask should be possible so that we converge the mail apis and stop needing this nasty proliferation of adaptors. However, some care has to be taken to avoid certain types of concurrency bugs. """ import json import os import string import sys from twisted.internet import defer, reactor from twisted.logger import Logger from leap.common.config import get_path_prefix from leap.bitmask.keymanager import KeyNotFound try: from pixelated.adapter.mailstore import LeapMailStore from pixelated.application import SingleUserServicesFactory from pixelated.application import UserAgentMode from pixelated.application import start_site from pixelated.bitmask_libraries.smtp import LeapSMTPConfig from pixelated.config.sessions import SessionCache from pixelated.config import services from pixelated.resources.root_resource import RootResource import pixelated_www HAS_PIXELATED = True class _LeapMailStore(LeapMailStore): # TODO We NEED TO rewrite the whole LeapMailStore in the coming # pixelated fork so that we reuse the account instance. # Otherwise, the current system for notifications will break. # The other option is to have generic event listeners, using zmq, and # allow the pixelated instance to have its own hierarchy of # account-mailbox instances, only sharing soledad. # However, this seems good enough since it's now better to wait until # we depend on leap.pixelated fork to make changes on that codebase. # When that refactor starts, we should try to internalize as much # work/bugfixes was done in pixelated, and incorporate it into the # public bitmask api. Let's learn from our mistakes. def __init__(self, soledad, account): self.account = account super(_LeapMailStore, self).__init__(soledad) @defer.inlineCallbacks def add_mail(self, mailbox_name, raw_msg): name = yield self._get_case_insensitive_mbox(mailbox_name) mailbox = yield self.account.get_collection_by_mailbox(name) flags = ['\\Recent'] if mailbox_name.lower() == 'sent': flags += '\\Seen' message = yield mailbox.add_msg(raw_msg, tuple(flags)) # this still needs the pixelated interface because it does stuff # like indexing the mail in whoosh, etc. mail = yield self._leap_message_to_leap_mail( message.get_wrapper().mdoc.doc_id, message, include_body=True) defer.returnValue(mail) def get_mailbox_names(self): """returns: deferred""" return self.account.list_all_mailbox_names() @defer.inlineCallbacks def _get_or_create_mailbox(self, mailbox_name): """ Avoid creating variations of the case. If there's already a 'Sent' folder, do not create 'SENT', just return that. """ name = yield self._get_case_insensitive_mbox(mailbox_name) if name is None: name = mailbox_name yield self.account.add_mailbox(name) mailbox = yield self.account.get_collection_by_mailbox( name) # Pixelated expects the mailbox wrapper; # it should limit itself to the Mail API instead. # This is also a smell that the collection-mailbox-wrapper # distinction is not clearly cut. defer.returnValue(mailbox.mbox_wrapper) @defer.inlineCallbacks def _get_case_insensitive_mbox(self, mailbox_name): name = None mailboxes = yield self.get_mailbox_names() lower = mailbox_name.lower() lower_mboxes = map(string.lower, mailboxes) if lower in lower_mboxes: name = mailboxes[lower_mboxes.index(lower)] defer.returnValue(name) except ImportError as exc: HAS_PIXELATED = False log = Logger() # TODO # [ ] pre-authenticate def start_pixelated_user_agent(userid, soledad, keymanager, account): try: leap_session = LeapSessionAdapter( userid, soledad, keymanager, account) except Exception as exc: log.error("Got error! %r" % exc) config = Config() leap_home = os.path.join(get_path_prefix(), 'leap') config.leap_home = leap_home leap_session.config = config services_factory = SingleUserServicesFactory( UserAgentMode(is_single_user=True)) if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False): # we are running in a |PyInstaller| bundle static_folder = os.path.join(sys._MEIPASS, 'pixelated_www') else: static_folder = os.path.abspath(pixelated_www.__path__[0]) resource = RootResource(services_factory, static_folder=static_folder) config.host = 'localhost' config.port = 9090 config.sslkey = None config.sslcert = None config.manhole = False d = leap_session.account.callWhenReady( lambda _: _start_in_single_user_mode( leap_session, config, resource, services_factory)) return d def get_smtp_config(provider): config_path = os.path.join( get_path_prefix(), 'leap', 'providers', provider, 'smtp-service.json') json_config = json.loads(open(config_path).read()) chosen_host = json_config['hosts'].keys()[0] hostname = json_config['hosts'][chosen_host]['hostname'] port = json_config['hosts'][chosen_host]['port'] config = Config() config.host = hostname config.port = port return config class NickNym(object): def __init__(self, keymanager, userid): self._email = userid self.keymanager = keymanager @defer.inlineCallbacks def generate_openpgp_key(self): key_present = yield self._key_exists(self._email) if not key_present: yield self._gen_key() yield self._send_key_to_leap() @defer.inlineCallbacks def _key_exists(self, email): try: yield self.fetch_key(email, private=True, fetch_remote=False) defer.returnValue(True) except KeyNotFound: defer.returnValue(False) def fetch_key(self, email, private=False, fetch_remote=True): return self.keymanager.get_key( email, private=private, fetch_remote=fetch_remote) def get_key(self, *args, **kw): return self.keymanager.get_key(*args, **kw) def _gen_key(self): return self.keymanager.gen_key() def _send_key_to_leap(self): # XXX: this needs to be removed in pixels side # km.send_key doesn't exist anymore return defer.succeed(None) class LeapSessionAdapter(object): def __init__(self, userid, soledad, keymanager, account): self.userid = userid self.soledad = soledad # XXX this needs to be converged with our public apis. _n = NickNym(keymanager, userid) self.nicknym = self.keymanager = _n self.mail_store = _LeapMailStore(soledad, account) self.account = account self.user_auth = Config() self.user_auth.uuid = soledad.uuid self.fresh_account = False self.incoming_mail_fetcher = None username, provider = userid.split('@') smtp_client_cert = os.path.join( get_path_prefix(), 'leap', 'providers', provider, 'keys', 'client', 'smtp_{username}.pem'.format( username=username)) _prov = Config() _prov.server_name = provider self.provider = _prov assert(os.path.isfile(smtp_client_cert)) smtp_config = get_smtp_config(provider) smtp_host = smtp_config.host smtp_port = smtp_config.port self.smtp_config = LeapSMTPConfig( userid, smtp_client_cert, smtp_host, smtp_port) def account_email(self): return self.userid def close(self): pass @property def is_closed(self): return self._is_closed def remove_from_cache(self): key = SessionCache.session_key(self.provider, self.userid) SessionCache.remove_session(key) def sync(self): return self.soledad.sync() class Config(object): pass def _start_in_single_user_mode(leap_session, config, resource, services_factory): start_site(config, resource) reactor.callLater( 0, start_user_agent_in_single_user_mode, resource, services_factory, leap_session.config.leap_home, leap_session) @defer.inlineCallbacks def start_user_agent_in_single_user_mode(root_resource, services_factory, leap_home, leap_session): log.info('Pixelated bootstrap done, loading services for user %s' % leap_session.user_auth.uuid) _services = services.Services(leap_session) yield _services.setup() # TODO we might want to use a Bitmask specific mail # if leap_session.fresh_account: # yield add_welcome_mail(leap_session.mail_store) services_factory.add_session(leap_session.user_auth.uuid, _services) root_resource.initialize(provider=leap_session.provider) log.info('Done, the Pixelated User Agent is ready to be used')