# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # provier.py # Copyright (C) 2015 LEAP # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. """ LEAP Provider API. """ from copy import deepcopy import re from urlparse import urlparse """ Maximum API version number supported by bonafide """ MAX_API_VERSION = 1 class _MetaActionDispatcher(type): """ A metaclass that will create dispatcher methods dynamically for each action made available by the LEAP provider API. The new methods will be created according to the values contained in an `_actions` dictionary, with the following format:: {'action_name': (uri_template, method)} where `uri_template` is a string that will be formatted with an arbitrary number of keyword arguments. Any class that uses this one as its metaclass needs to implement two private methods:: _get_uri(self, action_name, **extra_params) _get_method(self, action_name) Beware that currently they cannot be inherited from bases. """ def __new__(meta, name, bases, dct): def _generate_action_funs(dct): _get_uri = dct['_get_uri'] _get_method = dct['_get_method'] newdct = deepcopy(dct) actions = dct['_actions'] def create_uri_fun(action_name): return lambda self, **kw: _get_uri( self, action_name=action_name, **kw) def create_met_fun(action_name): return lambda self: _get_method( self, action_name=action_name) for action in actions: uri, method = actions[action] _action_uri = 'get_%s_uri' % action _action_met = 'get_%s_method' % action newdct[_action_uri] = create_uri_fun(action) newdct[_action_met] = create_met_fun(action) return newdct newdct = _generate_action_funs(dct) return super(_MetaActionDispatcher, meta).__new__( meta, name, bases, newdct) class BaseProvider(object): def __init__(self, netloc, version=1): parsed = urlparse(netloc) if parsed.scheme != 'https': raise ValueError( 'ProviderApi needs to be passed a url with https scheme') self.netloc = parsed.netloc self.version = version if version > MAX_API_VERSION: self.version = MAX_API_VERSION def get_hostname(self): return urlparse(self._get_base_url()).hostname def _get_base_url(self): return "https://{0}/{1}".format(self.netloc, self.version) class Api(BaseProvider): """ An object that has all the information that a client needs to communicate with the remote methods exposed by the web API of a LEAP provider. The actions are described in https://leap.se/bonafide By using the _MetaActionDispatcher as a metaclass, the _actions dict will be translated dynamically into a set of instance methods that will allow getting the uri and method for each action. The keyword arguments specified in the format string will automatically raise a KeyError if the needed keyword arguments are not passed to the dynamically created methods. """ # TODO when should the provider-api object be created? # TODO pass a Provider object to constructor, with autoconf flag. # TODO make the actions attribute depend on the api version # TODO missing UPDATE USER RECORD __metaclass__ = _MetaActionDispatcher _actions = { 'signup': ('users', 'POST'), 'update_user': ('users/{uid}', 'PUT'), 'handshake': ('sessions', 'POST'), 'authenticate': ('sessions/{login}', 'PUT'), 'logout': ('logout', 'DELETE'), 'vpn_cert': ('cert', 'POST'), 'smtp_cert': ('smtp_cert', 'POST'), } # Methods expected by the dispatcher metaclass def _get_uri(self, action_name, **extra_params): resource, _ = self._actions.get(action_name) uri = '{0}/{1}'.format( bytes(self._get_base_url()), bytes(resource)).format(**extra_params) return uri def _get_method(self, action_name): _, method = self._actions.get(action_name) return method class Discovery(BaseProvider): """ Discover basic information about a provider, including the provided services. """ __metaclass__ = _MetaActionDispatcher _actions = { 'provider_info': ('provider.json', 'GET'), 'configs': ('1/configs.json', 'GET'), } def _get_base_url(self): return "https://{0}".format(self.netloc) def get_base_uri(self): return self._get_base_url() # Methods expected by the dispatcher metaclass def _get_uri(self, action_name, **extra_params): resource, _ = self._actions.get(action_name) uri = '{0}/{1}'.format( bytes(self._get_base_url()), bytes(resource)).format(**extra_params) return uri def _get_method(self, action_name): _, method = self._actions.get(action_name) return method def validate_username(username): accepted_characters = '^[a-z0-9\-\_\.]*$' if not re.match(accepted_characters, username): raise ValueError('Only lowercase letters, digits, . - and _ allowed.')