# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # config.py # Copyright (C) 2015 LEAP # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. """ Configuration for a LEAP provider. """ import binascii import datetime import json import os import platform import shutil import sys from collections import defaultdict from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes from cryptography.x509 import load_pem_x509_certificate from urlparse import urlparse from twisted.internet import defer, reactor from twisted.logger import Logger from twisted.web.client import downloadPage from twisted.web.client import readBody from leap.bitmask.bonafide._http import httpRequest from leap.bitmask.bonafide.provider import Discovery from leap.bitmask.bonafide.errors import NotConfiguredError, NetworkError from leap.common.check import leap_assert from leap.common.config import get_path_prefix as common_get_path_prefix from leap.common.files import mkdir_p, get_mtime from leap.common.http import HTTPClient APPNAME = "bonafide" if platform.system() == 'Windows': ENDPOINT = "tcp://" else: ENDPOINT = "ipc:///tmp/%s.sock" % APPNAME def get_path_prefix(standalone=False): return common_get_path_prefix(standalone) _preffix = get_path_prefix() log = Logger() def get_provider_path(domain, config='provider.json'): """ Returns relative path for provider configs. :param domain: the domain to which this providerconfig belongs to. :type domain: str :returns: the path :rtype: str """ # TODO sanitize domain leap_assert(domain is not None, 'get_provider_path: We need a domain') return os.path.join('providers', domain, config) def get_ca_cert_path(domain): # TODO sanitize domain leap_assert(domain is not None, 'get_provider_path: We need a domain') return os.path.join('providers', domain, 'keys', 'ca', 'cacert.pem') def update_modification_ts(path): """ Sets modification time of a file to current time. :param path: the path to set ts to. :type path: str :returns: modification time :rtype: datetime object """ os.utime(path, None) return get_mtime(path) def is_file(path): """ Returns True if the path exists and is a file. """ return os.path.isfile(path) def is_empty_file(path): """ Returns True if the file at path is empty. """ return os.stat(path).st_size is 0 def make_address(user, provider): """ Return a full identifier for an user, as a email-like identifier. :param user: the username :type user: basestring :param provider: the provider domain :type provider: basestring """ return '%s@%s' % (user, provider) def get_username_and_provider(full_id): return full_id.split('@') def list_providers(): path = os.path.join(_preffix, "leap", "providers") path = os.path.expanduser(path) if not os.path.isdir(path): os.makedirs(path) return os.listdir(path) def delete_provider(domain): path = os.path.join(_preffix, "leap", "providers", domain) path = os.path.expanduser(path) if not os.path.exists(path): raise NotConfiguredError("Provider %s is not configured, can't be " "deleted" % (domain,)) shutil.rmtree(path) # FIXME: this feels hacky, can we find a better way?? if domain in Provider.first_bootstrap: del Provider.first_bootstrap[domain] if domain in Provider.ongoing_bootstrap: del Provider.ongoing_bootstrap[domain] class Provider(object): SERVICES_MAP = { 'openvpn': ['eip'], 'mx': ['soledad', 'smtp']} log = Logger() first_bootstrap = defaultdict(None) ongoing_bootstrap = defaultdict(None) stuck_bootstrap = defaultdict(None) def __init__(self, domain, autoconf=False, basedir=None, cert_path=None): if not basedir: basedir = os.path.join(_preffix, 'leap') self._basedir = os.path.expanduser(basedir) self._domain = domain self._disco = Discovery('https://%s' % domain) self._provider_config = None is_configured = self.is_configured() if not cert_path and is_configured: cert_path = self._get_ca_cert_path() self._http = HTTPClient(cert_path) self._load_provider_json() if not is_configured: if autoconf: self.log.debug( 'BOOTSTRAP: provider %s not initialized, ' 'downloading files...' % domain) self.bootstrap() else: raise NotConfiguredError("Provider %s is not configured" % (domain,)) else: self.log.debug( 'BOOTSTRAP: Provider is already initialized, checking if ' 'there are newest config files...') self.bootstrap(replace_if_newer=True) @property def domain(self): return self._domain @property def api_uri(self): if not self._provider_config: return 'https://api.%s:4430' % self._domain return self._provider_config.api_uri @property def version(self): if not self._provider_config: return 1 return int(self._provider_config.api_version) def is_configured(self): provider_json = self._get_provider_json_path() if not is_file(provider_json): return False if not is_file(self._get_ca_cert_path()): return False return True def config(self, service=None): if not service: if not self._provider_config: self._load_provider_json() return self._provider_config.dict() path = self._get_service_config_path(service) try: with open(path, 'r') as config: config = Record(**json.load(config)) except IOError: raise ValueError("Service " + service + " not found in provider " + self._domain) return config def bootstrap(self, replace_if_newer=False): domain = self._domain self.log.debug('Bootstrapping provider %s' % domain) ongoing = self.ongoing_bootstrap.get(domain) if ongoing: self.log.debug('Already bootstrapping this provider...') self.ongoing_bootstrap[domain].addCallback( self._reload_http_client) return self.first_bootstrap[self._domain] = defer.Deferred() def first_bootstrap_done(ignored): try: self.first_bootstrap[domain].callback('got config') except defer.AlreadyCalledError: pass def first_bootstrap_error(failure): self.first_bootstrap[domain].errback(failure) return failure d = self.maybe_download_provider_info(replace=replace_if_newer) d.addCallback(self.maybe_download_ca_cert) d.addCallback(self.validate_ca_cert) d.addCallbacks(first_bootstrap_done, first_bootstrap_error) d.addCallback(self.maybe_download_services_config) self.ongoing_bootstrap[domain] = d def callWhenMainConfigReady(self, cb, *args, **kw): d = self.first_bootstrap[self._domain] d.addCallback(lambda _: cb(*args, **kw)) return d def callWhenReady(self, cb, *args, **kw): d = self.ongoing_bootstrap[self._domain] d.addCallback(lambda _: cb(*args, **kw)) return d def has_valid_certificate(self): pass def maybe_download_provider_info(self, replace=False): """ Download the provider.json info from the main domain. This SHOULD only be used once with the DOMAIN url. """ # TODO handle pre-seeded providers? # or let client handle that? We could move them to bonafide. provider_json = self._get_provider_json_path() if is_file(provider_json) and not replace: return defer.succeed('provider_info_already_exists') folders, f = os.path.split(provider_json) mkdir_p(folders) uri = self._disco.get_provider_info_uri() met = self._disco.get_provider_info_method() def errback(failure): shutil.rmtree(folders) raise NetworkError(failure.getErrorMessage()) d = httpRequest( self._http._agent, uri, method=met, saveto=provider_json) d.addCallback(lambda _: self._load_provider_json()) d.addErrback(errback) return d def update_provider_info(self): """ Get more recent copy of provider.json from the api URL. """ pass def maybe_download_ca_cert(self, ignored): """ :rtype: deferred """ path = self._get_ca_cert_path() if is_file(path): return defer.succeed('ca_cert_path_already_exists') def errback(failure): raise NetworkError(failure.getErrorMessage()) uri = self._get_ca_cert_uri() mkdir_p(os.path.split(path)[0]) # We don't validate the TLS cert for this connection, # just check the fingerprint of the ca.cert d = downloadPage(uri, path) d.addCallback(self._reload_http_client) d.addErrback(errback) return d def _reload_http_client(self, ret): self._http = HTTPClient(self._get_ca_cert_path()) return ret def validate_ca_cert(self, ignored): expected = self._get_expected_ca_cert_fingerprint() algo, expectedfp = expected.split(':') expectedfp = expectedfp.replace(' ', '') backend = default_backend() with open(self._get_ca_cert_path(), 'r') as f: certstr = f.read() cert = load_pem_x509_certificate(certstr, backend) hasher = getattr(hashes, algo)() fpbytes = cert.fingerprint(hasher) fp = binascii.hexlify(fpbytes) if fp != expectedfp: os.unlink(self._get_ca_cert_path()) self.log.error("Fingerprint of CA cert doesn't match: %s <-> %s" % (fp, expectedfp)) raise NetworkError("The provider's CA fingerprint doesn't match") def _get_expected_ca_cert_fingerprint(self): try: fgp = self._provider_config.ca_cert_fingerprint except AttributeError: fgp = None return fgp # Services config files def has_fetched_services_config(self): return os.path.isfile(self._get_configs_path()) def maybe_download_services_config(self, ignored): # TODO --- currently, some providers (mail.bitmask.net) raise 401 # UNAUTHENTICATED if we try to get the services # See: # https://leap.se/code/issues/7906 def further_bootstrap_needs_auth(ignored): self.log.warn('Cannot download services config yet, need auth') pending_deferred = defer.Deferred() self.stuck_bootstrap[self._domain] = pending_deferred return defer.succeed('ok for now') uri, met, path = self._get_configs_download_params() d = httpRequest( self._http._agent, uri, method=met, saveto=path) d.addCallback(lambda _: self._load_provider_json()) d.addCallback( lambda _: self._get_config_for_all_services(session=None)) d.addErrback(further_bootstrap_needs_auth) return d def download_services_config_with_auth(self, session): def verify_provider_configs(ignored): self._load_provider_configs() return True def complete_bootstrapping(ignored): stuck = self.stuck_bootstrap.get(self._domain, None) if stuck: d = self._get_config_for_all_services(session) d.addCallback(lambda _: stuck.callback('continue!')) return d self._load_provider_json() uri, met, path = self._get_configs_download_params() d = session.fetch_provider_configs(uri, path, met) d.addCallback(verify_provider_configs) d.addCallback(complete_bootstrapping) return d def _get_configs_download_params(self): uri = self._disco.get_configs_uri() met = self._disco.get_configs_method() path = self._get_configs_path() return uri, met, path def offers_service(self, service): if service not in self.SERVICES_MAP.keys(): raise RuntimeError('Unknown service: %s' % service) return service in self._provider_config.services def is_service_enabled(self, service): # TODO implement on some config file return True def has_config_for_service(self, service): has_file = os.path.isfile path = self._get_service_config_path smap = self.SERVICES_MAP result = all([has_file(path(subservice)) for subservice in smap[service]]) return result def has_config_for_all_services(self): self._load_provider_json() if not self._provider_config: return False all_services = self._provider_config.services has_all = all( [self.has_config_for_service(service) for service in all_services]) return has_all def _get_provider_json_path(self): domain = self._domain.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) provider_json_path = os.path.join( self._basedir, get_provider_path(domain, config='provider.json')) return provider_json_path def _get_configs_path(self): domain = self._domain.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) configs_path = os.path.join( self._basedir, get_provider_path(domain, config='configs.json')) return configs_path def _get_service_config_path(self, service): domain = self._domain.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) configs_path = os.path.join( self._basedir, get_provider_path( domain, config='%s-service.json' % service)) return configs_path def _get_ca_cert_path(self): domain = self._domain.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) cert_path = os.path.join(self._basedir, get_ca_cert_path(domain)) return cert_path def _get_ca_cert_uri(self): try: uri = self._provider_config.ca_cert_uri uri = str(uri) except Exception: uri = None return uri def _load_provider_json(self): path = self._get_provider_json_path() if not is_file(path): self.log.debug('cannot LOAD provider config path %s' % path) return with open(path, 'r') as config: self._provider_config = Record(**json.load(config)) api_uri = self._provider_config.api_uri if api_uri: parsed = urlparse(api_uri) self._disco.netloc = parsed.netloc def _get_config_for_all_services(self, session): services_dict = self._load_provider_configs() configs_path = self._get_configs_path() with open(configs_path) as jsonf: services_dict = Record(**json.load(jsonf)).services pending = [] base = self._disco.get_base_uri() for service in self._provider_config.services: if service in self.SERVICES_MAP.keys(): for subservice in self.SERVICES_MAP[service]: uri = base + str(services_dict[subservice]) path = self._get_service_config_path(subservice) if session: d = session.fetch_provider_configs( uri, path, method='GET') else: d = self._fetch_provider_configs_unauthenticated( uri, path, method='GET') pending.append(d) return defer.gatherResults(pending) def _load_provider_configs(self): configs_path = self._get_configs_path() with open(configs_path) as jsonf: services_dict = Record(**json.load(jsonf)).services return services_dict def _fetch_provider_configs_unauthenticated(self, uri, path): self.log.info('Downloading config for %s...' % uri) return httpRequest( self._http._agent, uri, saveto=path) class Record(object): def __init__(self, **kw): self.__dict__.update(kw) def dict(self): return self.__dict__ if __name__ == '__main__': from twisted.internet.task import react def main(reactor, *args): provider = Provider('cdev.bitmask.net', autoconf=True) return provider.callWhenReady(print_done) def print_done(): print '>>> bootstrapping done!!!' react(main, [])