0.9.2 April XY - "Panis et Circenses"

We are pleased to announce the Bitmask 0.9.2 release.  You can refer to `the
changelog`_ for the whole changeset.

In addition to the Encrypted Internet Proxy, the Encrypted Email service is now
available, in Beta state in the Linux bundles. An alpha version for OSX is also
ready. This service can be tested against any LEAP provider that has made it
publicly available.

The "Beta" in the Email service means that things are getting more stable, but
unforeseen issues are still expected to be found, so please use it accordingly.
We need you to test it as hard as you can, and report any bugs that you find,
but don't trust it yet in situations where data loss, delivery problems or any
other errors can put you at risk or otherwise cause major trouble.

Currently we maintain a demo provider for the Mail service at
https://mail.bitmask.net. This provider is already pinned in Bitmask for easy
access when creating a new account from within the wizard.

In the standalone bundles beginning with 0.9.2, we are shipping the Pixelated
Webmail interface. Access via Thunderbird or any other mail client of your
choice is still supported, but we hope that this modern web interface will make
the delights of our users.

The bundles for 0.9.2 include statically compiled binaries for OpenVPN 2.3.10
(compiled against PolarSSL 1.3.9) and GnuPG 1.4.20.

Please help us test Bitmask and file any bug reports here:
https://leap.se/code/projects/report-issues, that will be a great contribution
towards future improvement!

Until the next release, see you on the intertubes, and stay safe.

The Bitmask team.

.. _`the changelog`: https://github.com/leapcode/bitmask_client/blob/0.9.2/CHANGELOG.rst