/* -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ Components.utils.import("resource:///modules/mailServices.js"); Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); Components.utils.import("resource:///modules/hostnameUtils.jsm"); Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/osfile.jsm"); /** * This is the dialog opened by menu File | New account | Mail... . * * It gets the user's realname, email address and password, * and automatically configures the LEAP account from that. * * Steps: * - User enters realname, email address and password * - verify the setup, by trying to login to the configured servers * - let user verify and maybe edit the server names and ports * - If user clicks OK, create the account */ // from http://xyfer.blogspot.com/2005/01/javascript-regexp-email-validator.html var emailRE = /^[-_a-z0-9\'+*$^&%=~!?{}]+(?:\.[-_a-z0-9\'+*$^&%=~!?{}]+)*@(?:[-a-z0-9.]+\.[a-z]{2,6}|\d{1,3}(?:\.\d{1,3}){3})(?::\d+)?$/i; Cu.import("resource:///modules/gloda/log4moz.js"); let gEmailWizardLogger = Log4Moz.getConfiguredLogger("mail.wizard"); var gStringsBundle; var gAccountWizardStringsBundle; var gBrandShortName; function e(elementID) { return document.getElementById(elementID); }; function _hide(id) { e(id).hidden = true; } function _show(id) { e(id).hidden = false; } function _enable(id) { e(id).disabled = false; } function _disable(id) { e(id).disabled = true; } function setText(id, value) { var element = e(id); assert(element, "setText() on non-existant element ID"); if (element.localName == "textbox" || element.localName == "label") { element.value = value; } else if (element.localName == "description") { element.textContent = value; } else { throw new NotReached("XUL element type not supported"); } } function BitmaskAccountWizard() { this._init(); } BitmaskAccountWizard.prototype = { _init : function BitmaskAccountWizard__init() { gEmailWizardLogger.info("Initializing setup wizard"); this._abortable = null; }, onLoad : function() { /** * this._currentConfig is the config we got either from the XML file or * from guessing or from the user. Unless it's from the user, it contains * placeholders like %EMAILLOCALPART% in username and other fields. * * The config here must retain these placeholders, to be able to * adapt when the user enters a different realname, or password or * email local part. (A change of the domain name will trigger a new * detection anyways.) * That means, before you actually use the config (e.g. to create an * account or to show it to the user), you need to run replaceVariables(). */ this._currentConfig = null; let userFullname; try { let userInfo = Cc["@mozilla.org/userinfo;1"].getService(Ci.nsIUserInfo); userFullname = userInfo.fullname; } catch(e) { // nsIUserInfo may not be implemented on all platforms, and name might // not be avaialble even if it is. } this._domain = ""; this._email = ""; this._realname = (userFullname) ? userFullname : ""; e("realname").value = this._realname; this._password = ""; this._okCallback = null; if (window.arguments && window.arguments[0]) { if (window.arguments[0].msgWindow) { this._parentMsgWindow = window.arguments[0].msgWindow; } if (window.arguments[0].okCallback) { this._okCallback = window.arguments[0].okCallback; } } gEmailWizardLogger.info("Email account setup dialog loaded."); gStringsBundle = e("accountCreationStrings"); gAccountWizardStringsBundle = e("accountWizardStrings"); gBrandShortName = e("bundle_brand").getString("brandShortName"); // First, unhide the main window areas, and store the width, // so that we don't resize wildly when we unhide areas. // switchToMode() will then hide the unneeded parts again. // We will add some leeway of 10px, in case some of the s wrap, // e.g. outgoing username != incoming username. _show("status_area"); _show("result_area"); window.sizeToContent(); e("mastervbox").setAttribute("style", "min-width: " + document.width + "px; " + "min-height: " + (document.height + 10) + "px;"); this.switchToMode("start"); e("realname").focus(); }, /** * Changes the window configuration to the different modes we have. * Shows/hides various window parts and buttons. * @param modename {String-enum} * "start" : Just the realname, email address, password fields * "result" : We found a config and display it to the user. * The user may create the account. */ switchToMode : function(modename) { if (modename == this._currentModename) { return; } this._currentModename = modename; gEmailWizardLogger.info("switching to UI mode " + modename) //_show("initialSettings"); always visible //_show("cancel_button"); always visible if (modename == "start") { _hide("status_area"); _hide("result_area"); _show("next_button"); _disable("next_button"); // will be enabled by code _hide("create_button"); } else if (modename == "result") { _show("status_area"); _show("result_area"); _hide("next_button"); _show("create_button"); _enable("create_button"); } else { throw new NotReached("unknown mode"); } window.sizeToContent(); }, /** * Start from beginning with possibly new email address. */ onStartOver : function() { if (this._abortable) { this.onStop(); } this.switchToMode("start"); }, getConcreteConfig : function() { var result = this._currentConfig.copy(); replaceVariables(result, this._realname, this._email, this._password); result.rememberPassword = true; return result; }, /** * Get the IMAP an SMTP passwords from the bitmask_tokens file * * if the file doesn't exist we'll use a dummy password to provide * support for bitmask < 0.9.2 */ getPasswordsFromFile : function() { let path = OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.tmpDir, "bitmask_tokens", this._email + ".json"); let file_promise = OS.File.read(path); file_promise.then(data => { let decoder = new TextDecoder(); this._password = JSON.parse(decoder.decode(data))["mail_auth"]; }, ex => { // error reading this._password = "123"; }); return file_promise; }, /* * This checks if the email address is at least possibly valid, meaning it * has an '@' before the last char. */ validateEmailMinimally : function(emailAddr) { let atPos = emailAddr.lastIndexOf("@"); return atPos > 0 && atPos + 1 < emailAddr.length; }, /* * This checks if the email address is syntactically valid, * as far as we can determine. We try hard to make full checks. * * OTOH, we have a very small chance of false negatives, * because the RFC822 address spec is insanely complicated, * but rarely needed, so when this here fails, we show an error message, * but don't stop the user from continuing. * In contrast, if validateEmailMinimally() fails, we stop the user. */ validateEmail : function(emailAddr) { return emailRE.test(emailAddr); }, /** * onInputEmail and onInputRealname are called on input = keypresses, and * enable/disable the next button based on whether there's a semi-proper * e-mail address and non-blank realname to start with. * * A change to the email address also automatically restarts the * whole process. */ onInputEmail : function() { this._email = e("email").value; this.onStartOver(); this.checkStartDone(); }, onInputRealname : function() { this._realname = e("realname").value; this.checkStartDone(); }, /** * This does very little other than to check that a name was entered at all * Since this is such an insignificant test we should be using a very light * or even jovial warning. */ onBlurRealname : function() { let realnameEl = e("realname"); if (this._realname) { this.clearError("nameerror"); _show("nametext"); realnameEl.removeAttribute("error"); // bug 638790: don't show realname error until user enter an email address } else if (this.validateEmailMinimally(this._email)) { _hide("nametext"); this.setError("nameerror", "please_enter_name"); realnameEl.setAttribute("error", "true"); } }, /** * This check is only done as an informative warning. * We don't want to block the person, if they've entered an email address * that doesn't conform to our regex. */ onBlurEmail : function() { if (!this._email) { return; } var emailEl = e("email"); if (this.validateEmail(this._email)) { this.clearError("emailerror"); emailEl.removeAttribute("error"); this.onBlurRealname(); } else { this.setError("emailerror", "double_check_email"); emailEl.setAttribute("error", "true"); } }, /** * @see onBlurPassword() */ onFocusPassword : function() { e("password").type = "password"; }, /** * Check whether the user entered the minimum of information * needed to leave the "start" mode (entering of name, email, pw) * and is allowed to proceed to detection step. */ checkStartDone : function() { if (this.validateEmailMinimally(this._email) && this._realname) { this._domain = this._email.split("@")[1].toLowerCase(); _enable("next_button"); } else { _disable("next_button"); } }, /** * When the [Continue] button is clicked, we move from the initial account * information stage to using that information to configure account details. */ onNext : function() { let promise = this.getPasswordsFromFile(); promise.then(none => { this.fillConfig(this._domain, this._email); }) .catch(Components.utils.reportError); return promise; }, fillConfig : function(domain, email) { var config = new AccountConfig(); this._prefillConfig(config); config.source = AccountConfig.kSourceXML; // TODO: change kSource type? config.incoming.hostname = IMAP_HOST; config.incoming.username = config.identity.emailAddress; config.outgoing.username = config.identity.emailAddress; config.incoming.type = "imap"; config.incoming.port = IMAP_PORT; // Values for socketType are: // 1 - plain // 2 - SSL / TLS // 3 - STARTTLS config.incoming.socketType = 1; config.incoming.auth = Ci.nsMsgAuthMethod.passwordCleartext; config.outgoing.hostname = SMTP_HOST; config.outgoing.socketType = 1; config.outgoing.port = SMTP_PORT; config.outgoing.auth = Ci.nsMsgAuthMethod.passwordCleartext; this.foundConfig(config); }, /** * When findConfig() was successful, it calls this. * This displays the config to the user. */ foundConfig : function(config) { gEmailWizardLogger.info("foundConfig()"); assert(config instanceof AccountConfig, "BUG: Arg 'config' needs to be an AccountConfig object"); this._haveValidConfigForDomain = this._email.split("@")[1];; if (!this._realname || !this._email) { return; } this._foundConfig2(config); }, // Continuation of foundConfig2() after custom fields. _foundConfig2 : function(config) { this.displayConfigResult(config); }, /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // status area startSpinner : function(actionStrName) { e("status_area").setAttribute("status", "loading"); gEmailWizardLogger.warn("spinner start " + actionStrName); this._showStatusTitle(actionStrName, gStringsBundle); }, stopSpinner : function(actionStrName) { e("status_area").setAttribute("status", "result"); _hide("stop_button"); this._showStatusTitle(actionStrName, gStringsBundle); gEmailWizardLogger.warn("all spinner stop " + actionStrName); }, showErrorStatus : function(actionStrName) { e("status_area").setAttribute("status", "error"); gEmailWizardLogger.warn("status error " + actionStrName); this._showStatusTitle(actionStrName, gAccountWizardStringsBundle); }, _showStatusTitle : function(msgName, bundle) { let msg = " "; // assure height. Do via min-height in CSS, for 2 lines? try { if (msgName) { msg = bundle.getFormattedString(msgName, [gBrandShortName]); } } catch(ex) { gEmailWizardLogger.error("missing string for " + msgName); msg = msgName + " (missing string in translation!)"; } e("status_msg").textContent = msg; gEmailWizardLogger.info("status msg: " + msg); }, ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Result area /** * Displays a (probed) config to the user, * in the result config details area. * * @param config {AccountConfig} The config to present to user */ displayConfigResult : function(config) { assert(config instanceof AccountConfig); this._currentConfig = config; var configFilledIn = this.getConcreteConfig(); var unknownString = gStringsBundle.getString("resultUnknown"); function _makeHostDisplayString(server, stringName) { let type = gStringsBundle.getString(sanitize.translate(server.type, { imap : "resultIMAP", pop3 : "resultPOP3", smtp : "resultSMTP" }), unknownString); let host = server.hostname + (isStandardPort(server.port) ? "" : ":" + server.port); //let ssl = gStringsBundle.getString(sanitize.translate(server.socketType, // { 1 : "resultNoEncryption", 2 : "resultSSL", 3 : "resultSTARTTLS" }), // unknownString); //let certStatus = gStringsBundle.getString(server.badCert ? // "resultSSLCertWeak" : "resultSSLCertOK"); return gAccountWizardStringsBundle.getFormattedString(stringName, [ type, host ]); }; var incomingResult = unknownString; if (configFilledIn.incoming.hostname) { incomingResult = _makeHostDisplayString(configFilledIn.incoming, "resultIncoming"); } var outgoingResult = unknownString; if (!config.outgoing.existingServerKey) { if (configFilledIn.outgoing.hostname) { outgoingResult = _makeHostDisplayString(configFilledIn.outgoing, "resultOutgoing"); } } else { outgoingResult = gStringsBundle.getString("resultOutgoingExisting"); } var usernameResult; if (configFilledIn.incoming.username == configFilledIn.outgoing.username) { usernameResult = gStringsBundle.getFormattedString("resultUsernameBoth", [ configFilledIn.incoming.username || unknownString ]); } else { usernameResult = gStringsBundle.getFormattedString( "resultUsernameDifferent", [ configFilledIn.incoming.username || unknownString, configFilledIn.outgoing.username || unknownString ]); } setText("result-incoming", incomingResult); setText("result-outgoing", outgoingResult); setText("result-username", usernameResult); gEmailWizardLogger.info(debugObject(config, "config")); // IMAP / POP dropdown var lookForAltType = config.incoming.type == "imap" ? "pop3" : "imap"; var alternative = null; for (let i = 0; i < config.incomingAlternatives.length; i++) { let alt = config.incomingAlternatives[i]; if (alt.type == lookForAltType) { alternative = alt; break; } } if (alternative) { _show("result_imappop"); e("result_select_" + alternative.type).configIncoming = alternative; e("result_select_" + config.incoming.type).configIncoming = config.incoming; e("result_imappop").value = config.incoming.type == "imap" ? 1 : 2; } else { _hide("result_imappop"); } this.switchToMode("result"); }, onInputUsername : function() { this.onChangedManualEdit(); }, onInputHostname : function() { this.onChangedManualEdit(); }, ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // UI helper functions _prefillConfig : function(initialConfig) { var emailsplit = this._email.split("@"); assert(emailsplit.length > 1); var emaillocal = sanitize.nonemptystring(emailsplit[0]); initialConfig.incoming.username = emaillocal; initialConfig.outgoing.username = SMTP_USER; return initialConfig; }, clearError : function(which) { _hide(which); _hide(which + "icon"); e(which).textContent = ""; }, setError : function(which, msg_name) { try { _show(which); _show(which + "icon"); e(which).textContent = gStringsBundle.getString(msg_name); window.sizeToContent(); } catch (ex) { alertPrompt("missing error string", msg_name); } }, ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Finish & dialog close functions onKeyDown : function(event) { let key = event.keyCode; if (key == 27) { // Escape key this.onCancel(); return true; } if (key == 13) { // OK key let buttons = [ { id: "next_button", action: makeCallback(this, this.onNext) }, { id: "create_button", action: makeCallback(this, this.onCreate) }, ]; for each (let button in buttons) { button.e = e(button.id); if (button.e.hidden || button.e.disabled) { continue; } button.action(); return true; } } return false; }, onCancel : function() { window.close(); // The window onclose handler will call onWizardShutdown for us. }, onWizardShutdown : function() { if (this._abortable) { this._abortable.cancel(new UserCancelledException()); } if (this._okCallback) { this._okCallback(); } gEmailWizardLogger.info("Shutting down email config dialog"); }, onCreate : function() { try { gEmailWizardLogger.info("Create button clicked"); this.validateAndFinish(); } catch (ex) { gEmailWizardLogger.error("Error creating account. ex=" + ex + ", stack=" + ex.stack); alertPrompt(gStringsBundle.getString("error_creating_account"), ex); } }, // called by onCreate() validateAndFinish : function() { var configFilledIn = this.getConcreteConfig(); if (checkIncomingServerAlreadyExists(configFilledIn)) { alertPrompt(gStringsBundle.getString("error_creating_account"), gStringsBundle.getString("incoming_server_exists")); return; } if (configFilledIn.outgoing.addThisServer) { let existingServer = checkOutgoingServerAlreadyExists(configFilledIn); if (existingServer) { configFilledIn.outgoing.addThisServer = false; configFilledIn.outgoing.existingServerKey = existingServer.key; } } // TODO use a UI mode (switchToMode()) for verfication, too. // But we need to go back to the previous mode, because we might be in // "result" or "manual-edit-complete" mode. _disable("create_button"); // no stop button: backend has no ability to stop :-( var self = this; this.startSpinner("checking_password"); // logic function defined in verifyConfig.js verifyConfig( configFilledIn, // guess login config? configFilledIn.source != AccountConfig.kSourceXML, // TODO Instead, the following line would be correct, but I cannot use it, // because some other code doesn't adhere to the expectations/specs. // Find out what it was and fix it. //concreteConfig.source == AccountConfig.kSourceGuess, this._parentMsgWindow, function(successfulConfig) // success { self.stopSpinner(successfulConfig.incoming.password ? "password_ok" : null); // the auth might have changed, so we // should back-port it to the current config. self._currentConfig.incoming.auth = successfulConfig.incoming.auth; self._currentConfig.outgoing.auth = successfulConfig.outgoing.auth; self._currentConfig.incoming.username = successfulConfig.incoming.username; self._currentConfig.outgoing.username = successfulConfig.outgoing.username; self.finish(); }, function(e) // failed { self.showErrorStatus("config_unverifiable"); // TODO bug 555448: wrong error msg, there may be a 1000 other // reasons why this failed, and this is misleading users. //self.setError("passworderror", "user_pass_invalid"); // TODO use switchToMode(), see above // give user something to proceed after fixing _enable("create_button"); }); }, finish : function() { gEmailWizardLogger.info("creating account in backend"); createAccountInBackend(this.getConcreteConfig()); window.close(); }, }; var gBitmaskAccountWizard = new BitmaskAccountWizard(); var _gStandardPorts = {}; _gStandardPorts["imap"] = [ 143, 993 ]; _gStandardPorts["pop3"] = [ 110, 995 ]; _gStandardPorts["smtp"] = [ 587, 25, 465 ]; // order matters var _gAllStandardPorts = _gStandardPorts["smtp"] .concat(_gStandardPorts["imap"]).concat(_gStandardPorts["pop3"]); function isStandardPort(port) { return _gAllStandardPorts.indexOf(port) != -1; } function getStandardPorts(protocolType) { return _gStandardPorts[protocolType]; }