path: root/keymanager/src/leap/keymanager/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 881 deletions
diff --git a/keymanager/src/leap/keymanager/ b/keymanager/src/leap/keymanager/
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index 31c13df..0000000
--- a/keymanager/src/leap/keymanager/
+++ /dev/null
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-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2013-2016 LEAP
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <>.
-Infrastructure for using OpenPGP keys in Key Manager.
-import logging
-import os
-import re
-import tempfile
-import traceback
-import io
-from datetime import datetime
-from multiprocessing import cpu_count
-from gnupg.gnupg import GPGUtilities
-from twisted.internet import defer
-from twisted.internet.threads import deferToThread
-from leap.common.check import leap_assert, leap_assert_type, leap_check
-from leap.keymanager import errors
-from leap.keymanager.wrapper import TempGPGWrapper
-from leap.keymanager.keys import (
- OpenPGPKey,
- is_address,
- parse_address,
- build_key_from_dict,
-from leap.keymanager.documents import (
- init_indexes,
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-# A temporary GPG keyring wrapped to provide OpenPGP functionality.
-# This function will be used to call blocking GPG functions outside
-# of Twisted reactor and match the concurrent calls to the amount of CPU cores
-cpu_core_semaphore = defer.DeferredSemaphore(cpu_count())
-def from_thread(func, *args, **kwargs):
- call = lambda: deferToThread(func, *args, **kwargs)
- return
-# The OpenPGP wrapper
-class OpenPGPScheme(object):
- """
- A wrapper for OpenPGP keys management and use (encryption, decyption,
- signing and verification).
- """
- # type used on the soledad documents
- KEY_TYPE = OpenPGPKey.__name__
- def __init__(self, soledad, gpgbinary=None):
- """
- Initialize the OpenPGP wrapper.
- :param soledad: A Soledad instance for key storage.
- :type soledad: leap.soledad.Soledad
- :param gpgbinary: Name for GnuPG binary executable.
- :type gpgbinary: C{str}
- """
- self._soledad = soledad
- self._gpgbinary = gpgbinary
- self.deferred_init = init_indexes(soledad)
- self.deferred_init.addCallback(self._migrate_documents_schema)
- self._wait_indexes("get_key", "put_key", "get_all_keys")
- def _migrate_documents_schema(self, _):
- from leap.keymanager.migrator import KeyDocumentsMigrator
- migrator = KeyDocumentsMigrator(self._soledad)
- return migrator.migrate()
- def _wait_indexes(self, *methods):
- """
- Methods that need to wait for the indexes to be ready.
- Heavily based on
- :param methods: methods that need to wait for the indexes to be ready
- :type methods: tuple(str)
- """
- self.waiting = []
- self.stored = {}
- def restore(_):
- for method in self.stored:
- setattr(self, method, self.stored[method])
- for d in self.waiting:
- d.callback(None)
- def makeWrapper(method):
- def wrapper(*args, **kw):
- d = defer.Deferred()
- d.addCallback(lambda _: self.stored[method](*args, **kw))
- self.waiting.append(d)
- return d
- return wrapper
- for method in methods:
- self.stored[method] = getattr(self, method)
- setattr(self, method, makeWrapper(method))
- self.deferred_init.addCallback(restore)
- #
- # Keys management
- #
- def gen_key(self, address):
- """
- Generate an OpenPGP keypair bound to C{address}.
- :param address: The address bound to the key.
- :type address: str
- :return: A Deferred which fires with the key bound to address, or fails
- with KeyAlreadyExists if key already exists in local database.
- :rtype: Deferred
- """
- # make sure the key does not already exist
- leap_assert(is_address(address), 'Not an user address: %s' % address)
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def _gen_key(_):
- with TempGPGWrapper(gpgbinary=self._gpgbinary) as gpg:
- # TODO: inspect result, or use decorator
- params = gpg.gen_key_input(
- key_type='RSA',
- key_length=4096,
- name_real=address,
- name_email=address,
- name_comment='')
-"About to generate keys... "
- "This might take SOME time.")
- yield from_thread(gpg.gen_key, params)
-"Keys for %s have been successfully "
- "generated." % (address,))
- pubkeys = gpg.list_keys()
- # assert for new key characteristics
- leap_assert(
- len(pubkeys) is 1, # a unitary keyring!
- 'Keyring has wrong number of keys: %d.' % len(pubkeys))
- key = gpg.list_keys(secret=True).pop()
- leap_assert(
- len(key['uids']) is 1, # with just one uid!
- 'Wrong number of uids for key: %d.' % len(key['uids']))
- uid_match = False
- for uid in key['uids']:
- if re.match('.*<%s>$' % address, uid) is not None:
- uid_match = True
- break
- leap_assert(uid_match, 'Key not correctly bound to address.')
- # insert both public and private keys in storage
- deferreds = []
- for secret in [True, False]:
- key = gpg.list_keys(secret=secret).pop()
- openpgp_key = self._build_key_from_gpg(
- key,
- gpg.export_keys(key['fingerprint'], secret=secret),
- address)
- d = self.put_key(openpgp_key)
- deferreds.append(d)
- yield defer.gatherResults(deferreds)
- def key_already_exists(_):
- raise errors.KeyAlreadyExists(address)
- d = self.get_key(address)
- d.addCallbacks(key_already_exists, _gen_key)
- d.addCallback(lambda _: self.get_key(address, private=True))
- return d
- def get_key(self, address, private=False):
- """
- Get key bound to C{address} from local storage.
- :param address: The address bound to the key.
- :type address: str
- :param private: Look for a private key instead of a public one?
- :type private: bool
- :return: A Deferred which fires with the OpenPGPKey bound to address,
- or which fails with KeyNotFound if the key was not found on
- local storage.
- :rtype: Deferred
- """
- address = parse_address(address)
- def build_key((keydoc, activedoc)):
- if keydoc is None:
- raise errors.KeyNotFound(address)
- leap_assert(
- address in keydoc.content[KEY_UIDS_KEY],
- 'Wrong address in key %s. Expected %s, found %s.'
- % (keydoc.content[KEY_FINGERPRINT_KEY], address,
- keydoc.content[KEY_UIDS_KEY]))
- key = build_key_from_dict(keydoc.content, activedoc.content)
- key._gpgbinary = self._gpgbinary
- return key
- d = self._get_key_doc(address, private)
- d.addCallback(build_key)
- return d
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def get_all_keys(self, private=False):
- """
- Return all keys stored in local database.
- :param private: Include private keys
- :type private: bool
- :return: A Deferred which fires with a list of all keys in local db.
- :rtype: Deferred
- """
- HAS_ACTIVE = "has_active"
- active_docs = yield self._soledad.get_from_index(
- '1' if private else '0')
- key_docs = yield self._soledad.get_from_index(
- '1' if private else '0')
- keys = []
- fp = lambda doc: doc.content[KEY_FINGERPRINT_KEY]
- for active in active_docs:
- fp_keys = filter(lambda k: fp(k) == fp(active), key_docs)
- if len(fp_keys) == 0:
- yield self._soledad.delete_doc(active)
- continue
- elif len(fp_keys) == 1:
- key = fp_keys[0]
- else:
- key = yield self._repair_key_docs(fp_keys)
- key.content[HAS_ACTIVE] = True
- keys.append(build_key_from_dict(key.content, active.content))
- unactive_keys = filter(lambda k: HAS_ACTIVE not in k.content, key_docs)
- keys += map(lambda k: build_key_from_dict(k.content), unactive_keys)
- defer.returnValue(keys)
- def parse_key(self, key_data, address=None):
- """
- Parses a key (or key pair) data and returns
- the OpenPGPKey keys.
- :param key_data: the key data to be parsed.
- :type key_data: str or unicode
- :param address: Active address for the key.
- :type address: str
- :returns: the public key and private key (if applies) for that data.
- :rtype: (public, private) -> tuple(OpenPGPKey, OpenPGPKey)
- the tuple may have one or both components None
- """
- leap_assert_type(key_data, (str, unicode))
- # TODO: add more checks for correct key data.
- leap_assert(key_data is not None, 'Data does not represent a key.')
- priv_info, privkey = process_key(
- key_data, self._gpgbinary, secret=True)
- pub_info, pubkey = process_key(
- key_data, self._gpgbinary, secret=False)
- if not pubkey:
- return (None, None)
- openpgp_privkey = None
- if privkey:
- # build private key
- openpgp_privkey = self._build_key_from_gpg(priv_info, privkey,
- address)
- leap_check(pub_info['fingerprint'] == priv_info['fingerprint'],
- 'Fingerprints for public and private key differ.',
- errors.KeyFingerprintMismatch)
- # build public key
- openpgp_pubkey = self._build_key_from_gpg(pub_info, pubkey, address)
- return (openpgp_pubkey, openpgp_privkey)
- def put_raw_key(self, key_data, address):
- """
- Put key contained in C{key_data} in local storage.
- :param key_data: The key data to be stored.
- :type key_data: str or unicode
- :param address: address for which this key will be active
- :type address: str
- :return: A Deferred which fires when the OpenPGPKey is in the storage.
- :rtype: Deferred
- """
- leap_assert_type(key_data, (str, unicode))
- openpgp_privkey = None
- try:
- openpgp_pubkey, openpgp_privkey = self.parse_key(
- key_data, address)
- except (errors.KeyAddressMismatch, errors.KeyFingerprintMismatch) as e:
- return
- def put_key(_, key):
- return self.put_key(key)
- d = defer.succeed(None)
- if openpgp_pubkey is not None:
- d.addCallback(put_key, openpgp_pubkey)
- if openpgp_privkey is not None:
- d.addCallback(put_key, openpgp_privkey)
- return d
- def put_key(self, key):
- """
- Put C{key} in local storage.
- :param key: The key to be stored.
- :type key: OpenPGPKey
- :return: A Deferred which fires when the key is in the storage.
- :rtype: Deferred
- """
- def merge_and_put((keydoc, activedoc)):
- if not keydoc:
- return put_new_key(activedoc)
- active_content = None
- if activedoc:
- active_content = activedoc.content
- oldkey = build_key_from_dict(keydoc.content, active_content)
- key.merge(oldkey)
- keydoc.set_json(key.get_json())
- d = self._soledad.put_doc(keydoc)
- d.addCallback(put_active, activedoc)
- return d
- def put_new_key(activedoc):
- deferreds = []
- if activedoc:
- d = self._soledad.delete_doc(activedoc)
- deferreds.append(d)
- for json in [key.get_json(), key.get_active_json()]:
- d = self._soledad.create_doc_from_json(json)
- deferreds.append(d)
- return defer.gatherResults(deferreds)
- def put_active(_, activedoc):
- active_json = key.get_active_json()
- if activedoc:
- activedoc.set_json(active_json)
- d = self._soledad.put_doc(activedoc)
- else:
- d = self._soledad.create_doc_from_json(active_json)
- return d
- def get_active_doc(keydoc):
- d = self._get_active_doc_from_address(key.address, key.private)
- d.addCallback(lambda activedoc: (keydoc, activedoc))
- return d
- d = self._get_key_doc_from_fingerprint(key.fingerprint, key.private)
- d.addCallback(get_active_doc)
- d.addCallback(merge_and_put)
- return d
- def _get_key_doc(self, address, private=False):
- """
- Get the document with a key (public, by default) bound to C{address}.
- If C{private} is True, looks for a private key instead of a public.
- :param address: The address bound to the key.
- :type address: str
- :param private: Whether to look for a private key.
- :type private: bool
- :return: A Deferred which fires with a touple of two SoledadDocument
- (keydoc, activedoc) or None if it does not exist.
- :rtype: Deferred
- """
- def get_key_from_active_doc(activedoc):
- if not activedoc:
- return (None, None)
- fingerprint = activedoc.content[KEY_FINGERPRINT_KEY]
- d = self._get_key_doc_from_fingerprint(fingerprint, private)
- d.addCallback(delete_active_if_no_key, activedoc)
- return d
- def delete_active_if_no_key(keydoc, activedoc):
- if not keydoc:
- d = self._soledad.delete_doc(activedoc)
- d.addCallback(lambda _: (None, None))
- return d
- return (keydoc, activedoc)
- d = self._get_active_doc_from_address(address, private)
- d.addCallback(get_key_from_active_doc)
- return d
- def _build_key_from_gpg(self, key, key_data, address=None):
- """
- Build an OpenPGPKey for C{address} based on C{key} from
- local gpg storage.
- GPG key data has to be queried independently in this
- wrapper, so we receive it in C{key_data}.
- :param address: Active address for the key.
- :type address: str
- :param key: Key obtained from GPG storage.
- :type key: dict
- :param key_data: Key data obtained from GPG storage.
- :type key_data: str
- :return: An instance of the key.
- :rtype: OpenPGPKey
- """
- return build_gpg_key(key, key_data, address, self._gpgbinary)
- def delete_key(self, key):
- """
- Remove C{key} from storage.
- :param key: The key to be removed.
- :type key: EncryptionKey
- :return: A Deferred which fires when the key is deleted, or which
- fails with KeyNotFound if the key was not found on local
- storage.
- :rtype: Deferred
- """
- leap_assert_type(key, OpenPGPKey)
- def delete_docs(activedocs):
- deferreds = []
- for doc in activedocs:
- d = self._soledad.delete_doc(doc)
- deferreds.append(d)
- return defer.gatherResults(deferreds)
- def get_key_docs(_):
- return self._soledad.get_from_index(
- self.KEY_TYPE,
- key.fingerprint,
- '1' if key.private else '0')
- def delete_key(docs):
- if len(docs) == 0:
- raise errors.KeyNotFound(key)
- elif len(docs) > 1:
- logger.warning("There is more than one key for fingerprint %s"
- % key.fingerprint)
- has_deleted = False
- deferreds = []
- for doc in docs:
- if doc.content['fingerprint'] == key.fingerprint:
- d = self._soledad.delete_doc(doc)
- deferreds.append(d)
- has_deleted = True
- if not has_deleted:
- raise errors.KeyNotFound(key)
- return defer.gatherResults(deferreds)
- d = self._soledad.get_from_index(
- key.fingerprint,
- '1' if key.private else '0')
- d.addCallback(delete_docs)
- d.addCallback(get_key_docs)
- d.addCallback(delete_key)
- return d
- #
- # Data encryption, decryption, signing and verifying
- #
- @staticmethod
- def _assert_gpg_result_ok(result):
- """
- Check if GPG result is 'ok' and log stderr outputs.
- :param result: GPG results, which have a field calld 'ok' that states
- whether the gpg operation was successful or not.
- :type result: object
- :raise GPGError: Raised when the gpg operation was not successful.
- """
- stderr = getattr(result, 'stderr', None)
- if stderr:
- logger.debug("%s" % (stderr,))
- if getattr(result, 'ok', None) is not True:
- raise errors.GPGError(
- 'Failed to encrypt/decrypt: %s' % stderr)
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def encrypt(self, data, pubkey, passphrase=None, sign=None,
- cipher_algo='AES256'):
- """
- Encrypt C{data} using public @{pubkey} and sign with C{sign} key.
- :param data: The data to be encrypted.
- :type data: str
- :param pubkey: The key used to encrypt.
- :type pubkey: OpenPGPKey
- :param sign: The key used for signing.
- :type sign: OpenPGPKey
- :param cipher_algo: The cipher algorithm to use.
- :type cipher_algo: str
- :return: A Deferred that will be fired with the encrypted data.
- :rtype: defer.Deferred
- :raise EncryptError: Raised if failed encrypting for some reason.
- """
- leap_assert_type(pubkey, OpenPGPKey)
- leap_assert(pubkey.private is False, 'Key is not public.')
- keys = [pubkey]
- if sign is not None:
- leap_assert_type(sign, OpenPGPKey)
- leap_assert(sign.private is True)
- keys.append(sign)
- with TempGPGWrapper(keys, self._gpgbinary) as gpg:
- result = yield from_thread(
- gpg.encrypt,
- data, pubkey.fingerprint,
- default_key=sign.fingerprint if sign else None,
- passphrase=passphrase, symmetric=False,
- cipher_algo=cipher_algo)
- # Here we cannot assert for correctness of sig because the sig is
- # in the ciphertext.
- # result.ok - (bool) indicates if the operation succeeded
- # - (bool) contains the result of the operation
- try:
- self._assert_gpg_result_ok(result)
- defer.returnValue(
- except errors.GPGError as e:
- logger.warning('Failed to encrypt: %s.' % str(e))
- raise errors.EncryptError()
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def decrypt(self, data, privkey, passphrase=None, verify=None):
- """
- Decrypt C{data} using private @{privkey} and verify with C{verify} key.
- :param data: The data to be decrypted.
- :type data: str
- :param privkey: The key used to decrypt.
- :type privkey: OpenPGPKey
- :param passphrase: The passphrase for the secret key used for
- decryption.
- :type passphrase: str
- :param verify: The key used to verify a signature.
- :type verify: OpenPGPKey
- :return: Deferred that will fire with the decrypted data and
- if signature verifies (unicode, bool)
- :rtype: Deferred
- :raise DecryptError: Raised if failed decrypting for some reason.
- """
- leap_assert(privkey.private is True, 'Key is not private.')
- keys = [privkey]
- if verify is not None:
- leap_assert_type(verify, OpenPGPKey)
- leap_assert(verify.private is False)
- keys.append(verify)
- with TempGPGWrapper(keys, self._gpgbinary) as gpg:
- try:
- result = yield from_thread(gpg.decrypt,
- data, passphrase=passphrase,
- always_trust=True)
- self._assert_gpg_result_ok(result)
- # verify signature
- sign_valid = False
- if (verify is not None and
- result.valid is True and
- verify.fingerprint == result.pubkey_fingerprint):
- sign_valid = True
- defer.returnValue((, sign_valid))
- except errors.GPGError as e:
- logger.warning('Failed to decrypt: %s.' % str(e))
- raise errors.DecryptError(str(e))
- def is_encrypted(self, data):
- """
- Return whether C{data} was asymmetrically encrypted using OpenPGP.
- :param data: The data we want to know about.
- :type data: str
- :return: Whether C{data} was encrypted using this wrapper.
- :rtype: bool
- """
- with TempGPGWrapper(gpgbinary=self._gpgbinary) as gpg:
- gpgutil = GPGUtilities(gpg)
- return gpgutil.is_encrypted_asym(data)
- def sign(self, data, privkey, digest_algo='SHA512', clearsign=False,
- detach=True, binary=False):
- """
- Sign C{data} with C{privkey}.
- :param data: The data to be signed.
- :type data: str
- :param privkey: The private key to be used to sign.
- :type privkey: OpenPGPKey
- :param digest_algo: The hash digest to use.
- :type digest_algo: str
- :param clearsign: If True, create a cleartext signature.
- :type clearsign: bool
- :param detach: If True, create a detached signature.
- :type detach: bool
- :param binary: If True, do not ascii armour the output.
- :type binary: bool
- :return: The ascii-armored signed data.
- :rtype: str
- """
- leap_assert_type(privkey, OpenPGPKey)
- leap_assert(privkey.private is True)
- # result.fingerprint - contains the fingerprint of the key used to
- # sign.
- with TempGPGWrapper(privkey, self._gpgbinary) as gpg:
- result = gpg.sign(data, default_key=privkey.fingerprint,
- digest_algo=digest_algo, clearsign=clearsign,
- detach=detach, binary=binary)
- rfprint = privkey.fingerprint
- privkey = gpg.list_keys(secret=True).pop()
- kfprint = privkey['fingerprint']
- if result.fingerprint is None:
- raise errors.SignFailed(
- 'Failed to sign with key %s: %s' %
- (privkey['fingerprint'], result.stderr))
- leap_assert(
- result.fingerprint == kfprint,
- 'Signature and private key fingerprints mismatch: '
- '%s != %s' % (rfprint, kfprint))
- return
- def verify(self, data, pubkey, detached_sig=None):
- """
- Verify signed C{data} with C{pubkey}, eventually using
- C{detached_sig}.
- :param data: The data to be verified.
- :type data: str
- :param pubkey: The public key to be used on verification.
- :type pubkey: OpenPGPKey
- :param detached_sig: A detached signature. If given, C{data} is
- verified against this detached signature.
- :type detached_sig: str
- :return: signature matches
- :rtype: bool
- """
- leap_assert_type(pubkey, OpenPGPKey)
- leap_assert(pubkey.private is False)
- with TempGPGWrapper(pubkey, self._gpgbinary) as gpg:
- result = None
- if detached_sig is None:
- result = gpg.verify(data)
- else:
- # to verify using a detached sig we have to use
- # gpg.verify_file(), which receives the data as a binary
- # stream and the name of a file containing the signature.
- sf, sfname = tempfile.mkstemp()
- with os.fdopen(sf, 'w') as sfd:
- sfd.write(detached_sig)
- result = gpg.verify_file(io.BytesIO(data), sig_file=sfname)
- os.unlink(sfname)
- gpgpubkey = gpg.list_keys().pop()
- valid = result.valid
- rfprint = result.fingerprint
- kfprint = gpgpubkey['fingerprint']
- return valid and rfprint == kfprint
- def _get_active_doc_from_address(self, address, private):
- d = self._soledad.get_from_index(
- address,
- '1' if private else '0')
- d.addCallback(self._repair_and_get_doc, self._repair_active_docs)
- d.addCallback(self._check_version)
- return d
- def _get_key_doc_from_fingerprint(self, fingerprint, private):
- d = self._soledad.get_from_index(
- self.KEY_TYPE,
- fingerprint,
- '1' if private else '0')
- d.addCallback(self._repair_and_get_doc, self._repair_key_docs)
- d.addCallback(self._check_version)
- return d
- def _repair_and_get_doc(self, doclist, repair_func):
- if len(doclist) is 0:
- return None
- elif len(doclist) > 1:
- return repair_func(doclist)
- return doclist[0]
- def _check_version(self, doc):
- if doc is not None:
- version = doc.content[KEY_VERSION_KEY]
- raise errors.KeyVersionError(str(version))
- return doc
- def _repair_key_docs(self, doclist):
- """
- If there is more than one key for a key id try to self-repair it
- :return: a Deferred that will be fired with the valid key doc once all
- the deletions are completed
- :rtype: Deferred
- """
- def log_key_doc(doc):
- logger.error("\t%s: %s" % (doc.content[KEY_UIDS_KEY],
- doc.content[KEY_FINGERPRINT_KEY]))
- def cmp_key(d1, d2):
- return cmp(d1.content[KEY_REFRESHED_AT_KEY],
- d2.content[KEY_REFRESHED_AT_KEY])
- return self._repair_docs(doclist, cmp_key, log_key_doc)
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def _repair_active_docs(self, doclist):
- """
- If there is more than one active doc for an address try to self-repair
- it
- :return: a Deferred that will be fired with the valid active doc once
- all the deletions are completed
- :rtype: Deferred
- """
- keys = {}
- for doc in doclist:
- fp = doc.content[KEY_FINGERPRINT_KEY]
- private = doc.content[KEY_PRIVATE_KEY]
- try:
- key = yield self._get_key_doc_from_fingerprint(fp, private)
- keys[fp] = key
- except Exception:
- pass
- def log_active_doc(doc):
- logger.error("\t%s: %s" % (doc.content[KEY_ADDRESS_KEY],
- doc.content[KEY_FINGERPRINT_KEY]))
- def cmp_active(d1, d2):
- # XXX: for private keys it will be nice to check which key is known
- # by the nicknym server and keep this one. But this needs a
- # refactor that might not be worth it.
- used1 = (d1.content[KEY_SIGN_USED_KEY] +
- d1.content[KEY_ENCR_USED_KEY])
- used2 = (d2.content[KEY_SIGN_USED_KEY] +
- d2.content[KEY_ENCR_USED_KEY])
- res = cmp(used1, used2)
- if res != 0:
- return res
- key1 = keys[d1.content[KEY_FINGERPRINT_KEY]]
- key2 = keys[d2.content[KEY_FINGERPRINT_KEY]]
- return cmp(key1.content[KEY_REFRESHED_AT_KEY],
- key2.content[KEY_REFRESHED_AT_KEY])
- doc = yield self._repair_docs(doclist, cmp_active, log_active_doc)
- defer.returnValue(doc)
- def _repair_docs(self, doclist, cmp_func, log_func):
- logger.error("BUG ---------------------------------------------------")
- logger.error("There is more than one doc of type %s:"
- % (doclist[0].content[KEY_TYPE_KEY],))
- doclist.sort(cmp=cmp_func, reverse=True)
- log_func(doclist[0])
- deferreds = []
- for doc in doclist[1:]:
- log_func(doc)
- d = self._soledad.delete_doc(doc)
- deferreds.append(d)
- logger.error("")
- logger.error(traceback.extract_stack())
- logger.error("BUG (please report above info) ------------------------")
- d = defer.gatherResults(deferreds, consumeErrors=True)
- d.addCallback(lambda _: doclist[0])
- return d
-def process_key(key_data, gpgbinary, secret=False):
- with TempGPGWrapper(gpgbinary=gpgbinary) as gpg:
- try:
- gpg.import_keys(key_data)
- info = gpg.list_keys(secret=secret).pop()
- key = gpg.export_keys(info['fingerprint'], secret=secret)
- except IndexError:
- info = {}
- key = None
- return info, key
-def build_gpg_key(key_info, key_data, address=None, gpgbinary=None):
- expiry_date = None
- if key_info['expires']:
- expiry_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(key_info['expires']))
- uids = []
- for uid in key_info['uids']:
- uids.append(parse_address(uid))
- if address and address not in uids:
- raise errors.KeyAddressMismatch("UIDs %s found, but expected %s"
- % (str(uids), address))
- return OpenPGPKey(
- address=address,
- uids=uids,
- gpgbinary=gpgbinary,
- fingerprint=key_info['fingerprint'],
- key_data=key_data,
- private=True if key_info['type'] == 'sec' else False,
- length=int(key_info['length']),
- expiry_date=expiry_date,