#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace py = boost::python; namespace fs = boost::filesystem; static const std::string UPDATES_DIR = "updates"; static const std::string TEMP_PREFIX = "__tmp_"; void removeTemps(const std::string source = ".") { fs::path sourceDir(source); fs::directory_iterator end_iter; std::vector files; if (fs::exists(sourceDir) && fs::is_directory(sourceDir)) { for(fs::directory_iterator dir_iter(sourceDir); dir_iter != end_iter; ++dir_iter) { if (fs::is_regular_file(dir_iter->status())) { auto filename = dir_iter->path().filename(); if (boost::ends_with(filename.string(), TEMP_PREFIX)) { std::cout << "remove " << dir_iter->path() << std::endl; fs::remove(dir_iter->path()); } } else if (fs::is_directory(dir_iter->status())) { auto currentPath = dir_iter->path(); removeTemps(currentPath.string()); } // Ignore other kind of files for now } } } /** Given two directories, it merges them by copying new files and directories, and replacing existing files with the ones at the destination */ void mergeDirectories(const fs::path &source, const fs::path &dest) { fs::path sourceDir(source); fs::directory_iterator end_iter; std::vector files; if (fs::exists(sourceDir) && fs::is_directory(sourceDir)) { for(fs::directory_iterator dir_iter(sourceDir); dir_iter != end_iter; ++dir_iter) { if (fs::is_regular_file(dir_iter->status())) { auto filename = dir_iter->path().filename(); auto destFilePath = dest / filename; std::cout << "copy_file " << dir_iter->path() << " to " << destFilePath << std::endl; if (fs::exists(destFilePath)) { // On windows we can't remove, but we can rename and afterwards remove auto tempFilePath = dest / fs::path(filename.string() + TEMP_PREFIX); //fs::remove(destFilePath); fs::rename(destFilePath, tempFilePath); } copy_file(dir_iter->path(), destFilePath); } else if (fs::is_directory(dir_iter->status())) { auto currentPath = dir_iter->path(); auto pathAtDest = dest / currentPath.filename(); if (!fs::exists(pathAtDest)) { // This just creates the directory copy_directory(currentPath, pathAtDest); } mergeDirectories(currentPath, pathAtDest); } // Ignore other kind of files for now } } } void updateIfNeeded() { fs::path updatePath(fs::current_path() / fs::path(UPDATES_DIR)); if (fs::exists(updatePath)) { std::cout << "Found updates, merging directories before doing anything..." << std::endl; mergeDirectories(updatePath, fs::current_path()); fs::remove_all(updatePath); } else { std::cout << "No updates found" << std::endl; removeTemps(); } } int main(int argc, char** argv) { try { fs::path full_path(fs::current_path()); updateIfNeeded(); auto pypath = full_path.string() + ":" + full_path.string() + "/lib/"; setenv("PYTHONPATH", pypath.c_str(), 1); Py_SetPythonHome(const_cast(full_path.string().c_str())); const char *prog_name = "leap-client"; Py_SetProgramName(const_cast(prog_name)); Py_Initialize(); py::object main_module = py::import("__main__"); py::object global = (main_module.attr("__dict__")); PySys_SetArgv(argc, argv); global["_pwd"] = full_path.string(); py::exec( "import sys\n" "sys.path = [_pwd + '/lib',\n" " _pwd + '/apps',\n" " _pwd + '/apps/eip',\n" " _pwd]\n" "import os\n" "import encodings.idna\n" // we need to make sure this is imported "sys.argv.append('--standalone')\n" "sys.argv.append('--debug')\n" "sys.argv.append('--logfile=leap_client.log')\n", global, global); py::exec_file("apps/launcher.py", global, global); } catch (py::error_already_set&) { PyErr_PrintEx(0); return 1; } return 0; }