@title = "Bitmask for Linux" @nav_title = 'Linux' # Bitmask is now RiseupVPN We've deprecated Bitmask for all desktop clients. We've rewritten the clients and offer provider branded versions. You can try the new client by installing RiseupVPN. ## Requirements RiseupVPN is distributed as a `snap` package or as a `deb` package in Debian Stable. Currently we don't have the capacities to offer up to date packages for other Linux distributions and need community support for it! You can get [[in contact with us => https://0xacab.org/leap/bitmask-vpn/-/issues/new]], if you want to help with packaging! RiseupVPN is currently tested on **Ubuntu LTS** (18.04) and **Debian Stable**. If you have a different release, it may or may not work. ## Snap Installation If you use Ubuntu, snap is already installed. Otherwise, run: ``` sudo apt install snapd gnome-software-plugin-snap ``` Then, search for **RiseupVPN** in the **Software Center** or click on this link: Open RiseupVPN in Software Center If the link above does not work for you, you can also install via the command line: ``` sudo snap install --classic riseup-vpn ``` If you get an error stating that "python" is missing from /usr/bin/env, you need to install python. This is the case for instance in Lubuntu, at least since version 19.04. ## Package Installation Run the following commands in a terminal to install the Debian Stable package. sudo apt install leap-archive-keyring echo "deb http://deb.leap.se/client release buster" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/leap.list sudo apt update sudo apt install riseup-vpn ## Download other versions You can [[browse all releases => https://dl.bitmask.net/RiseupVPN/linux/]] for old or experimental downloads. You should install the latest stable release. Downloads tagged with "RC" are "Release Candidates" and receive frequent experimental updates that may break the application. ## Troubleshooting ### Bug Reports and Feature Requests RiseupVPN is built using a free software program called bitmask-vpn. **Step 1:** [[Search to see => https://0xacab.org/leap/bitmask-vpn/issues]] if the bug has already been reported. **Step 2:** [[Register an account => https://0xacab.org/users/sign_in]] with [[0xacab.org => https://0xacab.org]] and log in. **Step 3:** Create a [[new bug report or feature request => https://0xacab.org/leap/bitmask-vpn/issues/new]]. Please include the following information in your bug report: * Steps to reproduce the bug * What is the expected behaviour and what do you see * A screenshot if it is something visual * Your linux distribution and its version * The log of the program ### Get the logs The log of RiseupVPN is located in your home folder: ``` ~/.config/leap/systray.log ``` When reporting a bug it is very useful to include the log file. ### Force quit If anything stops working, run these commands and then try again: ``` sudo pkill -e -f riseup-vpn ``` ### Won't start If the launcher icon does not work, you can run RiseupVPN from the command line in order to identify the problem: ``` /snap/bin/riseup-vpn.launcher ``` Any problem starting will be displayed on the terminal. ### Test a pre-release version If you want to help us test a development, pre-release version of RiseupVPN, you can install it using this command: ``` sudo snap install --classic --beta riseup-vpn ``` ### Remove PID file Sometimes RiseupVPN will fail to start if it thinks another version is already running. If you get this error, run these commands: ``` sudo pkill -e -f riseup-vpn test -f ~/.config/leap/systray.pid && rm -v ~/.config/leap/systray.pid ``` ## Source code The code for the Linux client can be found [[here => https://0xacab.org/leap/bitmask-vpn]].