*Hey, you! We could use a hand here*. You want communication free of surveillance, based on open protocols, and that gives users control over their own data? Well, grab a keyboard and [[pitch in => https://leap.se/en/get-involved]]--the code is not going to write itself. In particular, if you have finely honed skill in Python, Android Java, Ruby, C, CouchDB, Windows, Mac, Puppet, Qt, or you really love crypto, we could sure use your help. # Fork the code of our [[Android client => https://0xacab.org/leap/bitmask_android]] or our [[Windows, Linux and Mac client => https://0xacab.org/leap/bitmask-vpn]]. # Create a new branch from develop called feature/x or bugfix/x. # Hack away. # Issue a pull request on github from your feature or bugfix branch to the upstream develop branch. # Discuss and wait for request to be merged. # Repeat. Currently, we release a new version of the Bitmask application every three weeks, and other components as necessary.