@title = 'Getting Started' h1. Sign up for a new account In order to use Bitmask, you must have a user account with a compatible provider. You can create a new account using the Bitmask application or by visiting the website of the provider. For security reasons, we recommend that users always create accounts through the Bitmask application. h2. Android h4. Step 1 -- Choose a provider p((. When you run Bitmask for the first time it will display a list of available providers. p((. To add a new provider that is not part of the list, press the button. h4. Step 2 -- Provider setup p((. In order to securely communicate with a provider, Bitmask needs to download and validate its credentials. These credentials allow Bitmask to know it is always talking with the right provider. h4. Step 3 -- Register a new user account p((. Select your desired username and password. The username must be all lowercase letters or numbers. The password must be at least eight characters and is case sensitive. p((. Because your password is never communicated to the provider, it is impossible to recover a lost password with Bitmask. Please, write your password down or store it in a password manager. h4. Step 4 -- Activate VPN p((. Activate the Bitmask VPN by tapping the On/Off switch. p((. Android will ask if you want to let Bitmask create a VPN Connection. Mark "I trust this application" and then accept. p((. Once the switch is on, you are using Bitmask VPN. h2. Desktop When you run Bitmask for the first time it will open the *Bitmask Provider Setup* wizard. If you have already run Bitmask, you can access this by selecting the menu item *Bitmask > Create a new account*. h4. Step 1 -- Welcome p((. Choose *Sign up for a new account* or *I have an account* and press . h4. Step 2 -- Choose a provider p((. If the provider you want is known to Bitmask, you can select it from the dropdown menu. p((. Otherwise, select *Configure new provider* and type in the domain name. p((. Press to validate the provider. Bitmask will then attempt to contact the provider and confirm that it is compatible. p((. If all the checks pass, then press . If the checks don't pass, contact the provider to let them know something is wrong. p((. The next page will give you more details about the provider you have selected. If you still want to proceed, hit button again. h4. Step 3 -- Provider setup p((. In order to securely communicate with a provider, Bitmask needs to download and validate its credentials. These credentials allow Bitmask to know it is always talking with the right provider. p((. If all the checks pass, then press . h4. Step 4 -- Register a new user account p((. Select your desired username and password. The username must be all lowercase letters or numbers. The password must be at least eight characters and is case sensitive. p((. Because your password is never communicated to the provider, it is impossible to recover a lost password with Bitmask. Please, write your password down or store it in a password manager. p((. If successful, hit . h4. Step 5 - Service selection p((. Select the services you want enabled for this new account. You can change this selection later. p((. Finally, hit .