- @title = 'Bitmask Help' - @nav_title = 'Help' - @this.toc = false %br .row .col-xs-1.text-right %h2 %i.fa.fa-support .col-xs-11.text-left %h2 [[Support => help/support]] %p Get support, create a help ticket, fill out bug reports, ask for new features. %hr .row .col-xs-1.text-right %h2 %i.fa.fa-flag-checkered .col-xs-11.text-left %h2 [[Getting Started => help/getting-started]] %p Running Bitmask for the first time. %hr .row .col-xs-1.text-right %h2 %i.fa.fa-shield .col-xs-11.text-left %h2 [[VPN => help/vpn]] %p How to protect your traffic from censorship and surveillance by using Bitmask VPN. %hr .row .col-xs-1.text-right %h2 %i.fa.fa-envelope .col-xs-11.text-left %h2 [[Encrypted Email => help/email]] %p How to easily send and receive secure messages with Bitmask Encrypted Email.