- @title = 'Bitmask Features' - @nav_title = 'Features' %h1#vpn VPN features %p With Bitmask VPN, all your traffic is securely routed through your provider before it is decrypted and sent on to the open internet. %ul.fa-ul.spaced %li %i.fa-li.fa.fa-check-square Thwart Network Surveillance
Bitmask VPN is very effective at bypassing most censorship and network surveillance by your ISP or country. %li %i.fa-li.fa.fa-check-square Anonymize your address
Your IP address will also be hidden, keeping your physical location safe from nefarious websites or network eavesdroppers. %li %i.fa-li.fa.fa-check-square Extra Security
We take extra security measures to prevent problems common to other personal VPNs, such as DNS leakage and IPv6 leakage. %h1 Security features .row .col-sm-6 %ul.fa-ul.spaced %li %i.fa-li.fa.fa-exclamation-circle Allows anonymous usage
LEAP providers can enable the VPN usage using a anonymous certificate as verification method. No Passwords needed! %li %i.fa-li.fa.fa-exclamation-circle Passwords, Improved
Although you specify a username and password to login, your [[password is never communicated to the provider => https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secure_Remote_Password_protocol]]. %li %i.fa-li.fa.fa-exclamation-circle Pluggable Transports
Bitmask Android supports Pluggable Transports to circumvent VPN blockings. %li %i.fa-li.fa.fa-exclamation-circle Firewall
RiseupVPN, the branded version of Bitmask for desktops supports extra firewalling to prevent data leakage (currently Linux and MacOSX, Windows coming soon). .col-sm-6 %ul.fa-ul.spaced %li %i.fa-li.fa.fa-clock-o Up to date
The Bitmask application is always kept up to date with the latest security patches for Android and Linux. Windows and Mac users currently need to update manually, but we're working on automatic update mechanisms there as well. %li %i.fa-li.fa.fa-institution Don't trust the provider
When you download Bitmask from [[dl.bitmask.net => https://dl.bitmask.net]], your service provider will not be able to distribute to you a compromised client with a backdoor. %p As with any security system, Bitmask has [[known limitations => https://leap.se/en/limitations]]. For technical details, see our [[design documentation => https://leap.se/en/design]].