en: site_title: "Bitmask" banner_top: "Bitmask" banner_motto: "Encrypted communication for mere mortals
(superheroes welcome, too)" contribute_to_help: 'Contribute to these help pages' download_bitmask: 'Download Bitmask' downloads: Downloads download: Download leap: 'LEAP Encryption Access Project' footer_text: warning: > WARNING: Bitmask is still experimental. Please do not use these beta releases of Bitmask for situations where a compromise of your data could put you in danger. warning_disabled: > Also, although Bitmask is improving rapidly, it is possible that you could lose your email when using an early beta release. # # front page text # fork_our_code: Fork our code about_us: About us supported_providers: Supported providers supported_providers_text: "The following service providers are compatible with the Bitmask application:" bitmask_app_blurb: > The Bitmask application is designed to have a friendly interface with automatic configuration. You simply start the application, register with the compatible service provider of your choice, and away you go. bitmask_vpn: Bitmask VPN bitmask_vpn_blurb: > With [[Bitmask VPN => features#vpn]], all your traffic is securely routed through your provider before it is decrypted and sent on to the open internet. encrypted_email: Encrypted Email encrypted_email_blurb: > [[Bitmask Encrypted Email => features#email]] is easy to use while still being backward compatible with the existing OpenPGP protocol for secure email.