path: root/pages/home/_text.haml
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Diffstat (limited to 'pages/home/_text.haml')
1 files changed, 79 insertions, 139 deletions
diff --git a/pages/home/_text.haml b/pages/home/_text.haml
index cc8b311..b14fda6 100644
--- a/pages/home/_text.haml
+++ b/pages/home/_text.haml
@@ -1,141 +1,81 @@
- .container
- .row
- .col-sm-12
- %h1#features Features
- %p The <b>Bitmask</b> application is designed to have a <b>friendly</b> interface with <b>automatic</b> configuration. You simply start the application, register with the compatible service provider of your choice, and away you go.
- .container
- .row
- .col-sm-2.text-right
- .h2
- %i.fa.fa-shield.fa-3x
- .col-sm-10.text-left
- .h2
- %span
- [[VPN => help/vpn]]
- %p.pad With Bitmask VPN, all your traffic is securely routed through your provider before it is decrypted and sent on to the open internet.
- %ul.fa-ul.spaced
- %li
- %i.fa-li.fa.fa-check-square
- <b>Thwart Network Surveillance</b><br>
- Bitmask VPN is very effective at bypassing most censorship and network surveillance by your ISP or country.
- %li
- %i.fa-li.fa.fa-check-square
- <b>Anonymize your address</b><br>
- Your IP address will also be hidden, keeping your physical location safe from nefarious websites or network eavesdroppers.
- %li
- %i.fa-li.fa.fa-check-square
- <b>Extra Security</b><br>
- We take extra security measures to prevent problems common to other personal VPNs, such as DNS leakage and IPv6 leakage.
- .container
- .row
- .col-sm-2.text-right
- .h2
- %i.fa.fa-envelope.fa-2x
- .col-sm-10.text-left
- .h2
- %span
- [[Encrypted Email => help/email]]
- %p.pad Bitmask Encrypted Email is easy to use while still being backward compatible with the existing OpenPGP protocol for secure email.
- %ul.fa-ul.spaced
- %li
- %i.fa-li.fa.fa-check-square
- <b>Full end-to-end encryption</b><br>
- Whenever possible, all messages are encrypted end-to-end on the client device.
- %li
- %i.fa-li.fa.fa-check-square
- <b>Secure Storage</b><br>
- All incoming email is automatically encrypted so only you can read it (including meta-data).
- %li
- %i.fa-li.fa.fa-check-square
- <b>Automatic Key Management</b><br>
- The user never needs to know or worry about generating keys, discovering keys, or validating keys.
- .container
- .row
- .col-sm-12
- %h1#security Security
- .row
- .col-sm-6
- %ul.fa-ul.spaced
- %li
- %i.fa-li.fa.fa-save
- <b>Client-encrypted Storage</b><br>
- All data storage is encrypted, including local data and cloud backups. This encryption always [[takes place on your device =>]], so the service provider cannot read your stored data.
- %li
- %i.fa-li.fa.fa-exchange
- <b>Always Available</b><br>
- Your data is always available, even when you are offline, it is [[synchronized to the devices =>]] you choose, and secured backed up to the cloud.
- %li
- %i.fa-li.fa.fa-exclamation-circle
- <b>Passwords, Improved</b><br>
- Although you specify a username and password to login, your [[password is never communicated to the provider =>]].
- .col-sm-6
- %ul.fa-ul.spaced
- %li
- %i.fa-li.fa.fa-clock-o
- <b>Up to date</b><br>
- The Bitmask application is always kept up to date with the latest security patches (coming soon).
- %li
- %i.fa-li.fa.fa-institution
- <b>Don't trust the provider</b><br>
- If you download the Bitmask application from [[ =>]], your service provider cannot add a backdoor to compromise your security.
- .row
- .col-sm-12
- %p As with any security system, Bitmask has [[known limitations =>]]. For technical details, see our [[design documentation =>]].
- .container
- .row
- .col-sm-12
- %h1#providers Supported providers
+ .col-sm-12
+ %p.big The <b>Bitmask</b> application is designed to have a <b>friendly</b> interface with <b>automatic</b> configuration. You simply start the application, register with the compatible service provider of your choice, and away you go.
+ .col-sm-6
+ .heading
+ %span
+ %i.fa.fa-shield
+ Bitmask VPN
+ %p.big With [[Bitmask VPN => features#vpn]], all your traffic is securely routed through your provider before it is decrypted and sent on to the open internet.
+ .col-sm-6
+ .heading
+ %span
+ %i.fa.fa-envelope
+ Encrypted Email
+ %p.big [[Bitmask Encrypted Email => features#email]] is easy to use while still being backward compatible with the existing OpenPGP protocol for secure email.
+ .col-sm-12
+ .heading
+ %span
+ %i.fa.fa-institution
+ Supported providers
+ %p.big The following service providers are compatible with the Bitmask application:
- %p The following service providers are compatible with the Bitmask application:
- %ul
- %li= link '' => ''
- %li
- = link '' => ''
- %li
- = link '' => ''
- (coming soon)
- %li
- = link '' => ''
- %p Start your own compatible service provider with the free software #{link 'LEAP platform' => ''}.
- .container
- .col-sm-6
- %h1#code Fork our code
- %p <b>Hey, you! We could use a hand here</b>. You want communication free of surveillance, based on open protocols, and that gives users control over their own data? Well, grab a keyboard and #{link 'pitch in' => ''}&mdash;the code is not going to write itself.
- %p In particular, if you have finely honed skill in Python, Android Java, Ruby, C, CouchDB, Windows, Mac, Puppet, Qt, or you really love crypto, we could sure use your help.
- %ol
- %li #{link 'Fork our code' => ''}.
- %li Create a new branch from develop called feature/x or bugfix/x.
- %li Hack away.
- %li Issue a pull request on github from your feature or bugfix branch to the upstream develop branch.
- %li Discuss and wait for request to be merged.
- %li Repeat.
- %p Currently, we release a new version of the Bitmask application every two weeks, and other components as necessary.
- .col-sm-6
- %h1#about-us About us
- %img{src:'/assets/images/leap-small.png', align:'right'}
- %p The <b>Bitmask</b> application is lovingly hand-crafted by a team of paid and volunteer programmers from seven different countries. Development is principally sponsored by the #{link 'LEAP Encryption Access Project' => ''}, an non-profit organization dedicated to defending democracy by <b>protecting the right to whisper</b>.
- %p The service provider <b></b> is operated by LEAP in order to demonstrate usage of the <b>Bitmask</b> application. However, we actively encourage other organizations to start their own compatible service providers by using our free software #{link 'platform for server automation' => ''}.
+ .col-lg-2.col-md-3.col-sm-3.col-xs-4
+ .thumbnail
+ %img(src='/assets/providers/')
+ .b
+ [[ =>]]
+ .col-lg-2.col-md-3.col-sm-3.col-xs-4
+ .thumbnail
+ %img(src='/assets/providers/')
+ .b
+ [[ =>]]
+ .col-lg-2.col-md-3.col-sm-3.col-xs-4
+ .thumbnail
+ %img(src='/assets/providers/')
+ .b
+ [[ =>]]
+ .col-lg-2.col-md-3.col-sm-3.col-xs-4
+ .thumbnail
+ %img(src='/assets/providers/')
+ .b
+ [[ =>]]
+ .col-sm-6
+ .heading
+ %span
+ %i.fa.fa-code-fork
+ Fork our code
+ %p <b>Hey, you! We could use a hand here</b>. You want communication free of surveillance, based on open protocols, and that gives users control over their own data? Well, grab a keyboard and #{link 'pitch in' => ''}&mdash;the code is not going to write itself.
+ %p In particular, if you have finely honed skill in Python, Android Java, Ruby, C, CouchDB, Windows, Mac, Puppet, Qt, or you really love crypto, we could sure use your help.
+ %ol
+ %li #{link 'Fork our code' => ''}.
+ %li Create a new branch from develop called feature/x or bugfix/x.
+ %li Hack away.
+ %li Issue a pull request on github from your feature or bugfix branch to the upstream develop branch.
+ %li Discuss and wait for request to be merged.
+ %li Repeat.
+ %p Currently, we release a new version of the Bitmask application every two weeks, and other components as necessary.
+ .col-sm-6
+ .heading
+ %span
+ %i.fa.fa-group
+ About us
+ %img{src:'/assets/images/leap-small.png', align:'right'}
+ %p The <b>Bitmask</b> application is lovingly hand-crafted by a team of paid and volunteer programmers from seven different countries. Development is principally sponsored by the #{link 'LEAP Encryption Access Project' => ''}, an non-profit organization dedicated to defending democracy by <b>protecting the right to whisper</b>.
+ %p The service provider <b></b> is operated by LEAP in order to demonstrate usage of the <b>Bitmask</b> application. However, we actively encourage other organizations to start their own compatible service providers by using our free software #{link 'platform for server automation' => ''}.