# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # wizard.py # Copyright (C) 2013 LEAP # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """ First run wizard """ import os import logging import json from PySide import QtCore, QtGui from functools import partial from twisted.internet import threads from ui_wizard import Ui_Wizard from leap.config.providerconfig import ProviderConfig from leap.crypto.srpregister import SRPRegister from leap.util.privilege_policies import is_missing_policy_permissions from leap.util.request_helpers import get_content from leap.util.keyring_helpers import has_keyring from leap.services.eip.providerbootstrapper import ProviderBootstrapper from leap.services import get_supported logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Wizard(QtGui.QWizard): """ First run wizard to register a user and setup a provider """ INTRO_PAGE = 0 SELECT_PROVIDER_PAGE = 1 PRESENT_PROVIDER_PAGE = 2 SETUP_PROVIDER_PAGE = 3 REGISTER_USER_PAGE = 4 SERVICES_PAGE = 5 FINISH_PAGE = 6 WEAK_PASSWORDS = ("123456", "qweasd", "qwerty", "password") BARE_USERNAME_REGEX = r"^[A-Za-z\d_]+$" def __init__(self, standalone=False, bypass_checks=False): """ Constructor for the main Wizard. :param standalone: If True, the application is running as standalone and the wizard should display some messages according to this. :type standalone: bool :param bypass_checks: Set to true if the app should bypass first round of checks for CA certificates at bootstrap :type bypass_checks: bool """ QtGui.QWizard.__init__(self) self.standalone = standalone self.ui = Ui_Wizard() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.setPixmap(QtGui.QWizard.LogoPixmap, QtGui.QPixmap(":/images/leap-color-small.png")) self.QUESTION_ICON = QtGui.QPixmap(":/images/Emblem-question.png") self.ERROR_ICON = QtGui.QPixmap(":/images/Dialog-error.png") self.OK_ICON = QtGui.QPixmap(":/images/Dialog-accept.png") # Correspondence for services and their name to display EIP_LABEL = self.tr("Encrypted Internet") MX_LABEL = self.tr("Encrypted Mail") if self._is_need_eip_password_warning(): EIP_LABEL += " " + self.tr( "(will need admin password to start)") self.SERVICE_DISPLAY = [ EIP_LABEL, MX_LABEL ] self.SERVICE_CONFIG = [ "openvpn", "mx" ] self._selected_services = set() self._shown_services = set() self._show_register = False self.ui.grpCheckProvider.setVisible(False) self.ui.btnCheck.clicked.connect(self._check_provider) self.ui.lnProvider.returnPressed.connect(self._check_provider) self._provider_bootstrapper = ProviderBootstrapper(bypass_checks) self._provider_bootstrapper.name_resolution.connect( self._name_resolution) self._provider_bootstrapper.https_connection.connect( self._https_connection) self._provider_bootstrapper.download_provider_info.connect( self._download_provider_info) self._provider_bootstrapper.download_ca_cert.connect( self._download_ca_cert) self._provider_bootstrapper.check_ca_fingerprint.connect( self._check_ca_fingerprint) self._provider_bootstrapper.check_api_certificate.connect( self._check_api_certificate) self._domain = None self._provider_config = ProviderConfig() # We will store a reference to the defers for eventual use # (eg, to cancel them) but not doing anything with them right now. self._provider_select_defer = None self._provider_setup_defer = None self.currentIdChanged.connect(self._current_id_changed) self.ui.lblPassword.setEchoMode(QtGui.QLineEdit.Password) self.ui.lblPassword2.setEchoMode(QtGui.QLineEdit.Password) self.ui.lnProvider.textChanged.connect( self._enable_check) self.ui.lblUser.returnPressed.connect( self._focus_password) self.ui.lblPassword.returnPressed.connect( self._focus_second_password) self.ui.lblPassword2.returnPressed.connect( self._register) self.ui.btnRegister.clicked.connect( self._register) usernameRe = QtCore.QRegExp(self.BARE_USERNAME_REGEX) self.ui.lblUser.setValidator( QtGui.QRegExpValidator(usernameRe, self)) self.page(self.REGISTER_USER_PAGE).setCommitPage(True) self._username = None self._password = None self.page(self.REGISTER_USER_PAGE).setButtonText( QtGui.QWizard.CommitButton, self.tr("&Next >")) self.page(self.FINISH_PAGE).setButtonText( QtGui.QWizard.FinishButton, self.tr("Connect")) # XXX: Temporary removal for enrollment policy # https://leap.se/code/issues/2922 self.ui.label_12.setVisible(False) self.ui.lblProviderPolicy.setVisible(False) def get_domain(self): return self._domain def get_username(self): return self._username def get_password(self): return self._password def get_remember(self): return has_keyring() and self.ui.chkRemember.isChecked() def get_services(self): return self._selected_services def _enable_check(self, text): self.ui.btnCheck.setEnabled(len(self.ui.lnProvider.text()) != 0) self._reset_provider_check() def _focus_password(self): """ Focuses at the password lineedit for the registration page """ self.ui.lblPassword.setFocus() def _focus_second_password(self): """ Focuses at the second password lineedit for the registration page """ self.ui.lblPassword2.setFocus() def _basic_password_checks(self, username, password, password2): """ Performs basic password checks to avoid really easy passwords. :param username: username provided at the registrarion form :type username: str :param password: password from the registration form :type password: str :param password2: second password from the registration form :type password: str :return: returns True if all the checks pass, False otherwise :rtype: bool """ message = None if message is None and password != password2: message = self.tr("Passwords don't match") if message is None and len(password) < 6: message = self.tr("Password too short") if message is None and password in self.WEAK_PASSWORDS: message = self.tr("Password too easy") if message is None and username == password: message = self.tr("Password equal to username") if message is not None: self._set_register_status(message, error=True) self._focus_password() return False return True def _register(self): """ Performs the registration based on the values provided in the form """ self.ui.btnRegister.setEnabled(False) username = self.ui.lblUser.text() password = self.ui.lblPassword.text() password2 = self.ui.lblPassword2.text() if self._basic_password_checks(username, password, password2): register = SRPRegister(provider_config=self._provider_config) register.registration_finished.connect( self._registration_finished) threads.deferToThread( partial(register.register_user, username.encode("utf8"), password.encode("utf8"))) self._username = username self._password = password self._set_register_status(self.tr("Starting registration...")) else: self.ui.btnRegister.setEnabled(True) def _set_registration_fields_visibility(self, visible): """ This method hides the username and password labels and inputboxes. :param visible: sets the visibility of the widgets True: widgets are visible or False: are not :type visible: bool """ # username and password inputs self.ui.lblUser.setVisible(visible) self.ui.lblPassword.setVisible(visible) self.ui.lblPassword2.setVisible(visible) # username and password labels self.ui.label_15.setVisible(visible) self.ui.label_16.setVisible(visible) self.ui.label_17.setVisible(visible) # register button self.ui.btnRegister.setVisible(visible) def _registration_finished(self, ok, req): if ok: user_domain = self._username + "@" + self._domain message = "

" message += self.tr("User %s successfully registered.") % ( user_domain, ) message += "

" self._set_register_status(message) self.ui.lblPassword2.clearFocus() self._set_registration_fields_visibility(False) # Allow the user to remember his password if has_keyring(): self.ui.chkRemember.setVisible(True) self.ui.chkRemember.setEnabled(True) self.page(self.REGISTER_USER_PAGE).set_completed() self.button(QtGui.QWizard.BackButton).setEnabled(False) else: old_username = self._username self._username = None self._password = None error_msg = self.tr("Unknown error") try: content, _ = get_content(req) json_content = json.loads(content) error_msg = json_content.get("errors").get("login")[0] if not error_msg.istitle(): error_msg = "%s %s" % (old_username, error_msg) except Exception as e: logger.error("Unknown error: %r" % (e,)) self._set_register_status(error_msg, error=True) self.ui.btnRegister.setEnabled(True) def _set_register_status(self, status, error=False): """ Sets the status label in the registration page to status :param status: status message to display, can be HTML :type status: str """ if error: status = "%s" % (status,) self.ui.lblRegisterStatus.setText(status) def _reset_provider_check(self): """ Resets the UI for checking a provider. Also resets the domain in this object. """ self.ui.lblNameResolution.setPixmap(None) self.ui.lblHTTPS.setPixmap(None) self.ui.lblProviderInfo.setPixmap(None) self.ui.lblProviderSelectStatus.setText("") self._domain = None self.button(QtGui.QWizard.NextButton).setEnabled(False) self.page(self.SELECT_PROVIDER_PAGE).set_completed(False) def _reset_provider_setup(self): """ Resets the UI for setting up a provider. """ self.ui.lblDownloadCaCert.setPixmap(None) self.ui.lblCheckCaFpr.setPixmap(None) self.ui.lblCheckApiCert.setPixmap(None) def _check_provider(self): """ SLOT TRIGGERS: self.ui.btnCheck.clicked self.ui.lnProvider.returnPressed Starts the checks for a given provider """ if len(self.ui.lnProvider.text()) == 0: return self.ui.grpCheckProvider.setVisible(True) self.ui.btnCheck.setEnabled(False) self.ui.lnProvider.setEnabled(False) self.button(QtGui.QWizard.BackButton).clearFocus() self._domain = self.ui.lnProvider.text() self.ui.lblNameResolution.setPixmap(self.QUESTION_ICON) self._provider_select_defer = self._provider_bootstrapper.\ run_provider_select_checks(self._domain) def _complete_task(self, data, label, complete=False, complete_page=-1): """ Checks a task and completes a page if specified :param data: data as it comes from the bootstrapper thread for a specific check :type data: dict :param label: label that displays the status icon for a specific check that corresponds to the data :type label: QtGui.QLabel :param complete: if True, it completes the page specified, which must be of type WizardPage :type complete: bool :param complete_page: page id to complete :type complete_page: int """ passed = data[self._provider_bootstrapper.PASSED_KEY] error = data[self._provider_bootstrapper.ERROR_KEY] if passed: label.setPixmap(self.OK_ICON) if complete: self.page(complete_page).set_completed() self.button(QtGui.QWizard.NextButton).setFocus() else: label.setPixmap(self.ERROR_ICON) logger.error(error) def _name_resolution(self, data): """ SLOT TRIGGER: self._provider_bootstrapper.name_resolution Sets the status for the name resolution check """ self._complete_task(data, self.ui.lblNameResolution) status = "" passed = data[self._provider_bootstrapper.PASSED_KEY] if not passed: status = self.tr("Non-existent " "provider") else: self.ui.lblHTTPS.setPixmap(self.QUESTION_ICON) self.ui.lblProviderSelectStatus.setText(status) self.ui.btnCheck.setEnabled(not passed) self.ui.lnProvider.setEnabled(not passed) def _https_connection(self, data): """ SLOT TRIGGER: self._provider_bootstrapper.https_connection Sets the status for the https connection check """ self._complete_task(data, self.ui.lblHTTPS) status = "" passed = data[self._provider_bootstrapper.PASSED_KEY] if not passed: status = self.tr("%s") \ % (data[self._provider_bootstrapper.ERROR_KEY]) self.ui.lblProviderSelectStatus.setText(status) else: self.ui.lblProviderInfo.setPixmap(self.QUESTION_ICON) self.ui.btnCheck.setEnabled(not passed) self.ui.lnProvider.setEnabled(not passed) def _download_provider_info(self, data): """ SLOT TRIGGER: self._provider_bootstrapper.download_provider_info Sets the status for the provider information download check. Since this check is the last of this set, it also completes the page if passed """ if self._provider_config.load(os.path.join("leap", "providers", self._domain, "provider.json")): self._complete_task(data, self.ui.lblProviderInfo, True, self.SELECT_PROVIDER_PAGE) else: new_data = { self._provider_bootstrapper.PASSED_KEY: False, self._provider_bootstrapper.ERROR_KEY: self.tr("Unable to load provider configuration") } self._complete_task(new_data, self.ui.lblProviderInfo) status = "" if not data[self._provider_bootstrapper.PASSED_KEY]: status = self.tr("Not a valid provider" "") self.ui.lblProviderSelectStatus.setText(status) self.ui.btnCheck.setEnabled(True) self.ui.lnProvider.setEnabled(True) def _download_ca_cert(self, data): """ SLOT TRIGGER: self._provider_bootstrapper.download_ca_cert Sets the status for the download of the CA certificate check """ self._complete_task(data, self.ui.lblDownloadCaCert) passed = data[self._provider_bootstrapper.PASSED_KEY] if passed: self.ui.lblCheckCaFpr.setPixmap(self.QUESTION_ICON) def _check_ca_fingerprint(self, data): """ SLOT TRIGGER: self._provider_bootstrapper.check_ca_fingerprint Sets the status for the CA fingerprint check """ self._complete_task(data, self.ui.lblCheckCaFpr) passed = data[self._provider_bootstrapper.PASSED_KEY] if passed: self.ui.lblCheckApiCert.setPixmap(self.QUESTION_ICON) def _check_api_certificate(self, data): """ SLOT TRIGGER: self._provider_bootstrapper.check_api_certificate Sets the status for the API certificate check. Also finishes the provider bootstrapper thread since it's not needed anymore from this point on, unless the whole check chain is restarted """ self._complete_task(data, self.ui.lblCheckApiCert, True, self.SETUP_PROVIDER_PAGE) def _service_selection_changed(self, service, state): """ SLOT TRIGGER: service_checkbox.stateChanged Adds the service to the state if the state is checked, removes it otherwise :param service: service to handle :type service: str :param state: state of the checkbox :type state: int """ if state == QtCore.Qt.Checked: self._selected_services = \ self._selected_services.union(set([service])) else: self._selected_services = \ self._selected_services.difference(set([service])) def _populate_services(self): """ Loads the services that the provider provides into the UI for the user to enable or disable. """ self.ui.grpServices.setTitle( self.tr("Services by %s") % (self._provider_config.get_name(),)) services = get_supported( self._provider_config.get_services()) for service in services: try: if service not in self._shown_services: checkbox = QtGui.QCheckBox(self) service_index = self.SERVICE_CONFIG.index(service) checkbox.setText(self.SERVICE_DISPLAY[service_index]) self.ui.serviceListLayout.addWidget(checkbox) checkbox.stateChanged.connect( partial(self._service_selection_changed, service)) checkbox.setChecked(True) self._shown_services.add(service) except ValueError: logger.error( self.tr("Something went wrong while trying to " "load service %s" % (service,))) def _current_id_changed(self, pageId): """ SLOT TRIGGER: self.currentIdChanged Prepares the pages when they appear """ if pageId == self.SELECT_PROVIDER_PAGE: self._reset_provider_check() self._enable_check("") if pageId == self.SETUP_PROVIDER_PAGE: self._reset_provider_setup() self.page(pageId).setSubTitle(self.tr("Gathering configuration " "options for %s") % (self._provider_config .get_name(),)) self.ui.lblDownloadCaCert.setPixmap(self.QUESTION_ICON) self._provider_setup_defer = self._provider_bootstrapper.\ run_provider_setup_checks(self._provider_config) if pageId == self.PRESENT_PROVIDER_PAGE: self.page(pageId).setSubTitle(self.tr("Description of services " "offered by %s") % (self._provider_config .get_name(),)) lang = QtCore.QLocale.system().name() self.ui.lblProviderName.setText( "%s" % (self._provider_config.get_name(lang=lang),)) self.ui.lblProviderURL.setText( "https://%s" % (self._provider_config.get_domain(),)) self.ui.lblProviderDesc.setText( "%s" % (self._provider_config.get_description(lang=lang),)) self.ui.lblServicesOffered.setText(self._provider_config .get_services_string()) self.ui.lblProviderPolicy.setText(self._provider_config .get_enrollment_policy()) if pageId == self.REGISTER_USER_PAGE: self.page(pageId).setSubTitle(self.tr("Register a new user with " "%s") % (self._provider_config .get_name(),)) self.ui.chkRemember.setVisible(False) if pageId == self.SERVICES_PAGE: self._populate_services() def _is_need_eip_password_warning(self): """ Returns True if we need to add a warning about eip needing administrative permissions to start. That can be either because we are running in standalone mode, or because we could not find the needed privilege escalation mechanisms being operative. """ return self.standalone or is_missing_policy_permissions() def nextId(self): """ Sets the next page id for the wizard based on wether the user wants to register a new identity or uses an existing one """ if self.currentPage() == self.page(self.INTRO_PAGE): self._show_register = self.ui.rdoRegister.isChecked() if self.currentPage() == self.page(self.SETUP_PROVIDER_PAGE): if self._show_register: return self.REGISTER_USER_PAGE else: return self.SERVICES_PAGE return QtGui.QWizard.nextId(self)