""" LogIn Page, used inf First Run Wizard """ from PyQt4 import QtCore from PyQt4 import QtGui #import requests from leap.gui.firstrun.mixins import UserFormMixIn from leap.gui.constants import APP_LOGO, FULL_USERNAME_REGEX from leap.gui.styles import ErrorLabelStyleSheet class LogInPage(QtGui.QWizardPage, UserFormMixIn): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(LogInPage, self).__init__(parent) self.setTitle("Log In") self.setSubTitle("Log in with your credentials.") self.current_page = "login" self.setPixmap( QtGui.QWizard.LogoPixmap, QtGui.QPixmap(APP_LOGO)) userNameLabel = QtGui.QLabel("User &name:") userNameLineEdit = QtGui.QLineEdit() userNameLineEdit.cursorPositionChanged.connect( self.reset_validation_status) userNameLabel.setBuddy(userNameLineEdit) # let's add regex validator usernameRe = QtCore.QRegExp(FULL_USERNAME_REGEX) userNameLineEdit.setValidator( QtGui.QRegExpValidator(usernameRe, self)) self.userNameLineEdit = userNameLineEdit userPasswordLabel = QtGui.QLabel("&Password:") self.userPasswordLineEdit = QtGui.QLineEdit() self.userPasswordLineEdit.setEchoMode( QtGui.QLineEdit.Password) userPasswordLabel.setBuddy(self.userPasswordLineEdit) self.registerField('login_userName*', self.userNameLineEdit) self.registerField('login_userPassword*', self.userPasswordLineEdit) layout = QtGui.QGridLayout() layout.setColumnMinimumWidth(0, 20) validationMsg = QtGui.QLabel("") validationMsg.setStyleSheet(ErrorLabelStyleSheet) self.validationMsg = validationMsg layout.addWidget(validationMsg, 0, 3) layout.addWidget(userNameLabel, 1, 0) layout.addWidget(self.userNameLineEdit, 1, 3) layout.addWidget(userPasswordLabel, 2, 0) layout.addWidget(self.userPasswordLineEdit, 2, 3) self.setLayout(layout) #self.registerField('is_login_wizard') def onUserNameEdit(self, *args): if self.initial_username_sample: self.userNameLineEdit.setText('') self.initial_username_sample = None # pagewizard methods #### begin possible refactor def populateErrors(self): # XXX could move this to ValidationMixin # used in providerselect and register too errors = self.wizard().get_validation_error( self.current_page) prev_er = getattr(self, 'prevalidation_error', None) showerr = self.validationMsg.setText if not errors and prev_er: showerr(prev_er) return if errors: bad_str = getattr(self, 'bad_string', None) cur_str = self.userNameLineEdit.text() if bad_str is None: # first time we fall here. # save the current bad_string value self.bad_string = cur_str showerr(errors) else: if prev_er: showerr(prev_er) return # not the first time if cur_str == bad_str: showerr(errors) else: showerr('') def cleanup_errormsg(self): """ we reset bad_string to None should be called before leaving the page """ self.bad_string = None def paintEvent(self, event): """ we hook our populate errors on paintEvent because we need it to catch when user enters the page coming from next, and initializePage does not cover that case. Maybe there's a better event to hook upon. """ super(LogInPage, self).paintEvent(event) self.populateErrors() def set_prevalidation_error(self, error): self.prevalidation_error = error #### end possible refactor def nextId(self): wizard = self.wizard() if not wizard: return if wizard.is_provider_setup is False: next_ = 'providersetupvalidation' if wizard.is_provider_setup is True: # XXX bad name, ok, gonna change that next_ = 'signupvalidation' return wizard.get_page_index(next_) def initializePage(self): super(LogInPage, self).initializePage() # XXX setPlaceholderText instead?! self.userNameLineEdit.setText('username@provider.example.org') self.userNameLineEdit.cursorPositionChanged.connect( self.onUserNameEdit) self.initial_username_sample = True def validatePage(self): #wizard = self.wizard() #eipconfigchecker = wizard.eipconfigchecker() full_username = self.userNameLineEdit.text() password = self.userPasswordLineEdit.text() if full_username.count('@') != 1: self.set_prevalidation_error( "Username must be in the username@provider form.") return False username, domain = full_username.split('@') self.setField('provider_domain', domain) self.setField('login_userName', username) self.setField('login_userPassword', password) #################################################### # Validation logic: # move to provider setup page #################################################### # Able to contact domain? # can get definition? # two-by-one #try: #eipconfigchecker.fetch_definition(domain=domain) # # we're using requests here for all # the possible error cases that it catches. #except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as exc: #self.set_validation_status(exc.message[1]) #return False #except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as exc: #self.set_validation_status(exc.message) #return False #wizard.set_providerconfig( #eipconfigchecker.defaultprovider.config) #################################################### # XXX I think this is not needed # since we're also checking for the is_signup field. self.wizard().from_login = True # some cleanup before we leave the page self.cleanup_errormsg() return True