from __future__ import (print_function) import logging import os import socket import telnetlib import time logger = logging.getLogger(name=__name__) TELNET_PORT = 23 class MissingSocketError(Exception): pass class ConnectionRefusedError(Exception): pass class UDSTelnet(telnetlib.Telnet): def open(self, host, port=0, timeout=socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): """Connect to a host. If port is 'unix', it will open a connection over unix docmain sockets. The optional second argument is the port number, which defaults to the standard telnet port (23). Don't try to reopen an already connected instance. """ self.eof = 0 if not port: port = TELNET_PORT = host self.port = port self.timeout = timeout if self.port == "unix": # unix sockets spoken if not os.path.exists( raise MissingSocketError self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: self.sock.connect( except socket.error: raise ConnectionRefusedError else: self.sock = socket.create_connection((host, port), timeout) # this class based in code from cube-routed project class OpenVPNManager(object): """ Run commands over OpenVPN management interface and parses the output. """ # XXX might need a lock to avoid # race conditions here... def __init__(self, host="/tmp/.eip.sock", port="unix", password=None): #XXX hardcoded host here. change. = host if isinstance(port, str) and port.isdigit(): port = int(port) self.port = port self.password = password = None #XXX workaround for signaling #the ui that we don't know how to #manage a connection error self.with_errors = False def forget_errors(self): print('forgetting errors') self.with_errors = False def connect(self): """Connect to openvpn management interface""" try: self.close() except: #XXX don't like this general #catch here. pass if self.connected(): return True = UDSTelnet(, self.port) # XXX make password optional # specially for win plat. we should generate # the pass on the fly when invoking manager # from conductor'ENTER PASSWORD:', 2) + '\n')'SUCCESS:', 2) self._seek_to_eof() self.forget_errors() return True def _seek_to_eof(self): """ Read as much as available. Position seek pointer to end of stream """ b = while b: b = def connected(self): """ Returns True if connected rtype: bool """ #return bool(getattr(self, 'tn', None)) try: assert return True except: #XXX get rid of #this pokemon exception!!! return False def close(self, announce=True): """ Close connection to openvpn management interface """ if announce:"quit\n") del def _send_command(self, cmd, tries=0): """ Send a command to openvpn and return response as list """ if tries > 3: return [] if not self.connected(): try: self.connect() except MissingSocketError: #XXX capture more helpful error #messages #pass return self.make_error() try: + "\n") except socket.error: logger.error('socket error') print('socket error!') self.close(announce=False) self._send_command(cmd, tries=tries + 1) return [] buf ="END", 2) self._seek_to_eof() blist = buf.split('\r\n') if blist[-1].startswith('END'): del blist[-1] return blist else: return [] def _send_short_command(self, cmd): """ parse output from commands that are delimited by "success" instead """ if not self.connected(): self.connect() + "\n") # XXX not working? buf ="SUCCESS", 2) self._seek_to_eof() blist = buf.split('\r\n') return blist # # useful vpn commands # def pid(self): #XXX broken return self._send_short_command("pid") def make_error(self): """ capture error and wrap it in an understandable format """ #XXX get helpful error codes self.with_errors = True now = int(time.time()) return '%s,LAUNCHER ERROR,ERROR,-,-' % now def state(self): """ OpenVPN command: state """ state = self._send_command("state") if not state: return None if isinstance(state, str): return state if isinstance(state, list): if len(state) == 1: return state[0] else: return state[-1] def status(self): """ OpenVPN command: status """ status = self._send_command("status") return status def status2(self): """ OpenVPN command: last 2 statuses """ return self._send_command("status 2") # # parse info # def get_status_io(self): status = self.status() if isinstance(status, str): lines = status.split('\n') if isinstance(status, list): lines = status try: (header, when, tun_read, tun_write, tcp_read, tcp_write, auth_read) = tuple(lines) except ValueError: return None when_ts = time.strptime(when.split(',')[1], "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y") sep = ',' # XXX cleanup! tun_read = tun_read.split(sep)[1] tun_write = tun_write.split(sep)[1] tcp_read = tcp_read.split(sep)[1] tcp_write = tcp_write.split(sep)[1] auth_read = auth_read.split(sep)[1] # XXX this could be a named tuple. prettier. return when_ts, (tun_read, tun_write, tcp_read, tcp_write, auth_read) def get_connection_state(self): state = self.state() if state is not None: ts, status_step, ok, ip, remote = state.split(',') ts = time.gmtime(float(ts)) # XXX this could be a named tuple. prettier. return ts, status_step, ok, ip, remote