import logging import sys from leap.bitmask.config import flags from leap.bitmask.logs import LOG_FORMAT from leap.bitmask.logs.log_silencer import SelectiveSilencerFilter from leap.bitmask.logs.safezmqhandler import SafeZMQHandler from leap.bitmask.logs.streamtologger import StreamToLogger from leap.bitmask.platform_init import IS_WIN import logbook from logbook.more import ColorizedStderrHandler def get_logger(debug=True, logfile=None, replace_stdout=True): level = logbook.WARNING if flags.DEBUG: level = logbook.NOTSET # This handler consumes logs not handled by the others null_handler = logbook.NullHandler(bubble=False) null_handler.push_application() silencer = SelectiveSilencerFilter() zmq_handler = SafeZMQHandler('tcp://', multi=True, level=level, filter=silencer.filter) zmq_handler.push_application() file_handler = logbook.FileHandler('bitmask.log', format_string=LOG_FORMAT, bubble=True, filter=silencer.filter) file_handler.push_application() # don't use simple stream, go for colored log handler instead # stream_handler = logbook.StreamHandler(sys.stdout, # format_string=LOG_FORMAT, # bubble=True) # stream_handler.push_application() stream_handler = ColorizedStderrHandler( level=level, format_string=LOG_FORMAT, bubble=True, filter=silencer.filter) stream_handler.push_application() logger = logbook.Logger('leap') return logger def replace_stdout_stderr_with_logging(logger): """ NOTE: we are not using this right now (see commented lines on, this needs to be reviewed since the log handler has changed. Replace: - the standard output - the standard error - the twisted log output with a custom one that writes to the logger. """ # Disabling this on windows since it breaks ALL THE THINGS # The issue for this is #4149 if not IS_WIN: sys.stdout = StreamToLogger(logger, logging.DEBUG) sys.stderr = StreamToLogger(logger, logging.ERROR) # Replace twisted's logger to use our custom output. from twisted.python import log log.startLogging(sys.stdout)