# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # mainwindow.py # Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 LEAP # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """ Main window for Bitmask. """ import logging import time from datetime import datetime import psutil from PySide import QtCore, QtGui from leap.bitmask import __version__ as VERSION from leap.bitmask import __version_hash__ as VERSION_HASH # TODO: we should use a more granular signaling instead of passing error/ok as # a result. from leap.bitmask.backend.leapbackend import ERROR_KEY, PASSED_KEY from leap.bitmask.config import flags from leap.bitmask.config.leapsettings import LeapSettings from leap.bitmask.gui.advanced_key_management import AdvancedKeyManagement from leap.bitmask.gui.eip_status import EIPStatusWidget from leap.bitmask.gui.loggerwindow import LoggerWindow from leap.bitmask.gui.login import LoginWidget from leap.bitmask.gui.mail_status import MailStatusWidget from leap.bitmask.gui.preferenceswindow import PreferencesWindow from leap.bitmask.gui.systray import SysTray from leap.bitmask.gui.wizard import Wizard from leap.bitmask.gui.providers import Providers from leap.bitmask.gui.account import Account from leap.bitmask.gui.app import App from leap.bitmask.platform_init import IS_WIN, IS_MAC, IS_LINUX from leap.bitmask.platform_init import locks from leap.bitmask.platform_init.initializers import init_platform from leap.bitmask.platform_init.initializers import init_signals from leap.bitmask.backend.backend_proxy import BackendProxy from leap.bitmask.backend.leapsignaler import LeapSignaler from leap.bitmask.services.eip import conductor as eip_conductor from leap.bitmask.services.mail import conductor as mail_conductor from leap.bitmask.services import EIP_SERVICE, MX_SERVICE from leap.bitmask.util import autostart, make_address from leap.bitmask.util.keyring_helpers import has_keyring from leap.bitmask.logs.leap_log_handler import LeapLogHandler from leap.common.events import register from leap.common.events import events_pb2 as proto from leap.mail.imap.service.imap import IMAP_PORT from ui_mainwindow import Ui_MainWindow QtDelayedCall = QtCore.QTimer.singleShot logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class MainWindow(QtGui.QMainWindow): """ Main window for login and presenting status updates to the user """ # Signals eip_needs_login = QtCore.Signal([]) offline_mode_bypass_login = QtCore.Signal([]) new_updates = QtCore.Signal(object) raise_window = QtCore.Signal([]) soledad_ready = QtCore.Signal([]) logout = QtCore.Signal([]) all_services_stopped = QtCore.Signal() # We use this flag to detect abnormal terminations user_stopped_eip = False # We give EIP some time to come up before starting soledad anyway EIP_START_TIMEOUT = 60000 # in milliseconds # We give the services some time to a halt before forcing quit. SERVICES_STOP_TIMEOUT = 3000 # in milliseconds def __init__(self, start_hidden=False, backend_pid=None): """ Constructor for the client main window :param start_hidden: Set to true if the app should not show the window but just the tray. :type start_hidden: bool """ QtGui.QMainWindow.__init__(self) autostart.set_autostart(True) # register leap events ######################################## register(signal=proto.UPDATER_NEW_UPDATES, callback=self._new_updates_available, reqcbk=lambda req, resp: None) # make rpc call async register(signal=proto.RAISE_WINDOW, callback=self._on_raise_window_event, reqcbk=lambda req, resp: None) # make rpc call async # end register leap events #################################### self._updates_content = "" # setup UI self.ui = Ui_MainWindow() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.menuBar().setNativeMenuBar(not IS_LINUX) self.app = App() self._backend = self.app.backend self._leap_signaler = self.app.signaler self._settings = self.app.settings # Login Widget self._login_widget = LoginWidget(self._settings, self) self.ui.loginLayout.addWidget(self._login_widget) # Mail Widget self._mail_status = MailStatusWidget(self) self.ui.mailLayout.addWidget(self._mail_status) # Provider List self._providers = Providers(self.ui.cmbProviders) # Qt Signal Connections ##################################### # TODO separate logic from ui signals. self.app.service_selection_changed.connect(self._update_eip_enabled_status) self._login_widget.login.connect(self._login) self._login_widget.cancel_login.connect(self._cancel_login) self._login_widget.logout.connect(self._logout) self._providers.connect_provider_changed(self._on_provider_changed) # EIP Control redux ######################################### self._eip_conductor = eip_conductor.EIPConductor( self._settings, self._backend, self._leap_signaler) self._eip_status = EIPStatusWidget(self, self._eip_conductor, self._leap_signaler) init_signals.eip_missing_helpers.connect( self._disable_eip_missing_helpers) self.ui.eipLayout.addWidget(self._eip_status) # XXX we should get rid of the circular refs # conductor <-> status, right now keeping state on the widget ifself. self._eip_conductor.add_eip_widget(self._eip_status) self._eip_conductor.connect_signals() self._eip_conductor.qtsigs.connected_signal.connect( self._on_eip_connection_connected) self._eip_conductor.qtsigs.disconnected_signal.connect( self._on_eip_connection_disconnected) self._eip_conductor.qtsigs.connected_signal.connect( self._maybe_run_soledad_setup_checks) self.offline_mode_bypass_login.connect( self._maybe_run_soledad_setup_checks) self.eip_needs_login.connect(self._eip_status.disable_eip_start) self.eip_needs_login.connect(self._disable_eip_start_action) # XXX all this info about state should move to eip conductor too self._already_started_eip = False self._trying_to_start_eip = False self._soledad_started = False # This is created once we have a valid provider config self._srp_auth = None self._logged_user = None self._logged_in_offline = False # Set used to track the services being stopped and need wait. self._services_being_stopped = {} # used to know if we are in the final steps of quitting self._quitting = False self._finally_quitting = False self._system_quit = False # Used to differentiate between a real quit and a close to tray self._close_to_tray = True self._backend_connected_signals = [] self._backend_connect() self.ui.action_preferences.triggered.connect(self._show_preferences) self.ui.action_about_leap.triggered.connect(self._about) self.ui.action_quit.triggered.connect(self.quit) self.ui.action_wizard.triggered.connect(self._launch_wizard) self.ui.action_show_logs.triggered.connect(self._show_logger_window) self.ui.action_help.triggered.connect(self._help) self.ui.action_create_new_account.triggered.connect( self._on_provider_changed) # Action item hidden since we don't provide stable mail yet. # self.ui.action_advanced_key_management.triggered.connect( # self._show_AKM) if IS_MAC: self.ui.menuFile.menuAction().setText(self.tr("File")) self.raise_window.connect(self._do_raise_mainwindow) self._systray = None # XXX separate actions into a different module. self._action_mail_status = QtGui.QAction(self.tr("Mail is OFF"), self) self._mail_status.set_action_mail_status(self._action_mail_status) self._action_eip_startstop = QtGui.QAction("", self) self._eip_status.set_action_eip_startstop(self._action_eip_startstop) self._action_visible = QtGui.QAction(self.tr("Show Main Window"), self) self._action_visible.triggered.connect(self._ensure_visible) self._enabled_services = [] self._ui_mx_visible = True self._ui_eip_visible = True self._provider_details = None # last minute UI manipulations self._center_window() self.ui.lblNewUpdates.setVisible(False) self.ui.btnMore.setVisible(False) ######################################### # We hide this in height temporarily too self.ui.lblNewUpdates.resize(0, 0) self.ui.btnMore.resize(0, 0) ######################################### self.ui.btnMore.clicked.connect(self._updates_details) if flags.OFFLINE is True: self._set_label_offline() # Services signals/slots connection self.new_updates.connect(self._react_to_new_updates) self.soledad_ready.connect(self._start_mail_service) # ################################ end Qt Signals connection ######## init_platform() self._wizard = None self._wizard_firstrun = False self._start_hidden = start_hidden self._backend_pid = backend_pid self._mail_conductor = mail_conductor.MailConductor(self._backend) self._mail_conductor.connect_mail_signals(self._mail_status) self.logout.connect(self._mail_conductor.stop_mail_services) # start event machines from within the eip and mail conductors # TODO should encapsulate all actions into one object self._eip_conductor.start_eip_machine( action=self._action_eip_startstop) self._mail_conductor.start_mail_machine() if self._first_run(): self._wizard_firstrun = True self._disconnect_and_untrack() self._wizard = Wizard(backend=self._backend, leap_signaler=self._leap_signaler) # Give this window time to finish init and then show the wizard QtDelayedCall(1, self._launch_wizard) self._wizard.accepted.connect(self._finish_init) self._wizard.rejected.connect(self._rejected_wizard) else: # during finish_init, we disable the eip start button # so this has to be done after eip_machine is started self._finish_init() def _not_logged_in_error(self): """ Handle the 'not logged in' backend error if we try to do an operation that requires to be logged in. """ logger.critical("You are trying to do an operation that requires " "log in first.") QtGui.QMessageBox.critical( self, self.tr("Application error"), self.tr("You are trying to do an operation " "that requires logging in first.")) def _connect_and_track(self, signal, method): """ Helper to connect signals and keep track of them. :param signal: the signal to connect to. :type signal: QtCore.Signal :param method: the method to call when the signal is triggered. :type method: callable, Slot or Signal """ self._backend_connected_signals.append((signal, method)) signal.connect(method) def _backend_bad_call(self, data): """ Callback for debugging bad backend calls :param data: data from the backend about the problem :type data: str """ logger.error("Bad call to the backend:") logger.error(data) def _backend_connect(self, only_tracked=False): """ Connect to backend signals. We track some signals in order to disconnect them on demand. For instance, in the wizard we need to connect to some signals that are already connected in the mainwindow, so to avoid conflicts we do: - disconnect signals needed in wizard (`_disconnect_and_untrack`) - use wizard - reconnect disconnected signals (we use the `only_tracked` param) :param only_tracked: whether or not we should connect only the signals that we are tracking to disconnect later. :type only_tracked: bool """ sig = self._leap_signaler conntrack = self._connect_and_track auth_err = self._authentication_error conntrack(sig.prov_name_resolution, self._intermediate_stage) conntrack(sig.prov_https_connection, self._intermediate_stage) conntrack(sig.prov_download_ca_cert, self._intermediate_stage) conntrack(sig.prov_download_provider_info, self._load_provider_config) conntrack(sig.prov_check_api_certificate, self._provider_config_loaded) conntrack(sig.prov_check_api_certificate, self._get_provider_details) conntrack(sig.prov_problem_with_provider, self._login_problem_provider) conntrack(sig.prov_cancelled_setup, self._set_login_cancelled) conntrack(sig.prov_get_details, self._provider_get_details) # Login signals conntrack(sig.srp_auth_ok, self._authentication_finished) auth_error = lambda: auth_err(self.tr("Unknown error.")) conntrack(sig.srp_auth_error, auth_error) auth_server_error = lambda: auth_err(self.tr( "There was a server problem with authentication.")) conntrack(sig.srp_auth_server_error, auth_server_error) auth_connection_error = lambda: auth_err(self.tr( "Could not establish a connection.")) conntrack(sig.srp_auth_connection_error, auth_connection_error) auth_bad_user_or_password = lambda: auth_err(self.tr( "Invalid username or password.")) conntrack(sig.srp_auth_bad_user_or_password, auth_bad_user_or_password) # EIP bootstrap signals conntrack(sig.eip_config_ready, self._eip_intermediate_stage) conntrack(sig.eip_client_certificate_ready, self._finish_eip_bootstrap) ################################################### # Add tracked signals above this, untracked below! ################################################### if only_tracked: return # We don't want to disconnect some signals so don't track them: sig.backend_bad_call.connect(self._backend_bad_call) sig.prov_unsupported_client.connect(self._needs_update) sig.prov_unsupported_api.connect(self._incompatible_api) sig.prov_get_all_services.connect(self._provider_get_all_services) # Logout signals ================================================= sig.srp_logout_ok.connect(self._logout_ok) sig.srp_logout_error.connect(self._logout_error) sig.srp_not_logged_in_error.connect(self._not_logged_in_error) # EIP start signals ============================================== self._eip_conductor.connect_backend_signals() sig.eip_can_start.connect(self._backend_can_start_eip) sig.eip_cannot_start.connect(self._backend_cannot_start_eip) sig.eip_dns_error.connect(self._eip_dns_error) sig.eip_get_gateway_country_code.connect(self._set_eip_provider) sig.eip_no_gateway.connect(self._set_eip_provider) # ================================================================== # Soledad signals # TODO delegate connection to soledad bootstrapper sig.soledad_bootstrap_failed.connect( self._mail_status.set_soledad_failed) sig.soledad_bootstrap_finished.connect(self._on_soledad_ready) sig.soledad_offline_failed.connect( self._mail_status.set_soledad_failed) sig.soledad_offline_finished.connect(self._on_soledad_ready) sig.soledad_invalid_auth_token.connect( self._mail_status.set_soledad_invalid_auth_token) # TODO: connect this with something # sig.soledad_cancelled_bootstrap.connect() def _disconnect_and_untrack(self): """ Helper to disconnect the tracked signals. Some signals are emitted from the wizard, and we want to ignore those. """ for signal, method in self._backend_connected_signals: try: signal.disconnect(method) except RuntimeError: pass # Signal was not connected self._backend_connected_signals = [] @QtCore.Slot() def _rejected_wizard(self): """ TRIGGERS: self._wizard.rejected Called if the wizard has been cancelled or closed before finishing. This is executed for the first run wizard only. Any other execution of the wizard won't reach this point. """ providers = self._settings.get_configured_providers() has_provider_on_disk = len(providers) != 0 if not has_provider_on_disk: # if we don't have any provider configured (included a pinned # one) we can't use the application, so quit. self.quit() else: # This happens if the user finishes the provider # setup but does not register self._wizard = None self._backend_connect(only_tracked=True) if self._wizard_firstrun: self._finish_init() @QtCore.Slot() def _launch_wizard(self): """ TRIGGERS: self.ui.action_wizard.triggered Also called in first run. Launches the wizard, creating the object itself if not already there. """ if self._wizard is None: self._disconnect_and_untrack() self._wizard = Wizard(backend=self._backend, leap_signaler=self._leap_signaler) self._wizard.accepted.connect(self._finish_init) self._wizard.rejected.connect(self._rejected_wizard) self.setVisible(False) # Do NOT use exec_, it will use a child event loop! # Refer to http://www.themacaque.com/?p=1067 for funny details. self._wizard.show() if IS_MAC: self._wizard.raise_() self._wizard.finished.connect(self._wizard_finished) self._settings.set_skip_first_run(True) @QtCore.Slot() def _wizard_finished(self): """ TRIGGERS: self._wizard.finished Called when the wizard has finished. """ self.setVisible(True) def _get_leap_logging_handler(self): """ Gets the leap handler from the top level logger :return: a logging handler or None :rtype: LeapLogHandler or None """ # TODO this can be a function, does not need # to be a method. leap_logger = logging.getLogger('leap') for h in leap_logger.handlers: if isinstance(h, LeapLogHandler): return h return None @QtCore.Slot() def _show_logger_window(self): """ TRIGGERS: self.ui.action_show_logs.triggered Display the window with the history of messages logged until now and displays the new ones on arrival. """ leap_log_handler = self._get_leap_logging_handler() if leap_log_handler is None: logger.error('Leap logger handler not found') return else: lw = LoggerWindow(self, handler=leap_log_handler) lw.show() @QtCore.Slot() def _show_AKM(self): """ TRIGGERS: self.ui.action_advanced_key_management.triggered Display the Advanced Key Management dialog. """ domain = self._providers.get_selected_provider() logged_user = "{0}@{1}".format(self._logged_user, domain) details = self._provider_details mx_provided = False if details is not None: mx_provided = MX_SERVICE in details['services'] # XXX: handle differently not logged in user? akm = AdvancedKeyManagement(self, mx_provided, logged_user, self._backend, self._soledad_started) akm.show() @QtCore.Slot() def _show_preferences(self): """ TRIGGERS: self.ui.btnPreferences.clicked (disabled for now) self.ui.action_preferences Display the preferences window. """ account = Account(self._logged_user, self._providers.get_selected_provider()) pref_win = PreferencesWindow(self, account, self.app) pref_win.show() @QtCore.Slot(object, list) def _update_eip_enabled_status(self, account=None, services=None): """ TRIGGER: App.service_selection_changed Enable or disable the EIP start/stop actions and stop EIP if the user disabled that service. :returns: if the eip actions were enabled or disabled :rtype: bool """ if account is not None: domain = account.domain else: # I am not sure why, but asking for the currently selected # provider here give you the WRONG provider domain = self.app.settings.get_defaultprovider() if domain is None: logger.warning("Trying to update eip enabled status but there's no" " default provider. Disabling EIP for the time" " being...") self._backend_cannot_start_eip() return if not EIP_SERVICE in self.app.settings.get_enabled_services(domain): self._eip_conductor.terminate() def hide(): self.app.backend.eip_can_start(domain=domain) QtDelayedCall(100, hide) # ^^ VERY VERY Hacky, but with the simple state machine, # there is no way to signal 'disconnect and then disable' else: self._trying_to_start_eip = self.app.settings.get_autostart_eip() if not self._trying_to_start_eip: self._backend.eip_setup(provider=domain, skip_network=True) # check if EIP can start (will trigger widget update) self.app.backend.eip_can_start(domain=domain) def _backend_can_start_eip(self): """ TRIGGER: self._backend.signaler.eip_can_start If EIP can be started right away, and the client is configured to do so, start it. Otherwise it leaves everything in place for the user to click Turn ON. """ if self._eip_status.missing_helpers: self._eip_status.disable_eip_start() return settings = self._settings default_provider = settings.get_defaultprovider() enabled_services = [] if default_provider is not None: enabled_services = settings.get_enabled_services(default_provider) eip_enabled = False if EIP_SERVICE in enabled_services: eip_enabled = True if default_provider is not None: self._eip_status.enable_eip_start() self._eip_status.set_eip_status("") else: # we don't have an usable provider # so the user needs to log in first self._eip_status.disable_eip_start() else: self._eip_status.disable_eip_start() self._eip_status.set_eip_status(self.tr("Disabled")) if eip_enabled and self._trying_to_start_eip: self._trying_to_start_eip = False self._try_autostart_eip() def _backend_cannot_start_eip(self): """ TRIGGER: self._backend.signaler.eip_cannot_start If EIP can't be started right away, get the UI to what it needs to look like and waits for a proper login/eip bootstrap. """ settings = self._settings default_provider = settings.get_defaultprovider() enabled_services = [] if default_provider is not None: enabled_services = settings.get_enabled_services(default_provider) if EIP_SERVICE in enabled_services: # we don't have a usable provider # so the user needs to log in first self._eip_status.disable_eip_start() else: self._eip_status.disable_eip_start() # NOTE: we shouldn't be setting the message here. if not self._eip_status.missing_helpers: self._eip_status.set_eip_status(self.tr("Disabled")) # this state flag is responsible for deferring the login # so we must update it, otherwise we're in a deadlock. self._trying_to_start_eip = False # this state flag is responsible for deferring the login # so we must update it, otherwise we're in a deadlock. self._trying_to_start_eip = False @QtCore.Slot() def _disable_eip_missing_helpers(self): """ TRIGGERS: init_signals.missing_helpers Set the missing_helpers flag, so we can disable EIP. """ self._eip_status.missing_helpers = True # # updates # def _new_updates_available(self, req): """ Callback for the new updates event :param req: Request type :type req: leap.common.events.events_pb2.SignalRequest """ self.new_updates.emit(req) @QtCore.Slot(object) def _react_to_new_updates(self, req): """ TRIGGERS: self.new_updates Display the new updates label and sets the updates_content :param req: Request type :type req: leap.common.events.events_pb2.SignalRequest """ self.moveToThread(QtCore.QCoreApplication.instance().thread()) self.ui.lblNewUpdates.setVisible(True) self.ui.btnMore.setVisible(True) self._updates_content = req.content @QtCore.Slot() def _updates_details(self): """ TRIGGERS: self.ui.btnMore.clicked Parses and displays the updates details """ msg = self.tr("The Bitmask app is ready to update, please" " restart the application.") # We assume that if there is nothing in the contents, then # the Bitmask bundle is what needs updating. if len(self._updates_content) > 0: files = self._updates_content.split(", ") files_str = "" for f in files: final_name = f.replace("/data/", "") final_name = final_name.replace(".thp", "") files_str += final_name files_str += "\n" msg += self.tr(" The following components will be updated:\n%s") \ % (files_str,) QtGui.QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr("Updates available"), msg) @QtCore.Slot() def _finish_init(self): """ TRIGGERS: self._wizard.accepted Also called at the end of the constructor if not first run. Implements the behavior after either constructing the mainwindow object, loading the saved user/password, or after the wizard has been executed. """ # XXX: May be this can be divided into two methods? providers = self._settings.get_configured_providers() self._providers.set_providers(providers) self._show_systray() if not self._start_hidden: self.show() if IS_MAC: self.raise_() self._show_hide_unsupported_services() # XXX - HACK, kind of... # With the 1ms QTimer.singleShot call we schedule the call right after # other signals waiting for the qt reactor to take control. # That way, the method is called right after the EIP machines' signals. # We need to wait until that happens because the state-machine # controlled widget shows the 'Turn On' button and we want to do the # changes to that button right after, not before. QtDelayedCall(1, self._update_eip_enabled_status) if self._wizard: possible_username = self._wizard.get_username() possible_password = self._wizard.get_password() # select the configured provider in the combo box domain = self._wizard.get_domain() self._providers.select_provider_by_name(domain) self._login_widget.set_remember(self._wizard.get_remember()) self._enabled_services = list(self._wizard.get_services()) self._settings.set_enabled_services( self._providers.get_selected_provider(), self._enabled_services) if possible_username is not None: self._login_widget.set_user(possible_username) if possible_password is not None: self._login_widget.set_password(possible_password) self._login() else: self.eip_needs_login.emit() self._wizard = None self._backend_connect(only_tracked=True) else: domain = self._settings.get_provider() if domain is not None: self._providers.select_provider_by_name(domain) if not self._settings.get_remember(): # nothing to do here return saved_user = self._settings.get_user() if saved_user is not None and has_keyring(): if self._login_widget.load_user_from_keyring(saved_user): self._login() def _show_hide_unsupported_services(self): """ Given a set of configured providers, it creates a set of available services among all of them and displays the service widgets of only those. This means, for example, that with just one provider with EIP only, the mail widget won't be displayed. """ providers = self._settings.get_configured_providers() self._backend.provider_get_all_services(providers=providers) def _provider_get_all_services(self, services): self._set_eip_visible(EIP_SERVICE in services) self._set_mx_visible(MX_SERVICE in services) def _set_mx_visible(self, visible): """ Change the visibility of MX_SERVICE related UI components. :param visible: whether the components should be visible or not. :type visible: bool """ # only update visibility if it is something to change if self._ui_mx_visible ^ visible: self.ui.mailWidget.setVisible(visible) self.ui.lineUnderEmail.setVisible(visible) self._action_mail_status.setVisible(visible) self._ui_mx_visible = visible def _set_eip_visible(self, visible): """ Change the visibility of EIP_SERVICE related UI components. :param visible: whether the components should be visible or not. :type visible: bool """ # NOTE: we use xor to avoid the code being run if the visibility hasn't # changed. This is meant to avoid the eip menu being displayed floating # around at start because the systray isn't rendered yet. if self._ui_eip_visible ^ visible: self.ui.eipWidget.setVisible(visible) self.ui.lineUnderEIP.setVisible(visible) self._eip_menu.setVisible(visible) self._ui_eip_visible = visible def _set_label_offline(self): """ Set the login label to reflect offline status. """ # TODO: figure out what widget to use for this. Maybe the window title? # # systray # def _show_systray(self): """ Sets up the systray icon """ if self._systray is not None: self._systray.setVisible(True) return # Placeholder action # It is temporary to display the tray as designed help_action = QtGui.QAction(self.tr("Help"), self) help_action.setEnabled(False) systrayMenu = QtGui.QMenu(self) systrayMenu.addAction(self._action_visible) systrayMenu.addSeparator() eip_status_label = u"{0}: {1}".format( self._eip_conductor.eip_name, self.tr("OFF")) self._eip_menu = eip_menu = systrayMenu.addMenu(eip_status_label) eip_menu.addAction(self._action_eip_startstop) self._eip_status.set_eip_status_menu(eip_menu) systrayMenu.addSeparator() systrayMenu.addAction(self._action_mail_status) systrayMenu.addSeparator() systrayMenu.addAction(self.ui.action_quit) self._systray = SysTray(self) self._systray.setContextMenu(systrayMenu) self._systray.setIcon(self._eip_status.ERROR_ICON_TRAY) self._systray.setVisible(True) self._systray.activated.connect(self._tray_activated) self._mail_status.set_systray(self._systray) self._eip_status.set_systray(self._systray) if self._start_hidden: hello = lambda: self._systray.showMessage( self.tr('Hello!'), self.tr('Bitmask has started in the tray.')) # we wait for the systray to be ready QtDelayedCall(1000, hello) @QtCore.Slot(int) def _tray_activated(self, reason=None): """ TRIGGERS: self._systray.activated :param reason: the reason why the tray got activated. :type reason: int Display the context menu from the tray icon """ context_menu = self._systray.contextMenu() if not IS_MAC: # for some reason, context_menu.show() # is failing in a way beyond my understanding. # (not working the first time it's clicked). # this works however. context_menu.exec_(self._systray.geometry().center()) @QtCore.Slot() def _ensure_visible(self): """ TRIGGERS: self._action_visible.triggered Ensure that the window is visible and raised. """ QtGui.QApplication.setQuitOnLastWindowClosed(True) self.show() if IS_LINUX: # On ubuntu, activateWindow doesn't work reliably, so # we do the following as a workaround. See # https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-24932 # for more details QtGui.QX11Info.setAppUserTime(0) self.activateWindow() self.raise_() @QtCore.Slot() def _ensure_invisible(self): """ TRIGGERS: self._action_visible.triggered Ensure that the window is hidden. """ # We set this in order to avoid dialogs shutting down the # app on close, as they will be the only visible window. # e.g.: PreferencesWindow, LoggerWindow QtGui.QApplication.setQuitOnLastWindowClosed(False) self.hide() def _center_window(self): """ Center the main window based on the desktop geometry """ geometry = self._settings.get_geometry() state = self._settings.get_windowstate() if geometry is None: app = QtGui.QApplication.instance() width = app.desktop().width() height = app.desktop().height() window_width = self.size().width() window_height = self.size().height() x = (width / 2.0) - (window_width / 2.0) y = (height / 2.0) - (window_height / 2.0) self.move(x, y) else: self.restoreGeometry(geometry) if state is not None: self.restoreState(state) @QtCore.Slot() def _about(self): """ TRIGGERS: self.ui.action_about_leap.triggered Display the About Bitmask dialog """ today = datetime.now().date() greet = ("Happy New 1984!... or not ;)

" if today.month == 1 and today.day < 15 else "") QtGui.QMessageBox.about( self, self.tr("About Bitmask - %s") % (VERSION,), self.tr("Version: %s (%s)
" "
%s" "Bitmask is the Desktop client application for " "the LEAP platform, supporting encrypted internet " "proxy, secure email, and secure chat (coming soon).
" "
" "LEAP is a non-profit dedicated to giving " "all internet users access to secure " "communication. Our focus is on adapting " "encryption technology to make it easy to use " "and widely available.
" "
" "More about LEAP" "") % (VERSION, VERSION_HASH[:10], greet)) @QtCore.Slot() def _help(self): """ TRIGGERS: self.ui.action_help.triggered Display the Bitmask help dialog. """ # TODO: don't hardcode! smtp_port = 2013 help_url = "


".format( self.tr("bitmask.net/help")) lang = QtCore.QLocale.system().name().replace('_', '-') thunderbird_extension_url = \ "https://addons.mozilla.org/{0}/" \ "thunderbird/addon/bitmask/".format(lang) email_quick_reference = self.tr("Email quick reference") thunderbird_text = self.tr( "For Thunderbird, you can use the " "Bitmask extension. Search for \"Bitmask\" in the add-on " "manager or download it from " "addons.mozilla.org.".format(thunderbird_extension_url)) manual_text = self.tr( "Alternately, you can manually configure " "your mail client to use Bitmask Email with these options:") manual_imap = self.tr("IMAP: localhost, port {0}".format(IMAP_PORT)) manual_smtp = self.tr("SMTP: localhost, port {0}".format(smtp_port)) manual_username = self.tr("Username: your full email address") manual_password = self.tr("Password: any non-empty text") msg = help_url + self.tr( "


" "


" "

{2}" "

").format(email_quick_reference, thunderbird_text, manual_text, manual_imap, manual_smtp, manual_username, manual_password) QtGui.QMessageBox.about(self, self.tr("Bitmask Help"), msg) def _needs_update(self): """ Display a warning dialog to inform the user that the app needs update. """ url = "https://dl.bitmask.net/" msg = self.tr( "The current client version is not supported " "by this provider.
" "Please update to latest version.

" "You can get the latest version from " "{1}").format(url, url) QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(self, self.tr("Update Needed"), msg) def _incompatible_api(self): """ Display a warning dialog to inform the user that the provider has an incompatible API. """ msg = self.tr( "This provider is not compatible with the client.

" "Error: API version incompatible.") QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(self, self.tr("Incompatible Provider"), msg) def closeEvent(self, e): """ Reimplementation of closeEvent to close to tray """ if not e.spontaneous(): # if the system requested the `close` then we should quit. self._system_quit = True self.quit() return if QtGui.QSystemTrayIcon.isSystemTrayAvailable() and \ self._close_to_tray: self._ensure_invisible() e.ignore() return self._settings.set_geometry(self.saveGeometry()) self._settings.set_windowstate(self.saveState()) QtGui.QMainWindow.closeEvent(self, e) def _first_run(self): """ Return True if there are no configured providers. False otherwise :rtype: bool """ providers = self._settings.get_configured_providers() has_provider_on_disk = len(providers) != 0 skip_first_run = self._settings.get_skip_first_run() return not (has_provider_on_disk and skip_first_run) @QtCore.Slot() def _download_provider_config(self): """ Start the bootstrapping sequence. It will download the provider configuration if it's not present, otherwise will emit the corresponding signals inmediately """ self._disconnect_scheduled_login() domain = self._providers.get_selected_provider() self._backend.provider_setup(provider=domain) @QtCore.Slot(dict) def _load_provider_config(self, data): """ TRIGGERS: self._backend.signaler.prov_download_provider_info Once the provider config has been downloaded, start the second part of the bootstrapping sequence. :param data: result from the last stage of the backend.provider_setup() :type data: dict """ if data[PASSED_KEY]: selected_provider = self._providers.get_selected_provider() self._backend.provider_bootstrap(provider=selected_provider) else: logger.error(data[ERROR_KEY]) self._login_problem_provider() @QtCore.Slot() def _login_problem_provider(self): """ Warn the user about a problem with the provider during login. """ # XXX triggers? self._login_widget.set_status( self.tr("Unable to login: Problem with provider")) self._login_widget.set_enabled(True) def _schedule_login(self): """ Schedule the login sequence to go after the EIP started. The login sequence is connected to all finishing status of EIP (connected, disconnected, aborted or died) to continue with the login after EIP. """ logger.debug('Login scheduled when eip_connected is triggered') eip_sigs = self._eip_conductor.qtsigs eip_sigs.connected_signal.connect(self._download_provider_config) eip_sigs.disconnected_signal.connect(self._download_provider_config) eip_sigs.connection_aborted_signal.connect( self._download_provider_config) eip_sigs.connection_died_signal.connect(self._download_provider_config) def _disconnect_scheduled_login(self): """ Disconnect scheduled login signals if exists """ try: eip_sigs = self._eip_conductor.qtsigs eip_sigs.connected_signal.disconnect( self._download_provider_config) eip_sigs.disconnected_signal.disconnect( self._download_provider_config) eip_sigs.connection_aborted_signal.disconnect( self._download_provider_config) eip_sigs.connection_died_signal.disconnect( self._download_provider_config) except Exception: # signal not connected pass @QtCore.Slot(object) def _on_provider_changed(self, wizard=True): """ TRIGGERS: self._providers._provider_changed self.ui.action_create_new_account.triggered Ask the user if really wants to change provider since a services stop is required for that action. :param wizard: whether the 'other...' option was picked or not. :type wizard: bool """ # TODO: we should handle the case that EIP is autostarting since we # won't get a warning until EIP has fully started. # TODO: we need to add a check for the mail status (smtp/imap/soledad) something_runing = (self._logged_user is not None or self._already_started_eip) provider = self._providers.get_selected_provider() if not something_runing: if wizard: self._launch_wizard() else: self._settings.set_provider(provider) self._settings.set_defaultprovider(provider) self._update_eip_enabled_status() return title = self.tr("Stop services") text = "" + self.tr("Do you want to stop all services?") + "" informative_text = self.tr("In order to change the provider, the " "running services needs to be stopped.") msg = QtGui.QMessageBox(self) msg.setWindowTitle(title) msg.setText(text) msg.setInformativeText(informative_text) msg.setStandardButtons(QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes | QtGui.QMessageBox.No) msg.setDefaultButton(QtGui.QMessageBox.No) msg.setIcon(QtGui.QMessageBox.Warning) res = msg.exec_() if res == QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes: self._settings.set_provider(provider) self._settings.set_defaultprovider(provider) self._settings.set_autostart_eip(False) self._stop_services() self._update_eip_enabled_status() self._eip_conductor.qtsigs.do_disconnect_signal.emit() if wizard: self._launch_wizard() else: if not wizard: # if wizard, the widget restores itself self._providers.restore_previous_provider() @QtCore.Slot() def _login(self): """ TRIGGERS: self._login_widget.login Start the login sequence. Which involves bootstrapping the selected provider if the selection is valid (not empty), then start the SRP authentication, and as the last step bootstrapping the EIP service """ # TODO most of this could ve handled by the login widget, provider = self._providers.get_selected_provider() if flags.OFFLINE is True: logger.debug("OFFLINE mode! bypassing remote login") # TODO reminder, we're not handling logout for offline # mode. self._login_widget.logged_in(provider) self._logged_in_offline = True self._set_label_offline() self.offline_mode_bypass_login.emit() else: self.ui.action_create_new_account.setEnabled(False) if self._login_widget.start_login(provider): if self._trying_to_start_eip: self._schedule_login() else: self._download_provider_config() @QtCore.Slot(unicode) def _authentication_error(self, msg): """ TRIGGERS: Signaler.srp_auth_error Signaler.srp_auth_server_error Signaler.srp_auth_connection_error Signaler.srp_auth_bad_user_or_password Handle the authentication errors. :param msg: the message to show to the user. :type msg: unicode """ self._login_widget.set_status(msg) self._login_widget.set_enabled(True) self.ui.action_create_new_account.setEnabled(True) @QtCore.Slot() def _cancel_login(self): """ TRIGGERS: self._login_widget.cancel_login Stop the login sequence. """ logger.debug("Cancelling log in.") self._disconnect_scheduled_login() self._cancel_ongoing_defers() # Needed in case of EIP starting and login deferer never set self._set_login_cancelled() def _cancel_ongoing_defers(self): """ Cancel the running defers to avoid app blocking. """ # XXX: Should we stop all the backend defers? self._backend.provider_cancel_setup() self._backend.user_cancel_login() self._backend.soledad_cancel_bootstrap() self._backend.soledad_close() self._soledad_started = False @QtCore.Slot() def _set_login_cancelled(self): """ TRIGGERS: Signaler.prov_cancelled_setup fired by self._backend.provider_cancel_setup() Re-enable the login widget and display a message for the cancelled operation. """ self._login_widget.set_status(self.tr("Log in cancelled by the user.")) self._login_widget.set_enabled(True) @QtCore.Slot(dict) def _provider_config_loaded(self, data): """ TRIGGERS: self._backend.signaler.prov_check_api_certificate Once the provider configuration is loaded, this starts the SRP authentication """ if data[PASSED_KEY]: username = self._login_widget.get_user() password = self._login_widget.get_password() self._show_hide_unsupported_services() domain = self._providers.get_selected_provider() self._backend.user_login(provider=domain, username=username, password=password) else: logger.error(data[ERROR_KEY]) self._login_problem_provider() @QtCore.Slot() def _authentication_finished(self): """ TRIGGERS: self._srp_auth.authentication_finished Once the user is properly authenticated, try starting the EIP service """ self._login_widget.set_status(self.tr("Succeeded"), error=False) self._logged_user = self._login_widget.get_user() user = self._logged_user domain = self._providers.get_selected_provider() full_user_id = make_address(user, domain) self._mail_conductor.userid = full_user_id self._start_eip_bootstrap() self.ui.action_create_new_account.setEnabled(True) # if soledad/mail is enabled: if MX_SERVICE in self._enabled_services: btn_enabled = self._login_widget.set_logout_btn_enabled btn_enabled(False) sig = self._leap_signaler sig.soledad_bootstrap_failed.connect(lambda: btn_enabled(True)) sig.soledad_bootstrap_finished.connect(lambda: btn_enabled(True)) if MX_SERVICE not in self._provider_details['services']: self._set_mx_visible(False) def _start_eip_bootstrap(self): """ Change the stackedWidget index to the EIP status one and triggers the eip bootstrapping. """ domain = self._providers.get_selected_provider() self._login_widget.logged_in(domain) self._enabled_services = self._settings.get_enabled_services(domain) # TODO separate UI from logic. if self._provides_mx_and_enabled(): self._mail_status.about_to_start() else: self._mail_status.set_disabled() self._maybe_start_eip() @QtCore.Slot() def _get_provider_details(self): """ TRIGGERS: prov_check_api_certificate Set the attributes to know if the EIP and MX services are supported and enabled. This is triggered right after the provider has been set up. """ domain = self._providers.get_selected_provider() lang = QtCore.QLocale.system().name() self._backend.provider_get_details(domain=domain, lang=lang) @QtCore.Slot() def _provider_get_details(self, details): """ Set the details for the just downloaded provider. :param details: the details of the provider. :type details: dict """ self._provider_details = details def _provides_mx_and_enabled(self): """ Define if the current provider provides mx and if we have it enabled. :returns: True if provides and is enabled, False otherwise :rtype: bool """ domain = self._providers.get_selected_provider() enabled_services = self._settings.get_enabled_services(domain) mx_enabled = MX_SERVICE in enabled_services mx_provided = False if self._provider_details is not None: mx_provided = MX_SERVICE in self._provider_details['services'] return mx_enabled and mx_provided def _provides_eip_and_enabled(self): """ Define if the current provider provides eip and if we have it enabled. :returns: True if provides and is enabled, False otherwise :rtype: bool """ domain = self._providers.get_selected_provider() enabled_services = self._settings.get_enabled_services(domain) eip_enabled = EIP_SERVICE in enabled_services eip_provided = False if self._provider_details is not None: eip_provided = EIP_SERVICE in self._provider_details['services'] return eip_enabled and eip_provided def _maybe_run_soledad_setup_checks(self): """ Conditionally start Soledad. """ # TODO split. if not self._provides_mx_and_enabled() and not flags.OFFLINE: logger.debug("Provider does not offer MX, but it is enabled.") return username = self._login_widget.get_user() password = unicode(self._login_widget.get_password()) provider_domain = self._providers.get_selected_provider() if flags.OFFLINE: full_user_id = make_address(username, provider_domain) uuid = self._settings.get_uuid(full_user_id) self._mail_conductor.userid = full_user_id if uuid is None: # We don't need more visibility at the moment, # this is mostly for internal use/debug for now. logger.warning("Sorry! Log-in at least one time.") return self._backend.soledad_load_offline(username=full_user_id, password=password, uuid=uuid) else: if self._logged_user is not None: domain = self._providers.get_selected_provider() self._backend.soledad_bootstrap(username=username, domain=domain, password=password) ################################################################### # Service control methods: soledad @QtCore.Slot() def _on_soledad_ready(self): """ TRIGGERS: Signaler.soledad_bootstrap_finished Actions to take when Soledad is ready. """ logger.debug("Done bootstrapping Soledad") self._soledad_started = True self.soledad_ready.emit() ################################################################### # Service control methods: mail @QtCore.Slot() def _start_mail_service(self): if self._provides_mx_and_enabled() or flags.OFFLINE: self._mail_conductor.start_mail_service(download_if_needed=True, offline=flags.OFFLINE) ################################################################### # Service control methods: eip @QtCore.Slot() def _disable_eip_start_action(self): """ Disable the EIP start action in the systray menu. """ self._action_eip_startstop.setEnabled(False) @QtCore.Slot() def _enable_eip_start_action(self): """ Enable the EIP start action in the systray menu. """ self._action_eip_startstop.setEnabled(True) self._eip_status.enable_eip_start() @QtCore.Slot() def _on_eip_connection_connected(self): """ TRIGGERS: self._eip_conductor.qtsigs.connected_signal This is a little workaround for connecting the vpn-connected signal that currently is beeing processed under status_panel. After the refactor to EIPConductor this should not be necessary. """ self._already_started_eip = True domain = self._providers.get_selected_provider() self._settings.set_defaultprovider(domain) self._backend.eip_get_gateway_country_code(domain=domain) # check for connectivity self._backend.eip_check_dns(domain=domain) @QtCore.Slot() def _on_eip_connection_disconnected(self): """ TRIGGERS: self._eip_conductor.qtsigs.disconnected_signal Set the eip status to not started. """ self._already_started_eip = False @QtCore.Slot() def _set_eip_provider(self, country_code=None): """ TRIGGERS: Signaler.eip_get_gateway_country_code Signaler.eip_no_gateway Set the current provider and country code in the eip status widget. """ domain = self._providers.get_selected_provider() self._eip_status.set_provider(domain, country_code) @QtCore.Slot() def _eip_dns_error(self): """ Trigger this if we don't have a working DNS resolver. """ domain = self._providers.get_selected_provider() msg = self.tr( "The server at {0} can't be found, because the DNS lookup " "failed. DNS is the network service that translates a " "website's name to its Internet address. Either your computer " "is having trouble connecting to the network, or you are " "missing some helper files that are needed to securely use " "DNS while {1} is active. To install these helper files, quit " "this application and start it again." ).format(domain, self._eip_conductor.eip_name) QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(self, self.tr("Connection Error"), msg) def _try_autostart_eip(self): """ Try to autostart EIP. """ settings = self._settings default_provider = settings.get_defaultprovider() self._enabled_services = settings.get_enabled_services( default_provider) if settings.get_autostart_eip(): self._maybe_start_eip(autostart=True) # eip boostrapping, config etc... def _maybe_start_eip(self, autostart=False): """ Start the EIP bootstrapping sequence if the client is configured to do so. :param autostart: we are autostarting EIP when this is True :type autostart: bool """ # XXX should move to EIP conductor. # during autostart we assume that the provider provides EIP if autostart: should_start = EIP_SERVICE in self._enabled_services else: should_start = self._provides_eip_and_enabled() missing_helpers = self._eip_status.missing_helpers already_started = self._already_started_eip can_start = (should_start and not already_started and not missing_helpers) if can_start: if self._eip_status.is_cold_start: self._backend.tear_fw_down() # XXX this should be handled by the state machine. self._enable_eip_start_action() self._eip_status.set_eip_status( self.tr("Starting...")) self._eip_status.show_eip_cancel_button() # We were disabling the button, but now that we have # a cancel button we just hide it. It will be visible # when the connection is completed successfully. self._eip_status.eip_button.hide() self._eip_status.eip_button.setEnabled(False) domain = self._providers.get_selected_provider() self._backend.eip_setup(provider=domain) self._already_started_eip = True # we want to start soledad anyway after a certain timeout if eip # fails to come up QtDelayedCall(self.EIP_START_TIMEOUT, self._maybe_run_soledad_setup_checks) else: if not self._already_started_eip: if EIP_SERVICE in self._enabled_services: if missing_helpers: msg = self.tr( "Disabled: missing helper files") else: msg = self.tr("Not supported"), self._eip_status.set_eip_status(msg, error=True) else: msg = self.tr("Disabled") self._eip_status.disable_eip_start() self._eip_status.set_eip_status(msg) # eip will not start, so we start soledad anyway self._maybe_run_soledad_setup_checks() @QtCore.Slot(dict) def _finish_eip_bootstrap(self, data): """ TRIGGERS: self._backend.signaler.eip_client_certificate_ready Start the VPN thread if the eip configuration is properly loaded. """ passed = data[PASSED_KEY] if not passed: error_msg = self.tr("There was a problem with the provider") self._eip_status.set_eip_status(error_msg, error=True) logger.error(data[ERROR_KEY]) self._already_started_eip = False return # DO START EIP Connection! self._eip_conductor.do_connect() @QtCore.Slot(dict) def _eip_intermediate_stage(self, data): # TODO missing param documentation """ TRIGGERS: self._backend.signaler.eip_config_ready If there was a problem, displays it, otherwise it does nothing. This is used for intermediate bootstrapping stages, in case they fail. """ passed = data[PASSED_KEY] if not passed: self._eip_status.set_eip_status( self.tr("Unable to connect: Problem with provider"), error=True) logger.error(data[ERROR_KEY]) self._already_started_eip = False self._eip_status.aborted() # end of EIP methods --------------------------------------------- @QtCore.Slot() def _logout(self): """ TRIGGERS: self._login_widget.logout Start the logout sequence """ self._cancel_ongoing_defers() # XXX: If other defers are doing authenticated stuff, this # might conflict with those. CHECK! self._backend.user_logout() self.logout.emit() @QtCore.Slot() def _logout_error(self): """ TRIGGER: self._srp_auth.logout_error Inform the user about a logout error. """ self._login_widget.done_logout() self._login_widget.set_status( self.tr("Something went wrong with the logout.")) @QtCore.Slot() def _logout_ok(self): """ TRIGGER: self._srp_auth.logout_ok Switch the stackedWidget back to the login stage after logging out """ self._login_widget.done_logout() self._logged_user = None self._login_widget.logged_out() self._mail_status.mail_state_disabled() self._show_hide_unsupported_services() @QtCore.Slot(dict) def _intermediate_stage(self, data): # TODO this method name is confusing as hell. """ TRIGGERS: self._backend.signaler.prov_name_resolution self._backend.signaler.prov_https_connection self._backend.signaler.prov_download_ca_cert If there was a problem, display it, otherwise it does nothing. This is used for intermediate bootstrapping stages, in case they fail. """ passed = data[PASSED_KEY] if not passed: logger.error(data[ERROR_KEY]) self._login_problem_provider() # # window handling methods # def _on_raise_window_event(self, req): """ Callback for the raise window event """ if IS_WIN: locks.raise_window_ack() self.raise_window.emit() @QtCore.Slot() def _do_raise_mainwindow(self): """ TRIGGERS: self._on_raise_window_event Triggered when we receive a RAISE_WINDOW event. """ TOPFLAG = QtCore.Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint self.setWindowFlags(self.windowFlags() | TOPFLAG) self.show() self.setWindowFlags(self.windowFlags() & ~TOPFLAG) self.show() if IS_MAC: self.raise_() # # cleanup and quit methods # def _stop_services(self): """ Stop services and cancel ongoing actions (if any). """ logger.debug('Stopping services...') self._cancel_ongoing_defers() self._services_being_stopped = set(('imap', 'eip')) imap_stopped = lambda: self._remove_service('imap') self._leap_signaler.imap_stopped.connect(imap_stopped) # XXX change name, already used in conductor. eip_stopped = lambda: self._remove_service('eip') self._leap_signaler.eip_stopped.connect(eip_stopped) logger.debug('Stopping mail services') self._mail_conductor.stop_mail_services() if self._logged_user is not None: logger.debug("Doing logout") self._backend.user_logout() logger.debug('Terminating vpn') self._backend.eip_stop(shutdown=True) def quit(self): """ Start the quit sequence and wait for services to finish. Cleanup and close the main window before quitting. """ if self._quitting: return self._quitting = True self._close_to_tray = False logger.debug('Quitting...') autostart.set_autostart(False) # first thing to do quitting, hide the mainwindow and show tooltip. self.hide() if not self._system_quit and self._systray is not None: self._systray.showMessage( self.tr('Quitting...'), self.tr('Bitmask is quitting, please wait.')) # explicitly process events to display tooltip immediately QtCore.QCoreApplication.processEvents(0, 10) # Close other windows if any. if self._wizard: self._wizard.close() # Set this in case that the app is hidden QtGui.QApplication.setQuitOnLastWindowClosed(True) if not self._backend.online: self.final_quit() return # call final quit when all the services are stopped self.all_services_stopped.connect(self.final_quit) self._stop_services() # we wait and call manually since during the system's logout the # backend process can be killed and we won't get a response. # XXX: also, for some reason the services stop timeout does not work. if self._system_quit: time.sleep(0.5) self.final_quit() # or if we reach the timeout QtDelayedCall(self.SERVICES_STOP_TIMEOUT, self.final_quit) def _backend_kill(self): """ Send a kill signal to the backend process. This is called if the backend does not respond to requests. """ if self._backend_pid is not None: logger.debug("Killing backend") psutil.Process(self._backend_pid).kill() @QtCore.Slot() def _remove_service(self, service): """ Remove the given service from the waiting list and check if we have running services that we need to wait until we quit. Emit self.all_services_stopped signal if we don't need to keep waiting. :param service: the service that we want to remove :type service: str """ logger.debug("Removing service: {0}".format(service)) self._services_being_stopped.discard(service) if not self._services_being_stopped: logger.debug("All services stopped.") self.all_services_stopped.emit() @QtCore.Slot() def final_quit(self): """ Final steps to quit the app, starting from here we don't care about running services or user interaction, just quitting. """ # We can reach here because all the services are stopped or because a # timeout was triggered. Since we want to run this only once, we exit # if this is called twice. if self._finally_quitting: return logger.debug('Final quit...') self._finally_quitting = True if self._backend.online: logger.debug('Closing soledad...') self._backend.soledad_close() self._leap_signaler.stop() self._backend.stop() time.sleep(0.05) # give the thread a little time to finish. if self._system_quit or not self._backend.online: logger.debug("Killing the backend") self._backend_kill() # Remove lockfiles on a clean shutdown. logger.debug('Cleaning pidfiles') locks.release_lock() self.close()