# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # logwindow.py # Copyright (C) 2013 LEAP # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """ History log window """ import cgi from PySide import QtCore, QtGui import logbook from logbook.queues import ZeroMQSubscriber from ui_loggerwindow import Ui_LoggerWindow from leap.bitmask.logs import LOG_FORMAT from leap.bitmask.logs.utils import get_logger from leap.bitmask.util.constants import PASTEBIN_API_DEV_KEY from leap.bitmask.util import pastebin logger = get_logger() # log history global variable used to store received logs through different # opened instances of this window _LOGS_HISTORY = [] class QtLogHandler(logbook.Handler, logbook.StringFormatterHandlerMixin): """ Custom log handler which emits a log record with the message properly formatted using a Qt Signal. """ class _QtSignaler(QtCore.QObject): """ inline class used to hold the `new_log` Signal, if this is used directly in the outside class it fails due how PySide works. This is the message we get if not use this method: TypeError: Error when calling the metaclass bases metaclass conflict: the metaclass of a derived class must be a (non-strict) subclass of the metaclasses of all its bases """ new_log = QtCore.Signal(object) def emit(self, data): """ emit the `new_log` Signal with the given `data` parameter. :param data: the data to emit along with the signal. :type data: object """ # WARNING: the new-style connection does NOT work because PySide # translates the emit method to self.emit, and that collides with # the emit method for logging.Handler # self.new_log.emit(log_item) QtCore.QObject.emit(self, QtCore.SIGNAL('new_log(PyObject)'), data) def __init__(self, level=logbook.NOTSET, format_string=None, encoding=None, filter=None, bubble=False): logbook.Handler.__init__(self, level, filter, bubble) logbook.StringFormatterHandlerMixin.__init__(self, format_string) self.qt = self._QtSignaler() def __enter__(self): return logbook.Handler.__enter__(self) def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, tb): return logbook.Handler.__exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, tb) def emit(self, record): """ Emit the specified logging record using a Qt Signal. Also add it to the history in order to be able to access it later. :param record: the record to emit :type record: logbook.LogRecord """ global _LOGS_HISTORY record.msg = self.format(record) # NOTE: not optimal approach, we may want to look at # bisect.insort with a custom approach to use key or # http://code.activestate.com/recipes/577197-sortedcollection/ # Sort logs on arrival, logs transmitted over zmq may arrive unsorted. _LOGS_HISTORY.append(record) _LOGS_HISTORY = sorted(_LOGS_HISTORY, key=lambda r: r.time) # XXX: emitting the record on arrival does not allow us to sort here so # in the GUI the logs may arrive with with some time sort problem. # We should implement a sort-on-arrive for the log window. # Maybe we should switch to a tablewidget item that sort automatically # by timestamp. # As a user workaround you can close/open the log window self.qt.emit(record) class LoggerWindow(QtGui.QDialog): """ Window that displays a history of the logged messages in the app. """ _paste_ok = QtCore.Signal(object) _paste_error = QtCore.Signal(object) def __init__(self, parent): """ Initialize the widget. """ QtGui.QDialog.__init__(self, parent) # Load UI self.ui = Ui_LoggerWindow() self.ui.setupUi(self) # Make connections self.ui.btnSave.clicked.connect(self._save_log_to_file) self.ui.btnDebug.toggled.connect(self._load_history), self.ui.btnInfo.toggled.connect(self._load_history), self.ui.btnWarning.toggled.connect(self._load_history), self.ui.btnError.toggled.connect(self._load_history), self.ui.btnCritical.toggled.connect(self._load_history) self.ui.leFilterBy.textEdited.connect(self._filter_by) self.ui.cbCaseInsensitive.stateChanged.connect(self._load_history) self.ui.btnPastebin.clicked.connect(self._pastebin_this) self._paste_ok.connect(self._pastebin_ok) self._paste_error.connect(self._pastebin_err) self._current_filter = "" self._current_history = "" self._set_logs_to_display() self._my_handler = QtLogHandler(format_string=LOG_FORMAT) self._my_handler.qt.new_log.connect(self._add_log_line) self._load_history() self._connect_to_logbook() def _connect_to_logbook(self): """ Run in the background the log receiver. """ subscriber = ZeroMQSubscriber('tcp://', multi=True) self._logbook_controller = subscriber.dispatch_in_background( self._my_handler) def _add_log_line(self, log): """ Adds a line to the history, only if it's in the desired levels to show. :param log: a log record to be inserted in the widget :type log: Logbook.LogRecord. """ html_style = { logbook.DEBUG: "background: #CDFFFF;", logbook.INFO: "background: white;", logbook.WARNING: "background: #FFFF66;", logbook.ERROR: "background: red; color: white;", logbook.CRITICAL: "background: red; color: white; font: bold;" } level = log.level message = cgi.escape(log.msg) if self._logs_to_display[level]: open_tag = "" open_tag += "" close_tag = "" message = open_tag + message + close_tag filter_by = self._current_filter msg = message if self.ui.cbCaseInsensitive.isChecked(): msg = msg.upper() filter_by = filter_by.upper() if msg.find(filter_by) != -1: self.ui.txtLogHistory.append(message) def _load_history(self): """ Load the previous logged messages in the widget. They are stored in the custom handler. """ self._set_logs_to_display() self.ui.txtLogHistory.clear() current_history = [] for record in _LOGS_HISTORY: self._add_log_line(record) current_history.append(record.msg) self._current_history = "\n".join(current_history) def _set_logs_to_display(self): """ Sets the logs_to_display dict getting the toggled options from the ui """ self._logs_to_display = { logbook.DEBUG: self.ui.btnDebug.isChecked(), logbook.INFO: self.ui.btnInfo.isChecked(), logbook.WARNING: self.ui.btnWarning.isChecked(), logbook.ERROR: self.ui.btnError.isChecked(), logbook.CRITICAL: self.ui.btnCritical.isChecked() } def _filter_by(self, text): """ Sets the text to use for filtering logs in the log window. :param text: the text to compare with the logs when filtering. :type text: str """ self._current_filter = text self._load_history() def _save_log_to_file(self): """ Lets the user save the current log to a file """ fileName, filtr = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self, self.tr("Save As"), options=QtGui.QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog) if fileName: try: with open(fileName, 'w') as output: history = self.ui.txtLogHistory.toPlainText() # Chop some \n. # html->plain adds several \n because the html is made # using table cells. history = history.replace('\n\n\n', '\n') output.write(history) logger.debug('Log saved in %s' % (fileName, )) except IOError, e: logger.error("Error saving log file: %r" % (e, )) else: logger.debug('Log not saved!') def _set_pastebin_sending(self, sending): """ Define the status of the pastebin button. Change the text and enable/disable according to the current action. :param sending: if we are sending to pastebin or not. :type sending: bool """ if sending: self.ui.btnPastebin.setText(self.tr("Sending to pastebin...")) self.ui.btnPastebin.setEnabled(False) else: self.ui.btnPastebin.setText(self.tr("Send to Pastebin.com")) self.ui.btnPastebin.setEnabled(True) def _pastebin_ok(self, link): """ Handle a successful paste. :param link: the recently created pastebin link. :type link: str """ self._set_pastebin_sending(False) msg = self.tr("Your pastebin link {0}") msg = msg.format(link) # We save the dialog in an instance member to avoid dialog being # deleted right after we exit this method self._msgBox = msgBox = QtGui.QMessageBox( QtGui.QMessageBox.Information, self.tr("Pastebin OK"), msg) msgBox.setWindowModality(QtCore.Qt.NonModal) msgBox.show() def _pastebin_err(self, failure): """ Handle a failure in paste. :param failure: the exception that made the paste fail. :type failure: Exception """ self._set_pastebin_sending(False) logger.error(repr(failure)) msg = self.tr("Sending logs to Pastebin failed!") if isinstance(failure, pastebin.PostLimitError): msg = self.tr('Maximum amount of submissions reached for today.') # We save the dialog in an instance member to avoid dialog being # deleted right after we exit this method self._msgBox = msgBox = QtGui.QMessageBox( QtGui.QMessageBox.Critical, self.tr("Pastebin Error"), msg) msgBox.setWindowModality(QtCore.Qt.NonModal) msgBox.show() def _pastebin_this(self): """ Send the current log history to pastebin.com and gives the user a link to see it. """ def do_pastebin(): """ Send content to pastebin and return the link. """ content = self._current_history pb = pastebin.PastebinAPI() try: link = pb.paste(PASTEBIN_API_DEV_KEY, content, paste_name="Bitmask log", paste_expire_date='1M') # convert to 'raw' link link = "http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=" + link.split('/')[-1] self._paste_ok.emit(link) except Exception as e: self._paste_error.emit(e) self._set_pastebin_sending(True) self._paste_thread = QtCore.QThread() self._paste_thread.run = lambda: do_pastebin() self._paste_thread.start() def closeEvent(self, e): """ Disconnect logger on close. """ self._disconnect_logger() e.accept() def reject(self): """ Disconnect logger on reject. """ self._disconnect_logger() QtGui.QDialog.reject(self) def _disconnect_logger(self): """ Stop the background thread that receives messages through zmq, also close the subscriber socket. This allows us to re-create the subscriber when we reopen this window without getting an error at trying to connect twice to the zmq port. """ self._logbook_controller.stop() self._logbook_controller.subscriber.close()