import json import os import platform import socket #import tempfile import mock import requests from leap.base import config from leap.base import constants from leap.base import exceptions from leap.eip import constants as eipconstants from leap.util.fileutil import mkdir_p from leap.testing.basetest import BaseLeapTest try: import unittest2 as unittest except ImportError: import unittest _system = platform.system() class ProviderTest(BaseLeapTest): # override per test fixtures def setUp(self): pass def tearDown(self): pass class BareHomeTestCase(ProviderTest): __name__ = "provider_config_tests" def test_should_raise_if_missing_eip_json(self): with self.assertRaises(exceptions.MissingConfigFileError): config.get_config_json(os.path.join(self.home, 'eip.json')) class ProviderDefinitionTestCase(ProviderTest): # XXX See how to merge with test_providers # -- kali 2012-08-24 00:38 __name__ = "provider_config_tests" def setUp(self): # dump a sample eip file # XXX Move to Use EIP Spec Instead!!! # XXX tests to be moved to eip.checks and eip.providers # XXX can use eipconfig.dump_default_eipconfig path = os.path.join(self.home, '.config', 'leap') mkdir_p(path) with open(os.path.join(path, 'eip.json'), 'w') as fp: json.dump(eipconstants.EIP_SAMPLE_JSON, fp) # moved to eip.test_checks.test_fetch_definition #def test_complete_file(self): #with mock.patch.object(requests, "get") as mock_method: #mock_method.return_value.status_code = 200 #mock_method.return_value.json = { #XXX get from providers template #u'api_uri': u'', #u'api_version': u'0.1.0', #u'ca_cert': u'8aab80ae4326fd30721689db813733783fe0bd7e', #u'ca_cert_uri': u'', #u'description': {u'en': u'This is a test provider'}, #u'display_name': {u'en': u'Test Provider'}, #u'domain': u'', #u'enrollment_policy': u'open', #u'public_key': u'cb7dbd679f911e85bc2e51bd44afd7308ee19c21', #u'serial': 1, #u'services': [u'eip'], #u'version': u'0.1.0'} # XXX why init to localhost? #cf = config.Configuration("http://localhost/") #self.assertIn('default', cf.providers) # # provider fetch tests block # # these tests below should move to wherever # we put the fetcher for provider files and related stuff. # TODO: # - We're instantiating a ProviderTest because we're doing the home wipeoff # on setUpClass instead of the setUp (for speedup of the general cases). # We really should be testing all of them in the same testCase, and # doing an extra wipe of the tempdir... but be careful!!!! do not mess with # os.environ home more than needed... that could potentially bite! # XXX actually, another thing to fix here is separating tests: # - test that requests has been called. # - check deeper for error types/msgs # we SHOULD inject requests dep in the constructor # (so we can pass mock easily). class ProviderFetchConError(ProviderTest): def test_connection_error(self): with mock.patch.object(requests, "get") as mock_method: mock_method.side_effect = requests.ConnectionError cf = config.Configuration() self.assertIsInstance(cf.error, str) class ProviderFetchHttpError(ProviderTest): def test_file_not_found(self): with mock.patch.object(requests, "get") as mock_method: mock_method.side_effect = requests.HTTPError cf = config.Configuration() self.assertIsInstance(cf.error, str) class ProviderFetchInvalidUrl(ProviderTest): def test_invalid_url(self): cf = config.Configuration("ht") self.assertTrue(cf.error) # end provider fetch tests class ConfigHelperFunctions(BaseLeapTest): __name__ = "config_helper_tests" def setUp(self): pass def tearDown(self): pass # tests @unittest.skipUnless(_system == "Linux", "linux only") def test_lin_get_config_file(self): """ config file path where expected? (linux) """ self.assertEqual( config.get_config_file( 'test', folder="foo/bar"), os.path.expanduser( '~/.config/leap/foo/bar/test') ) @unittest.skipUnless(_system == "Darwin", "mac only") def test_mac_get_config_file(self): """ config file path where expected? (mac) """ self._missing_test_for_plat(do_raise=True) @unittest.skipUnless(_system == "Windows", "win only") def test_win_get_config_file(self): """ config file path where expected? """ self._missing_test_for_plat(do_raise=True) # # XXX hey, I'm raising exceptions here # on purpose. just wanted to make sure # that the skip stuff is doing it right. # If you're working on win/macos tests, # feel free to remove tests that you see # are too redundant. @unittest.skipUnless(_system == "Linux", "linux only") def test_lin_get_config_dir(self): """ nice config dir? (linux) """ self.assertEqual( config.get_config_dir(), os.path.expanduser('~/.config/leap')) @unittest.skipUnless(_system == "Darwin", "mac only") def test_mac_get_config_dir(self): """ nice config dir? (mac) """ self._missing_test_for_plat(do_raise=True) @unittest.skipUnless(_system == "Windows", "win only") def test_win_get_config_dir(self): """ nice config dir? (win) """ self._missing_test_for_plat(do_raise=True) # provider paths @unittest.skipUnless(_system == "Linux", "linux only") def test_get_default_provider_path(self): """ is default provider path ok? """ self.assertEqual( config.get_default_provider_path(), os.path.expanduser( '~/.config/leap/providers/%s/' % constants.DEFAULT_TEST_PROVIDER) ) # validate ip def test_validate_ip(self): """ check our ip validation """ config.validate_ip('') with self.assertRaises(socket.error): config.validate_ip('') with self.assertRaises(socket.error): config.validate_ip('foobar') @unittest.skip def test_validate_domain(self): """ code to be written yet """ raise NotImplementedError if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()