""" An implementation of JSON Schema for Python The main functionality is provided by the validator classes for each of the supported JSON Schema versions. Most commonly, :func:`validate` is the quickest way to simply validate a given instance under a schema, and will create a validator for you. """ from __future__ import division, unicode_literals import collections import json import itertools import operator import re import sys __version__ = "0.8.0" PY3 = sys.version_info[0] >= 3 if PY3: from urllib import parse as urlparse from urllib.parse import unquote from urllib.request import urlopen basestring = unicode = str iteritems = operator.methodcaller("items") else: from itertools import izip as zip from urllib import unquote from urllib2 import urlopen import urlparse iteritems = operator.methodcaller("iteritems") FLOAT_TOLERANCE = 10 ** -15 validators = {} def validates(version): """ Register the decorated validator for a ``version`` of the specification. Registered validators and their meta schemas will be considered when parsing ``$schema`` properties' URIs. :argument str version: an identifier to use as the version's name :returns: a class decorator to decorate the validator with the version """ def _validates(cls): validators[version] = cls return cls return _validates class UnknownType(Exception): """ An attempt was made to check if an instance was of an unknown type. """ class RefResolutionError(Exception): """ A JSON reference failed to resolve. """ class SchemaError(Exception): """ The provided schema is malformed. The same attributes are present as for :exc:`ValidationError`\s. """ def __init__(self, message, validator=None, path=()): super(SchemaError, self).__init__(message, validator, path) self.message = message self.path = list(path) self.validator = validator def __str__(self): return self.message class ValidationError(Exception): """ The instance didn't properly validate under the provided schema. Relevant attributes are: * ``message`` : a human readable message explaining the error * ``path`` : a list containing the path to the offending element (or [] if the error happened globally) in *reverse* order (i.e. deepest index first). """ def __init__(self, message, validator=None, path=()): # Any validator that recurses (e.g. properties and items) must append # to the ValidationError's path to properly maintain where in the # instance the error occurred super(ValidationError, self).__init__(message, validator, path) self.message = message self.path = list(path) self.validator = validator def __str__(self): return self.message @validates("draft3") class Draft3Validator(object): """ A validator for JSON Schema draft 3. """ DEFAULT_TYPES = { "array": list, "boolean": bool, "integer": int, "null": type(None), "number": (int, float), "object": dict, "string": basestring, } def __init__(self, schema, types=(), resolver=None): self._types = dict(self.DEFAULT_TYPES) self._types.update(types) if resolver is None: resolver = RefResolver.from_schema(schema) self.resolver = resolver self.schema = schema def is_type(self, instance, type): if type == "any": return True elif type not in self._types: raise UnknownType(type) type = self._types[type] # bool inherits from int, so ensure bools aren't reported as integers if isinstance(instance, bool): type = _flatten(type) if int in type and bool not in type: return False return isinstance(instance, type) def is_valid(self, instance, _schema=None): error = next(self.iter_errors(instance, _schema), None) return error is None @classmethod def check_schema(cls, schema): for error in cls(cls.META_SCHEMA).iter_errors(schema): raise SchemaError( error.message, validator=error.validator, path=error.path, ) def iter_errors(self, instance, _schema=None): if _schema is None: _schema = self.schema for k, v in iteritems(_schema): validator = getattr(self, "validate_%s" % (k.lstrip("$"),), None) if validator is None: continue errors = validator(v, instance, _schema) or () for error in errors: # set the validator if it wasn't already set by the called fn if error.validator is None: error.validator = k yield error def validate(self, *args, **kwargs): for error in self.iter_errors(*args, **kwargs): raise error def validate_type(self, types, instance, schema): types = _list(types) for type in types: if self.is_type(type, "object"): if self.is_valid(instance, type): return elif self.is_type(type, "string"): if self.is_type(instance, type): return else: yield ValidationError(_types_msg(instance, types)) def validate_properties(self, properties, instance, schema): if not self.is_type(instance, "object"): return for property, subschema in iteritems(properties): if property in instance: for error in self.iter_errors(instance[property], subschema): error.path.append(property) yield error elif subschema.get("required", False): yield ValidationError( "%r is a required property" % (property,), validator="required", path=[property], ) def validate_patternProperties(self, patternProperties, instance, schema): if not self.is_type(instance, "object"): return for pattern, subschema in iteritems(patternProperties): for k, v in iteritems(instance): if re.match(pattern, k): for error in self.iter_errors(v, subschema): yield error def validate_additionalProperties(self, aP, instance, schema): if not self.is_type(instance, "object"): return extras = set(_find_additional_properties(instance, schema)) if self.is_type(aP, "object"): for extra in extras: for error in self.iter_errors(instance[extra], aP): yield error elif not aP and extras: error = "Additional properties are not allowed (%s %s unexpected)" yield ValidationError(error % _extras_msg(extras)) def validate_dependencies(self, dependencies, instance, schema): if not self.is_type(instance, "object"): return for property, dependency in iteritems(dependencies): if property not in instance: continue if self.is_type(dependency, "object"): for error in self.iter_errors(instance, dependency): yield error else: dependencies = _list(dependency) for dependency in dependencies: if dependency not in instance: yield ValidationError( "%r is a dependency of %r" % (dependency, property) ) def validate_items(self, items, instance, schema): if not self.is_type(instance, "array"): return if self.is_type(items, "object"): for index, item in enumerate(instance): for error in self.iter_errors(item, items): error.path.append(index) yield error else: for (index, item), subschema in zip(enumerate(instance), items): for error in self.iter_errors(item, subschema): error.path.append(index) yield error def validate_additionalItems(self, aI, instance, schema): if ( not self.is_type(instance, "array") or not self.is_type(schema.get("items"), "array") ): return if self.is_type(aI, "object"): for item in instance[len(schema):]: for error in self.iter_errors(item, aI): yield error elif not aI and len(instance) > len(schema.get("items", [])): error = "Additional items are not allowed (%s %s unexpected)" yield ValidationError( error % _extras_msg(instance[len(schema.get("items", [])):]) ) def validate_minimum(self, minimum, instance, schema): if not self.is_type(instance, "number"): return instance = float(instance) if schema.get("exclusiveMinimum", False): failed = instance <= minimum cmp = "less than or equal to" else: failed = instance < minimum cmp = "less than" if failed: yield ValidationError( "%r is %s the minimum of %r" % (instance, cmp, minimum) ) def validate_maximum(self, maximum, instance, schema): if not self.is_type(instance, "number"): return instance = float(instance) if schema.get("exclusiveMaximum", False): failed = instance >= maximum cmp = "greater than or equal to" else: failed = instance > maximum cmp = "greater than" if failed: yield ValidationError( "%r is %s the maximum of %r" % (instance, cmp, maximum) ) def validate_minItems(self, mI, instance, schema): if self.is_type(instance, "array") and len(instance) < mI: yield ValidationError("%r is too short" % (instance,)) def validate_maxItems(self, mI, instance, schema): if self.is_type(instance, "array") and len(instance) > mI: yield ValidationError("%r is too long" % (instance,)) def validate_uniqueItems(self, uI, instance, schema): if uI and self.is_type(instance, "array") and not _uniq(instance): yield ValidationError("%r has non-unique elements" % instance) def validate_pattern(self, patrn, instance, schema): if self.is_type(instance, "string") and not re.match(patrn, instance): yield ValidationError("%r does not match %r" % (instance, patrn)) def validate_minLength(self, mL, instance, schema): if self.is_type(instance, "string") and len(instance) < mL: yield ValidationError("%r is too short" % (instance,)) def validate_maxLength(self, mL, instance, schema): if self.is_type(instance, "string") and len(instance) > mL: yield ValidationError("%r is too long" % (instance,)) def validate_enum(self, enums, instance, schema): if instance not in enums: yield ValidationError("%r is not one of %r" % (instance, enums)) def validate_divisibleBy(self, dB, instance, schema): if not self.is_type(instance, "number"): return if isinstance(dB, float): mod = instance % dB failed = (mod > FLOAT_TOLERANCE) and (dB - mod) > FLOAT_TOLERANCE else: failed = instance % dB if failed: yield ValidationError("%r is not divisible by %r" % (instance, dB)) def validate_disallow(self, disallow, instance, schema): for disallowed in _list(disallow): if self.is_valid(instance, {"type": [disallowed]}): yield ValidationError( "%r is disallowed for %r" % (disallowed, instance) ) def validate_extends(self, extends, instance, schema): if self.is_type(extends, "object"): extends = [extends] for subschema in extends: for error in self.iter_errors(instance, subschema): yield error def validate_ref(self, ref, instance, schema): resolved = self.resolver.resolve(ref) for error in self.iter_errors(instance, resolved): yield error Draft3Validator.META_SCHEMA = { "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-03/schema#", "id": "http://json-schema.org/draft-03/schema#", "type": "object", "properties": { "type": { "type": ["string", "array"], "items": {"type": ["string", {"$ref": "#"}]}, "uniqueItems": True, "default": "any" }, "properties": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": {"$ref": "#", "type": "object"}, "default": {} }, "patternProperties": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": {"$ref": "#"}, "default": {} }, "additionalProperties": { "type": [{"$ref": "#"}, "boolean"], "default": {} }, "items": { "type": [{"$ref": "#"}, "array"], "items": {"$ref": "#"}, "default": {} }, "additionalItems": { "type": [{"$ref": "#"}, "boolean"], "default": {} }, "required": {"type": "boolean", "default": False}, "dependencies": { "type": ["string", "array", "object"], "additionalProperties": { "type": ["string", "array", {"$ref": "#"}], "items": {"type": "string"} }, "default": {} }, "minimum": {"type": "number"}, "maximum": {"type": "number"}, "exclusiveMinimum": {"type": "boolean", "default": False}, "exclusiveMaximum": {"type": "boolean", "default": False}, "minItems": {"type": "integer", "minimum": 0, "default": 0}, "maxItems": {"type": "integer", "minimum": 0}, "uniqueItems": {"type": "boolean", "default": False}, "pattern": {"type": "string", "format": "regex"}, "minLength": {"type": "integer", "minimum": 0, "default": 0}, "maxLength": {"type": "integer"}, "enum": {"type": "array", "minItems": 1, "uniqueItems": True}, "default": {"type": "any"}, "title": {"type": "string"}, "description": {"type": "string"}, "format": {"type": "string"}, "maxDecimal": {"type": "number", "minimum": 0}, "divisibleBy": { "type": "number", "minimum": 0, "exclusiveMinimum": True, "default": 1 }, "disallow": { "type": ["string", "array"], "items": {"type": ["string", {"$ref": "#"}]}, "uniqueItems": True }, "extends": { "type": [{"$ref": "#"}, "array"], "items": {"$ref": "#"}, "default": {} }, "id": {"type": "string", "format": "uri"}, "$ref": {"type": "string", "format": "uri"}, "$schema": {"type": "string", "format": "uri"}, }, "dependencies": { "exclusiveMinimum": "minimum", "exclusiveMaximum": "maximum" }, } class RefResolver(object): """ Resolve JSON References. :argument str base_uri: URI of the referring document :argument referrer: the actual referring document :argument dict store: a mapping from URIs to documents to cache """ def __init__(self, base_uri, referrer, store=()): self.base_uri = base_uri self.referrer = referrer self.store = dict(store, **_meta_schemas()) @classmethod def from_schema(cls, schema, *args, **kwargs): """ Construct a resolver from a JSON schema object. :argument schema schema: the referring schema :rtype: :class:`RefResolver` """ return cls(schema.get("id", ""), schema, *args, **kwargs) def resolve(self, ref): """ Resolve a JSON ``ref``. :argument str ref: reference to resolve :returns: the referrant document """ base_uri = self.base_uri uri, fragment = urlparse.urldefrag(urlparse.urljoin(base_uri, ref)) if uri in self.store: document = self.store[uri] elif not uri or uri == self.base_uri: document = self.referrer else: document = self.resolve_remote(uri) return self.resolve_fragment(document, fragment.lstrip("/")) def resolve_fragment(self, document, fragment): """ Resolve a ``fragment`` within the referenced ``document``. :argument document: the referrant document :argument str fragment: a URI fragment to resolve within it """ parts = unquote(fragment).split("/") if fragment else [] for part in parts: part = part.replace("~1", "/").replace("~0", "~") if part not in document: raise RefResolutionError( "Unresolvable JSON pointer: %r" % fragment ) document = document[part] return document def resolve_remote(self, uri): """ Resolve a remote ``uri``. Does not check the store first. :argument str uri: the URI to resolve :returns: the retrieved document """ return json.load(urlopen(uri)) class ErrorTree(object): """ ErrorTrees make it easier to check which validations failed. """ def __init__(self, errors=()): self.errors = {} self._contents = collections.defaultdict(self.__class__) for error in errors: container = self for element in reversed(error.path): container = container[element] container.errors[error.validator] = error def __contains__(self, k): return k in self._contents def __getitem__(self, k): """ Retrieve the child tree with key ``k``. """ return self._contents[k] def __setitem__(self, k, v): self._contents[k] = v def __iter__(self): return iter(self._contents) def __len__(self): return self.total_errors def __repr__(self): return "<%s (%s total errors)>" % (self.__class__.__name__, len(self)) @property def total_errors(self): """ The total number of errors in the entire tree, including children. """ child_errors = sum(len(tree) for _, tree in iteritems(self._contents)) return len(self.errors) + child_errors def _meta_schemas(): """ Collect the urls and meta schemas from each known validator. """ meta_schemas = (v.META_SCHEMA for v in validators.values()) return dict((urlparse.urldefrag(m["id"])[0], m) for m in meta_schemas) def _find_additional_properties(instance, schema): """ Return the set of additional properties for the given ``instance``. Weeds out properties that should have been validated by ``properties`` and / or ``patternProperties``. Assumes ``instance`` is dict-like already. """ properties = schema.get("properties", {}) patterns = "|".join(schema.get("patternProperties", {})) for property in instance: if property not in properties: if patterns and re.search(patterns, property): continue yield property def _extras_msg(extras): """ Create an error message for extra items or properties. """ if len(extras) == 1: verb = "was" else: verb = "were" return ", ".join(repr(extra) for extra in extras), verb def _types_msg(instance, types): """ Create an error message for a failure to match the given types. If the ``instance`` is an object and contains a ``name`` property, it will be considered to be a description of that object and used as its type. Otherwise the message is simply the reprs of the given ``types``. """ reprs = [] for type in types: try: reprs.append(repr(type["name"])) except Exception: reprs.append(repr(type)) return "%r is not of type %s" % (instance, ", ".join(reprs)) def _flatten(suitable_for_isinstance): """ isinstance() can accept a bunch of really annoying different types: * a single type * a tuple of types * an arbitrary nested tree of tuples Return a flattened tuple of the given argument. """ types = set() if not isinstance(suitable_for_isinstance, tuple): suitable_for_isinstance = (suitable_for_isinstance,) for thing in suitable_for_isinstance: if isinstance(thing, tuple): types.update(_flatten(thing)) else: types.add(thing) return tuple(types) def _list(thing): """ Wrap ``thing`` in a list if it's a single str. Otherwise, return it unchanged. """ if isinstance(thing, basestring): return [thing] return thing def _delist(thing): """ Unwrap ``thing`` to a single element if its a single str in a list. Otherwise, return it unchanged. """ if ( isinstance(thing, list) and len(thing) == 1 and isinstance(thing[0], basestring) ): return thing[0] return thing def _unbool(element, true=object(), false=object()): """ A hack to make True and 1 and False and 0 unique for _uniq. """ if element is True: return true elif element is False: return false return element def _uniq(container): """ Check if all of a container's elements are unique. Successively tries first to rely that the elements are hashable, then falls back on them being sortable, and finally falls back on brute force. """ try: return len(set(_unbool(i) for i in container)) == len(container) except TypeError: try: sort = sorted(_unbool(i) for i in container) sliced = itertools.islice(sort, 1, None) for i, j in zip(sort, sliced): if i == j: return False except (NotImplementedError, TypeError): seen = [] for e in container: e = _unbool(e) if e in seen: return False seen.append(e) return True def validate(instance, schema, cls=Draft3Validator, *args, **kwargs): """ Validate an ``instance`` under the given ``schema``. >>> validate([2, 3, 4], {"maxItems" : 2}) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValidationError: [2, 3, 4] is too long :func:`validate` will first verify that the provided schema is itself valid, since not doing so can lead to less obvious error messages and fail in less obvious or consistent ways. If you know you have a valid schema already or don't care, you might prefer using the ``validate`` method directly on a specific validator (e.g. :meth:`Draft3Validator.validate`). ``cls`` is a validator class that will be used to validate the instance. By default this is a draft 3 validator. Any other provided positional and keyword arguments will be provided to this class when constructing a validator. :raises: :exc:`ValidationError` if the instance is invalid :exc:`SchemaError` if the schema itself is invalid """ cls.check_schema(schema) cls(schema, *args, **kwargs).validate(instance)