Exception attributes and their meaning/uses

* critical:    if True, will abort execution prematurely,
               after attempting any cleaning

* failfirst:   breaks any error_check loop that is examining
               the error queue.

* message:     the message that will be used in the __repr__ of the exception.

* usermessage: the message that will be passed to user in ErrorDialogs
               in Qt-land.

class LeapException(Exception):
    base LeapClient exception
    sets some parameters that we will check
    during error checking routines
    critical = False
    failfirst = False
    warning = False

class CriticalError(LeapException):
    we cannot do anything about it
    critical = True
    failfirst = True

# In use ???
# don't thing so. purge if not...

class MissingConfigFileError(Exception):

class ImproperlyConfigured(Exception):

class NoDefaultInterfaceFoundError(LeapException):
    message = "no default interface found"
    usermessage = "Looks like your computer is not connected to the internet"

class InterfaceNotFoundError(LeapException):
    # XXX should take iface arg on init maybe?
    message = "interface not found"

class NoConnectionToGateway(CriticalError):
    message = "no connection to gateway"
    usermessage = "Looks like there are problems with your internet connection"

class NoInternetConnection(CriticalError):
    message = "No Internet connection found"
    usermessage = "It looks like there is no internet connection."
    # and now we try to connect to our web to troubleshoot LOL :P

class CannotResolveDomainError(LeapException):
    message = "Cannot resolve domain"
    usermessage = "Domain cannot be found"

class TunnelNotDefaultRouteError(CriticalError):
    message = "Tunnel connection dissapeared. VPN down?"
    usermessage = "The Encrypted Connection was lost. Shutting down..."