ANNOUNCING Bitmask, the internet encryption toolkit, v0.3.0

The LEAP team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of
version 0.3.0 of Bitmask

LEAP (LEAP Encryption Access Project) develops a plan to secure
everyday communication, breaking down into discrete services.

The client for the current phase gives support to the EIP Service and
the first beta release of Encrypted Mail.
EIP (the Encrypted Internet Proxy) provides circumvention,
location anonymization, and traffic encryption in a hassle-free,
automatically self-configuring fashion.
Encrypted Mail

You can read the user manual and the developer notes online at:

WARNING: This is still a beta release of our services, a lot of
testing and audits are still needed so DO NOT use this for strong


You can connect to the EIP service offered by a provider of your
choice, and enjoy a encrypted internet connection.

The first run wizard allows to register an user with the selected
provider, downloading all the config files needed to connect to the
eip service. There are also some minimal network checks in place.


You may use this package under the GNU General Public License,
version 3 or, at your option, any later version. See the file
"COPYING.GPL" for the terms of the GNU General Public
License, version 3.

In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
permission to link the code of portions of this program with the
OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each
individual source file, and distribute linked combinations
including the two.


The current version of the LEAP Client has been tested on GNU/Linux
and OSX, but it is likely that you are able to run it under other
systems, specially if you are skillful and patient is one of your

Have a look at "docs/user/install.rst".

Packages are provided for debian and ubuntu. OSX and win installers
will be following soon.


You can send the bugs our way by pointing your telnet session to port 443 on We will do our best to make them follow our
intensive bug-reeducation program.


You can find us in the #leap-dev channel on the freenode network.
If you are lucky enough, you can spot us sleepless in night trains,
rooftops, rainforests, and beyond any border.

The LEAP team.

Aug 9, 2013
Somewhere in the middle of the intertubes.