#!/bin/zsh if (( ! $# )); then echo "Usage: $0:t <PID> <minutes to monitor>" >&2 return 1; fi OUT="$1-usage.data" GRAPH="bitmask-resources.png" MAX=150 let "ticks=$2*60/3" echo "cpu mem" >> $OUT for i in {1..$ticks}; do; cpu=$(ps -p $1 -o pcpu | grep -v %) mem=$(ps wuh -p $1 | awk '{print $4}') echo "$cpu $mem" >> $OUT; sleep 3; echo $i / $ticks; done; gnuplot -e "set term dumb; \ set key outside; set yrange [0:$MAX]; \ plot for [col=1:2] '$OUT' using 0:col title columnheader s c" gnuplot -e "set term png; set output '$GRAPH'; \ set key outside; set yrange [0:$MAX]; \ plot for [col=1:2] '$OUT' using 0:col with lines title columnheader"