environment setup in osx ======================== (I rm'd my README by mistake at some point. Re-do). basically you need this to setup your environment: # check and consolidate # install xcode and macports # port -v selfupdate # port install python26 # port install python_select # port select python python26 # port install py26-pyqt4 # port install py26-pip # port install py26-virtualenv # port install git-core # port install platypus Requirements ============ pyinstaller (in ~/pyinstaller) platypus (tested with latest macports) ... + install environment as usual, inside virtualenv. Building the package ==================== Building the binary ------------------- We use the scripts in openvpn/build.zsh The packaging Makefile is expecting the final binary in the location:: ../../openvpn/build/openvpn.leap Running the build ----------------- IMPORTANT: activate the VIRTUALENV FIRST! (you will get an import error otherwise) For running all steps at once:: make pkg