How to enable Pixelated Webmail ------------------------------- WARNING! This is an experimental feature. It can expose your mail to *any* user with access to your machine, since there is no authentication in place at the moment. It could even eat your data. You have been warned. Ok, how do I enable this wonderful feature? ------------------------------------------- First, run the bundle for a first time, and ensure that you can register a new account with a mail-enabled provider (for instance, Then, you have to edit a config file living inside the bundle folders. You have to add "Pixmail=true" under the [General] section, like this: config/leap/leap.conf: [General] SkipFirstRun=true Pixmail=true [] Services=mx Then, run bitmask again: ./bitmask --debug And a new "Bitmask Webmail" option should have appeared under the "Bitmask" menu. If you want to disable the Webmail functionality, just set the Pixmail property to 'false'. Enjoy your local and encrypted pixelated webmail!