.. _quickstart: Quickstart ========== **Assumptions:** These instructions were made on a clean Ubuntu 12.04.3 system. **Goal:** With minimal effort or reading install the necessary packages to build the latest development code for ``bitmask_client`` **Outcome:** At the end of these instructions, you should be able to run the latest development branch for bitmask client, getting the GUI in debug mode and connect to a LEAP provider (bitmask.net) If you want to know what each step is for, check :ref:`this other section <environment>`. Prerequisites ------------- .. begin-debian-deps :: $ sudo apt-get install git python-dev python-setuptools python-virtualenv python-pip python-openssl libsqlite3-dev g++ openvpn pyside-tools python-pyside .. python-qt4 ??? (for translations) .. TODO I'm pretty sure python-qt4 shoudln't be there... Nor libsqlite-dev, that's a bug in python-sqlcipher/soledad. .. XXX any change HERE ^^^^ should be reflected also in README.rst. From any other place in the documentation, it should be just included. .. end-debian-deps Clone the repo into your working directory, and checkout development branch:: $ git clone https://github.com/leapcode/bitmask_client bitmask $ cd bitmask $ git checkout develop Create and activate the virtualenv, and symlink to your gloabal PySide install:: $ virtualenv . $ source bin/activate (bitmask)$ pkg/postmkvenv.sh Python libraries ---------------- Install the bitmask package in development mode inside the virtualenv. This will also install the needed dependencies:: (bitmask)$ python2 setup.py develop Compile the resource files:: (bitmask)$ make resources Copy necessary files into system folders, with root privileges:: (bitmask)$ sudo mkdir -p /etc/leap (bitmask)$ sudo cp pkg/linux/resolv-update /etc/leap (bitmask)$ sudo cp pkg/linux/polkit/net.openvpn.gui.leap.policy /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/ Running -------- Run ``bitmask_client`` in debug mode:: (bitmask)$ bitmask --debug You should see the ``bitmask_client`` window prompting to connect to an existing node or add a new one. If not, something went wrong, maybe ask on #leap-dev at irc.freenode.net