.. _i18n: Internationalization ==================== This part of the documentation covers the localization and translation of LEAP Client. Because we want to *bring fire to the people*, in as many countries and languages as possible. .. note:: We should probably move the translators info to a top level section of the docs, and leave this as internal/tech-savvy notes. Translating the LEAP Client PyQt Application -------------------------------------------- .. raw:: html
Top translations: leap-client ยป leap_client_es

For translators ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. note:: ... unfinished We are using `transifex `_ site to coordinate translation efforts. If you want to contribute, just sign up there and ... .. note:: ... and what?? For devs: i18n conventions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. note:: should link to PyQt docs on i18n also our special cases (labels and exceptions) tl;dr;:: self.tr('your string') for any string that you want to be translated. For i18n maintainers ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. note:: how do we use the transifex client; automation. If you do not already have it, install the ``transifex-client`` from the cheese shop:: pip install transifex-client Translating the Documentation ------------------------------ .. note:: ...unfinished `translating sphinx docs `_