= LEAP CLient Release Checklist (*) = Not that we are following all steps here, but it is good to keep some sort of sanity... * [X] validate rc * [X] all rc-critical closed! * [X] all bbots green * [X] uploaded translations: make translations * [X] re-generate pyqt resources * [O] update docs * [X] check installation sections * [ ] CREDITS * [X] relnotes.txt * [X] docs/known_issues.rst * [X] NEWS.rst: Add release name and date to top-most item in NEWS. * [X] change docs/install.rst to point to just the current leap-client-X.Y.Z.deb binaries and .tar.gz source code files * [X] on release/vX.Y.Z branch: git pull * [ ] git tag X.Y.Z * [ ] build locally to make sure the release is reporting itself as the intended version ... * [ ] make sure buildbot is green * [ ] make sure other people aren't committing at that moment * [ ] FUTURE: push tag along with some other documentation-only patch (typically to relnotes.txt) to trigger buildslaves * [ ] git push --tags leap; git push leap * [ ] that will build tarballs * [ ] make sure buildbot is green (in a parallel universe, he) * [ ] download tarballs, sign with "gpg -ba -u deadbeef TAR", upload *.asc * [ ] symlink the release tarball on leap.se downloads page: /var/www/source/leap-client/releases/ CHANGEME XXX * [X] update news pages. release notes. * [ ] send out relnotes.txt to internal list. * [ ] wait ...? * [ ] PYPI UPLOAD: with "python ./setup.py sdist upload register" * [ ] login to pypi * [ ] from Edit, add new release * [ ] upload .tar.gz, .asc * [ ] make an "announcement of new release" on leap.se * [ ] close the Milestone on the chili Roadmap * [ ] send out relnotes.txt to: * [ ] mailing lists... notes ----- (*) the original version of this handy checklist kindly borrowed from tahoe-lafs documentation =)