#!/bin/bash set -euo pipefail IFS=$'\n\t' distro(){ # for ubuntu/mint: name=`lsb_release -a 2>&1 | grep Codename | cut -f2` # for debian: [[ -z $name ]] && name=`grep -oP "VERSION=.*\(\K\w+" /etc/os-release` # for debian sid [[ -z $name ]] && name=`grep -o sid /etc/debian_version` declare -A distros distros=( ['nadia']='quantal' ['olivia']='raring' ['petra']='saucy' ['qiana']='trusty' ['rebecca']='trusty' ['rafaela']='trusty' ) # if name is in the above list -> replace [ ${distros[$name]+abc} ] && name=${distros[$name]} echo $name | tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]" } is_supported(){ distros=( # 'wheezy' # Debian 7 - stable 'jessie' # Debian 8 - testing 'sid' # Debian unstable # 'quantal' # Ubuntu 12.10 # 'raring' # Ubuntu 13.04 # 'saucy' # Ubuntu 13.10 # 'trusty' # Ubuntu 14.04 # 'utopic' # Ubuntu 14.10 'vivid' # Ubuntu 15.04 'wily' # Ubuntu 15.10 ) my_distro=`distro` for p in "${distros[@]}"; do if [[ $my_distro = ${p}* ]]; then echo true return fi done echo false } if [[ `is_supported` == "false" ]]; then echo "ERROR: Sorry, your distro (`distro`) is currently not supported." exit 1 fi; help() { echo ">> Bitmask .deb automatic installer helper" echo "This script does all the needed stuff in order to get bitmask stable or unstable into your machine." echo echo "Usage: $0 ( stable | unstable | help )" echo echo " stable : Install the stable bitmask package." echo " unstable : Install the unstable bitmask package." echo " help : Show this help" echo echo "NOTE: you need to run this with root privileges." echo } case ${1:-} in stable) REPO='debian' ;; unstable) REPO='experimental' ;; *) help exit 1 ;; esac if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then echo "This script must be run as root" 1>&2 exit 1 fi # ------------------------------- # instructions from http://deb.leap.se/experimental/ # run this with admin privileges DISTRO=`distro` if [[ $REPO == 'debian' ]]; then # stable # wget -O- https://dl.bitmask.net/apt.key | apt-key add - # HACK: do this twice since the first one fails due to gpg not having a configuration gpg --recv-key 0x1E34A1828E207901 &> /dev/null || true gpg --recv-key 0x1E34A1828E207901 gpg --armor --export 0x1E34A1828E207901 | apt-key add - else # $REPO == 'experimental' if [[ ! -f "leap-experimental.key" ]]; then echo "ERROR: you need to copy the leap-experimental.key file into this directory." exit 1 fi # sha256sum leap-experimental.key echo "ed3f4f3e3e0835a044457451755ae743741d7bafa55bcd31cc464a54e8c5e7f9 leap-experimental.key" | sha256sum -c - apt-key add leap-experimental.key fi echo "deb http://deb.leap.se/$REPO $DISTRO main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/bitmask.list echo "deb-src http://deb.leap.se/$REPO $DISTRO main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/bitmask.list apt-get update apt-get install -y bitmask