# ################################ # Makefile for compiling resources # files. # TODO move to setup scripts # and implement it in python # http://die-offenbachs.homelinux.org:48888/hg/eric5/file/5072605ad4dd/compileUiFiles.py ###### EDIT ###################### #Directory with ui and resource files RESOURCE_DIR = data/resources UI_DIR = src/leap/bitmask/gui/ui #Directory for compiled resources COMPILED_DIR = src/leap/bitmask/gui #Directory for (finished) translations TRANSLAT_DIR = data/translations #Project file, used for translations PROJFILE = data/bitmask.pro #UI files to compile UI_FILES = loggerwindow.ui mainwindow.ui wizard.ui login.ui preferences.ui eip_status.ui mail_status.ui eippreferences.ui advanced_key_management.ui #Qt resource files to compile RESOURCES = locale.qrc loggerwindow.qrc mainwindow.qrc icons.qrc #pyuic4 and pyrcc4 binaries PYUIC = pyside-uic PYRCC = pyside-rcc PYLUP = pyside-lupdate LRELE = lrelease ################################# # DO NOT EDIT FOLLOWING COMPILED_UI = $(UI_FILES:%.ui=$(COMPILED_DIR)/ui_%.py) COMPILED_RESOURCES = $(RESOURCES:%.qrc=$(COMPILED_DIR)/%_rc.py) DEBVER = $(shell dpkg-parsechangelog | sed -ne 's,Version: ,,p') ifndef EDITOR export EDITOR=vim endif # all : resources ui resources : $(COMPILED_RESOURCES) ui : $(COMPILED_UI) translations: data/make_project_file.py $(PYLUP) $(PROJFILE) $(LRELE) $(TRANSLAT_DIR)/*.ts $(COMPILED_DIR)/ui_%.py : $(UI_DIR)/%.ui $(PYUIC) $< -o $@ $(COMPILED_DIR)/%_rc.py : $(RESOURCE_DIR)/%.qrc $(PYRCC) $< -o $@ manpages: rst2man docs/man/bitmask.1.rst docs/man/bitmask.1 apidocs: @sphinx-apidoc -o docs/api src/leap/bitmask mailprofile: gprof2dot -f pstats /tmp/leap_mail_profile.pstats -n 0.2 -e 0.2 | dot -Tpdf -o /tmp/leap_mail_profile.pdf do_lineprof: LEAP_PROFILE_IMAPCMD=1 LEAP_MAIL_MANHOLE=1 kernprof.py -l src/leap/bitmask/app.py --offline --debug view_lineprof: @python -m line_profiler app.py.lprof | $(EDITOR) - clean : $(RM) $(COMPILED_UI) $(COMPILED_RESOURCES) $(COMPILED_UI:.py=.pyc) $(COMPILED_RESOURCES:.py=.pyc)