path: root/src/leap/eip/tests
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/leap/eip/tests')
3 files changed, 534 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/leap/eip/tests/ b/src/leap/eip/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..051faa29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/leap/eip/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+import ConfigParser
+import os
+import platform
+import shutil
+import socket
+import tempfile
+ import unittest2 as unittest
+except ImportError:
+ import unittest
+from leap.eip import config
+_system = platform.system()
+class NotImplementedError(Exception):
+ pass
+# XXX use mock_open here?
+class EIPConfigTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ __name__ = "eip_config_tests"
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.old_path = os.environ['PATH']
+ self.tdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ bin_tdir = os.path.join(
+ self.tdir,
+ 'bin')
+ os.mkdir(bin_tdir)
+ os.environ['PATH'] = bin_tdir
+ def tearDown(self):
+ os.environ['PATH'] = self.old_path
+ shutil.rmtree(self.tdir)
+ #
+ # helpers
+ #
+ def get_username(self):
+ return config.get_username()
+ def get_groupname(self):
+ return config.get_groupname()
+ def _missing_test_for_plat(self, do_raise=False):
+ if do_raise:
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ "This test is not implemented "
+ "for the running platform: %s" %
+ _system)
+ def touch_exec(self):
+ tfile = os.path.join(
+ self.tdir,
+ 'bin',
+ 'openvpn')
+ open(tfile, 'bw').close()
+ def get_empty_config(self):
+ _config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
+ return _config
+ def get_minimal_config(self):
+ _config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
+ return _config
+ def get_expected_openvpn_args(self):
+ args = []
+ username = self.get_username()
+ groupname = self.get_groupname()
+ args.append('--user')
+ args.append(username)
+ args.append('--group')
+ args.append(groupname)
+ args.append('--management-client-user')
+ args.append(username)
+ args.append('--management-signal')
+ args.append('--management')
+ #XXX hey!
+ #get platform switches here!
+ args.append('/tmp/.eip.sock')
+ args.append('unix')
+ args.append('--config')
+ #XXX bad assumption. FIXME: expand $HOME
+ args.append('/home/%s/.config/leap/providers/default/openvpn.conf' %
+ username)
+ return args
+ #
+ # tests
+ #
+ # XXX fixme! /home/user should
+ # be replaced for proper home lookup.
+ @unittest.skipUnless(_system == "Linux", "linux only")
+ def test_lin_get_config_file(self):
+ """
+ config file path where expected? (linux)
+ """
+ self.assertEqual(
+ config.get_config_file(
+ 'test', folder="foo/bar"),
+ '/home/%s/.config/leap/foo/bar/test' %
+ self.get_username())
+ @unittest.skipUnless(_system == "Darwin", "mac only")
+ def test_mac_get_config_file(self):
+ """
+ config file path where expected? (mac)
+ """
+ self._missing_test_for_plat(do_raise=True)
+ @unittest.skipUnless(_system == "Windows", "win only")
+ def test_win_get_config_file(self):
+ """
+ config file path where expected?
+ """
+ self._missing_test_for_plat(do_raise=True)
+ #
+ # XXX hey, I'm raising exceptions here
+ # on purpose. just wanted to make sure
+ # that the skip stuff is doing it right.
+ # If you're working on win/macos tests,
+ # feel free to remove tests that you see
+ # are too redundant.
+ @unittest.skipUnless(_system == "Linux", "linux only")
+ def test_lin_get_config_dir(self):
+ """
+ nice config dir? (linux)
+ """
+ self.assertEqual(
+ config.get_config_dir(),
+ '/home/%s/.config/leap' %
+ self.get_username())
+ @unittest.skipUnless(_system == "Darwin", "mac only")
+ def test_mac_get_config_dir(self):
+ """
+ nice config dir? (mac)
+ """
+ self._missing_test_for_plat(do_raise=True)
+ @unittest.skipUnless(_system == "Windows", "win only")
+ def test_win_get_config_dir(self):
+ """
+ nice config dir? (win)
+ """
+ self._missing_test_for_plat(do_raise=True)
+ # provider paths
+ @unittest.skipUnless(_system == "Linux", "linux only")
+ def test_get_default_provider_path(self):
+ """
+ is default provider path ok?
+ """
+ self.assertEqual(
+ config.get_default_provider_path(),
+ '/home/%s/.config/leap/providers/default/' %
+ self.get_username())
+ # validate ip
+ def test_validate_ip(self):
+ """
+ check our ip validation
+ """
+ config.validate_ip('')
+ with self.assertRaises(socket.error):
+ config.validate_ip('')
+ with self.assertRaises(socket.error):
+ config.validate_ip('foobar')
+ @unittest.skip
+ def test_validate_domain(self):
+ """
+ code to be written yet
+ """
+ pass
+ # build command string
+ # these tests are going to have to check
+ # many combinations. we should inject some
+ # params in the function call, to disable
+ # some checks.
+ def test_build_ovpn_command_empty_config(self):
+ _config = self.get_empty_config()
+ command, args = config.build_ovpn_command(
+ _config,
+ do_pkexec_check=False)
+ self.assertEqual(command, 'openvpn')
+ self.assertEqual(args, self.get_expected_openvpn_args())
+ # json config
+ def test_get_config_json(self):
+ config_js = config.get_config_json()
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(config_js, dict))
+ self.assertTrue('transport' in config_js)
+ self.assertTrue('provider' in config_js)
+ self.assertEqual(config_js['provider'], "")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/src/leap/eip/tests/ b/src/leap/eip/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..51772b7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/leap/eip/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+import ConfigParser
+import logging
+import platform
+logger = logging.getLogger(name=__name__)
+ import unittest2 as unittest
+except ImportError:
+ import unittest
+from mock import Mock, patch # MagicMock
+from leap.eip.eipconnection import EIPConnection
+from leap.eip.exceptions import ConnectionRefusedError
+_system = platform.system()
+class NotImplementedError(Exception):
+ pass
+class MockedEIPConnection(EIPConnection):
+ def _get_or_create_config(self):
+ self.config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
+ self._set_ovpn_command()
+ def _set_ovpn_command(self):
+ self.command = "mock_command"
+ self.args = [1, 2, 3]
+class EIPConductorTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ __name__ = "eip_conductor_tests"
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.manager = Mock(
+ name="openvpnmanager_mock")
+ self.con = MockedEIPConnection()
+ #manager=self.manager)
+ def tearDown(self):
+ del self.con
+ #
+ # helpers
+ #
+ def _missing_test_for_plat(self, do_raise=False):
+ if do_raise:
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ "This test is not implemented "
+ "for the running platform: %s" %
+ _system)
+ #
+ # tests
+ #
+ @unittest.skip
+ #ain't manager anymore!
+ def test_manager_was_initialized(self):
+ """
+ manager init ok during conductor init?
+ """
+ self.manager.assert_called_once_with()
+ def test_vpnconnection_defaults(self):
+ """
+ default attrs as expected
+ """
+ con = self.con
+ self.assertEqual(con.autostart, True)
+ self.assertEqual(con.missing_pkexec, False)
+ self.assertEqual(con.missing_vpn_keyfile, False)
+ self.assertEqual(con.missing_provider, False)
+ self.assertEqual(con.bad_provider, False)
+ def test_config_was_init(self):
+ """
+ is there a config object?
+ """
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.con.config,
+ ConfigParser.ConfigParser))
+ def test_ovpn_command(self):
+ """
+ set_ovpn_command called
+ """
+ self.assertEqual(self.con.command,
+ "mock_command")
+ self.assertEqual(self.con.args,
+ [1, 2, 3])
+ # connect/disconnect calls
+ def test_disconnect(self):
+ """
+ disconnect method calls private and changes status
+ """
+ self.con._disconnect = Mock(
+ name="_disconnect")
+ # first we set status to connected
+ self.con.status.set_current(self.con.status.CONNECTED)
+ self.assertEqual(self.con.status.current,
+ self.con.status.CONNECTED)
+ # disconnect
+ self.con.disconnect()
+ self.con._disconnect.assert_called_once_with()
+ # new status should be disconnected
+ # XXX this should evolve and check no errors
+ # during disconnection
+ self.assertEqual(self.con.status.current,
+ self.con.status.DISCONNECTED)
+ def test_connect(self):
+ """
+ connect calls _launch_openvpn private
+ """
+ self.con._launch_openvpn = Mock()
+ self.con.connect()
+ self.con._launch_openvpn.assert_called_once_with()
+ # XXX tests breaking here ...
+ def test_good_poll_connection_state(self):
+ """
+ """
+ #@patch --
+ # self.manager.get_connection_state
+ #XXX review this set of poll_state tests
+ #lower layers!! -- status, vpn_manager..
+ #right now we're testing implementation, not
+ #behavior!!!
+ good_state = ["1345466946", "unknown_state", "ok",
+ "", ""]
+ self.con.get_connection_state = Mock(return_value=good_state)
+ self.con.status.set_vpn_state = Mock()
+ state = self.con.poll_connection_state()
+ good_state[1] = "disconnected"
+ final_state = tuple(good_state)
+ self.con.status.set_vpn_state.assert_called_with("unknown_state")
+ self.assertEqual(state, final_state)
+ # TODO between "good" and "bad" (exception raised) cases,
+ # we can still test for malformed states and see that only good
+ # states do have a change (and from only the expected transition
+ # states).
+ def test_bad_poll_connection_state(self):
+ """
+ get connection state raises ConnectionRefusedError
+ state is None
+ """
+ self.con.get_connection_state = Mock(
+ side_effect=ConnectionRefusedError('foo!'))
+ state = self.con.poll_connection_state()
+ self.assertEqual(state, None)
+ # XXX more things to test:
+ # - called config routines during initz.
+ # - raising proper exceptions with no config
+ # - called proper checks on config / permissions
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/src/leap/eip/tests/ b/src/leap/eip/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dea75b55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/leap/eip/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+import logging
+import platform
+#import socket
+logger = logging.getLogger(name=__name__)
+ import unittest2 as unittest
+except ImportError:
+ import unittest
+from mock import Mock, patch # MagicMock
+from leap.eip import openvpnconnection
+from leap.eip import exceptions as eip_exceptions
+from leap.eip.udstelnet import UDSTelnet
+_system = platform.system()
+class NotImplementedError(Exception):
+ pass
+mock_UDSTelnet = Mock(spec=UDSTelnet)
+# XXX cautious!!!
+# this might be fragile right now (counting a global
+# reference of calls I think.
+# investigate this other form instead:
+# XXX redo after merge-refactor
+class MockedOpenVPNConnection(openvpnconnection.OpenVPNConnection):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.mock_UDSTelnet = Mock()
+ super(MockedOpenVPNConnection, self).__init__(
+ *args, **kwargs)
+ = self.mock_UDSTelnet(, self.port)
+ def connect_to_management(self):
+ #print 'patched connect'
+ = mock_UDSTelnet(, port=self.port)
+class OpenVPNConnectionTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ __name__ = "vpnconnection_tests"
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.manager = MockedOpenVPNConnection()
+ def tearDown(self):
+ del self.manager
+ #
+ # helpers
+ #
+ # XXX hey, refactor this to basetestclass
+ def _missing_test_for_plat(self, do_raise=False):
+ if do_raise:
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ "This test is not implemented "
+ "for the running platform: %s" %
+ _system)
+ #
+ # tests
+ #
+ @unittest.skipIf(_system == "Windows", "lin/mac only")
+ def test_lin_mac_default_init(self):
+ """
+ check default host for management iface
+ """
+ self.assertEqual(, '/tmp/.eip.sock')
+ self.assertEqual(self.manager.port, 'unix')
+ @unittest.skipUnless(_system == "Windows", "win only")
+ def test_win_default_init(self):
+ """
+ check default host for management iface
+ """
+ # XXX should we make the platform specific switch
+ # here or in the vpn command string building?
+ self.assertEqual(, 'localhost')
+ self.assertEqual(self.manager.port, 7777)
+ def test_port_types_init(self):
+ self.manager = MockedOpenVPNConnection(port="42")
+ self.assertEqual(self.manager.port, 42)
+ self.manager = MockedOpenVPNConnection()
+ self.assertEqual(self.manager.port, "unix")
+ self.manager = MockedOpenVPNConnection(port="bad")
+ self.assertEqual(self.manager.port, None)
+ def test_connect_raises_missing_socket(self):
+ self.manager = openvpnconnection.OpenVPNConnection()
+ with self.assertRaises(eip_exceptions.MissingSocketError):
+ self.manager.connect_to_management()
+ def test_uds_telnet_called_on_connect(self):
+ self.manager.connect_to_management()
+ mock_UDSTelnet.assert_called_with(
+ port=self.manager.port)
+ @unittest.skip
+ def test_connect(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ # XXX calls close
+ # calls UDSTelnet mock.
+ # XXX
+ # tests to write:
+ # UDSTelnetTest (for real?)
+ # very illustrative instead...
+ # - raise MissingSocket
+ # - raise ConnectionRefusedError
+ # - test send command
+ # - tries connect
+ # - ... tries?
+ # - ... calls _seek_to_eof
+ # - ... read_until --> return value
+ # - ...
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ unittest.main()