path: root/src/leap/eip/
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1 files changed, 156 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/leap/eip/ b/src/leap/eip/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..41eed77a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/leap/eip/
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+Generic error hierarchy
+Leap/EIP exceptions used for exception handling,
+logging, and notifying user of errors
+during leap operation.
+Exception hierarchy
+All EIP Errors must inherit from EIPClientError (note: move that to
+a more generic LEAPClientBaseError).
+Exception attributes and their meaning/uses
+* critical: if True, will abort execution prematurely,
+ after attempting any cleaning
+ action.
+* failfirst: breaks any error_check loop that is examining
+ the error queue.
+* message: the message that will be used in the __repr__ of the exception.
+* usermessage: the message that will be passed to user in ErrorDialogs
+ in Qt-land.
+* EIPClientError:
+ Should inherit from LeapException
+* gettext / i18n for user messages.
+from leap.base.exceptions import LeapException
+# This should inherit from LeapException
+class EIPClientError(Exception):
+ """
+ base EIPClient exception
+ """
+ critical = False
+ failfirst = False
+ warning = False
+class CriticalError(EIPClientError):
+ """
+ we cannot do anything about it, sorry
+ """
+ critical = True
+ failfirst = True
+class Warning(EIPClientError):
+ """
+ just that, warnings
+ """
+ warning = True
+class EIPNoPolkitAuthAgentAvailable(CriticalError):
+ message = "No polkit authentication agent could be found"
+ usermessage = ("We could not find any authentication "
+ "agent in your system.<br/>"
+ "Make sure you have "
+ "<b>polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1</b> "
+ "running and try again.")
+class EIPNoPkexecAvailable(Warning):
+ message = "No pkexec binary found"
+ usermessage = ("We could not find <b>pkexec</b> in your "
+ "system.<br/> Do you want to try "
+ "<b>setuid workaround</b>? "
+ "(<i>DOES NOTHING YET</i>)")
+ failfirst = True
+class EIPNoCommandError(EIPClientError):
+ message = "no suitable openvpn command found"
+ usermessage = ("No suitable openvpn command found. "
+ "<br/>(Might be a permissions problem)")
+class EIPBadCertError(Warning):
+ # XXX this should be critical and fail close
+ message = "cert verification failed"
+ usermessage = "there is a problem with provider certificate"
+class LeapBadConfigFetchedError(Warning):
+ message = "provider sent a malformed json file"
+ usermessage = "an error occurred during configuratio of leap services"
+class OpenVPNAlreadyRunning(EIPClientError):
+ message = "Another OpenVPN Process is already running."
+ usermessage = ("Another OpenVPN Process has been detected."
+ "Please close it before starting leap-client")
+class HttpsNotSupported(LeapException):
+ message = "connection refused while accessing via https"
+ usermessage = "Server does not allow secure connections."
+class HttpsBadCertError(LeapException):
+ message = "verification error on cert"
+ usermessage = "Server certificate could not be verified."
+# errors still needing some love
+class EIPInitNoKeyFileError(CriticalError):
+ message = "No vpn keys found in the expected path"
+ usermessage = "We could not find your eip certs in the expected path"
+class EIPInitBadKeyFilePermError(Warning):
+ # I don't know if we should be telling user or not,
+ # we try to fix permissions and should only re-raise
+ # if permission check failed.
+ pass
+class EIPInitNoProviderError(EIPClientError):
+ pass
+class EIPInitBadProviderError(EIPClientError):
+ pass
+class EIPConfigurationError(EIPClientError):
+ pass
+# Errors that probably we don't need anymore
+# chase down for them and check.
+class MissingSocketError(Exception):
+ pass
+class ConnectionRefusedError(Exception):
+ pass
+class EIPMissingDefaultProvider(Exception):
+ pass