path: root/src/leap/eip/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/leap/eip/')
1 files changed, 350 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/leap/eip/ b/src/leap/eip/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7828c864
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/leap/eip/
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+EIP Connection Class
+from __future__ import (absolute_import,)
+import logging
+import Queue
+import sys
+from leap.eip.checks import ProviderCertChecker
+from leap.eip.checks import EIPConfigChecker
+from leap.eip import config as eipconfig
+from leap.eip import exceptions as eip_exceptions
+from leap.eip.openvpnconnection import OpenVPNConnection
+logger = logging.getLogger(name=__name__)
+class EIPConnection(OpenVPNConnection):
+ """
+ Manages the execution of the OpenVPN process, auto starts, monitors the
+ network connection, handles configuration, fixes leaky hosts, handles
+ errors, etc.
+ Status updates (connected, bandwidth, etc) are signaled to the GUI.
+ """
+ def __init__(self,
+ provider_cert_checker=ProviderCertChecker,
+ config_checker=EIPConfigChecker,
+ *args, **kwargs):
+ self.settingsfile = kwargs.get('settingsfile', None)
+ self.logfile = kwargs.get('logfile', None)
+ self.provider = kwargs.pop('provider', None)
+ self._providercertchecker = provider_cert_checker
+ self._configchecker = config_checker
+ self.error_queue = Queue.Queue()
+ status_signals = kwargs.pop('status_signals', None)
+ self.status = EIPConnectionStatus(callbacks=status_signals)
+ checker_signals = kwargs.pop('checker_signals', None)
+ self.checker_signals = checker_signals
+ self.init_checkers()
+ host = eipconfig.get_socket_path()
+ kwargs['host'] = host
+ super(EIPConnection, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ def has_errors(self):
+ return True if self.error_queue.qsize() != 0 else False
+ def init_checkers(self):
+ # initialize checkers
+ self.provider_cert_checker = self._providercertchecker(
+ domain=self.provider)
+ self.config_checker = self._configchecker(domain=self.provider)
+ def set_provider_domain(self, domain):
+ """
+ sets the provider domain.
+ used from the first run wizard when we launch the run_checks
+ and connect process after having initialized the conductor.
+ """
+ # This looks convoluted, right.
+ # We have to reinstantiate checkers cause we're passing
+ # the domain param that we did not know at the beginning
+ # (only for the firstrunwizard case)
+ self.provider = domain
+ self.init_checkers()
+ def run_checks(self, skip_download=False, skip_verify=False):
+ """
+ run all eip checks previous to attempting a connection
+ """
+ logger.debug('running conductor checks')
+ def push_err(exc):
+ # keep the original traceback!
+ exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()[2]
+ self.error_queue.put((exc, exc_traceback))
+ try:
+ # network (1)
+ if self.checker_signals:
+ for signal in self.checker_signals:
+ signal('checking encryption keys')
+ self.provider_cert_checker.run_all(skip_verify=skip_verify)
+ except Exception as exc:
+ push_err(exc)
+ try:
+ if self.checker_signals:
+ for signal in self.checker_signals:
+ signal('checking provider config')
+ self.config_checker.run_all(skip_download=skip_download)
+ except Exception as exc:
+ push_err(exc)
+ try:
+ self.run_openvpn_checks()
+ except Exception as exc:
+ push_err(exc)
+ def connect(self):
+ """
+ entry point for connection process
+ """
+ #self.forget_errors()
+ self._try_connection()
+ def disconnect(self):
+ """
+ disconnects client
+ """
+ self.cleanup()
+ logger.debug("disconnect: clicked.")
+ self.status.change_to(self.status.DISCONNECTED)
+ #def shutdown(self):
+ #"""
+ #shutdown and quit
+ #"""
+ #self.desired_con_state = self.status.DISCONNECTED
+ def connection_state(self):
+ """
+ returns the current connection state
+ """
+ return self.status.current
+ def poll_connection_state(self):
+ """
+ """
+ try:
+ state = self.get_connection_state()
+ except eip_exceptions.ConnectionRefusedError:
+ # connection refused. might be not ready yet.
+ logger.warning('connection refused')
+ return
+ if not state:
+ logger.debug('no state')
+ return
+ (ts, status_step,
+ ok, ip, remote) = state
+ self.status.set_vpn_state(status_step)
+ status_step = self.status.get_readable_status()
+ return (ts, status_step, ok, ip, remote)
+ def get_icon_name(self):
+ """
+ get icon name from status object
+ """
+ return self.status.get_state_icon()
+ def get_leap_status(self):
+ return self.status.get_leap_status()
+ #
+ # private methods
+ #
+ #def _disconnect(self):
+ # """
+ # private method for disconnecting
+ # """
+ # if self.subp is not None:
+ # logger.debug('disconnecting...')
+ # self.subp.terminate()
+ # self.subp = None
+ #def _is_alive(self):
+ #"""
+ #don't know yet
+ #"""
+ #pass
+ def _connect(self):
+ """
+ entry point for connection cascade methods.
+ """
+ try:
+ conn_result = self._try_connection()
+ except eip_exceptions.UnrecoverableError as except_msg:
+ logger.error("FATAL: %s" % unicode(except_msg))
+ conn_result = self.status.UNRECOVERABLE
+ # XXX enqueue exceptions themselves instead?
+ except Exception as except_msg:
+ self.error_queue.append(except_msg)
+ logger.error("Failed Connection: %s" %
+ unicode(except_msg))
+ return conn_result
+class EIPConnectionStatus(object):
+ """
+ Keep track of client (gui) and openvpn
+ states.
+ These are the OpenVPN states:
+ CONNECTING -- OpenVPN's initial state.
+ WAIT -- (Client only) Waiting for initial response
+ from server.
+ AUTH -- (Client only) Authenticating with server.
+ GET_CONFIG -- (Client only) Downloading configuration options
+ from server.
+ ASSIGN_IP -- Assigning IP address to virtual network
+ interface.
+ ADD_ROUTES -- Adding routes to system.
+ CONNECTED -- Initialization Sequence Completed.
+ RECONNECTING -- A restart has occurred.
+ EXITING -- A graceful exit is in progress.
+ We add some extra states:
+ DISCONNECTED -- GUI initial state.
+ UNRECOVERABLE -- An unrecoverable error has been raised
+ while invoking openvpn service.
+ """
+ WAIT = 2
+ AUTH = 3
+ # gui specific states:
+ def __init__(self, callbacks=None):
+ """
+ EIPConnectionStatus is initialized with a tuple
+ of signals to be triggered.
+ :param callbacks: a tuple of (callable) observers
+ :type callbacks: tuple
+ """
+ self.current = self.DISCONNECTED
+ self.previous = None
+ # (callbacks to connect to signals in Qt-land)
+ self.callbacks = callbacks
+ def get_readable_status(self):
+ # XXX DRY status / labels a little bit.
+ # think we'll want to i18n this.
+ human_status = {
+ 0: 'disconnected',
+ 1: 'connecting',
+ 2: 'waiting',
+ 3: 'authenticating',
+ 4: 'getting config',
+ 5: 'assigning ip',
+ 6: 'adding routes',
+ 7: 'connected',
+ 8: 'reconnecting',
+ 9: 'exiting',
+ 11: 'unrecoverable error',
+ }
+ return human_status[self.current]
+ def get_leap_status(self):
+ # XXX improve nomenclature
+ leap_status = {
+ 0: 'disconnected',
+ 1: 'connecting to gateway',
+ 2: 'connecting to gateway',
+ 3: 'authenticating',
+ 4: 'establishing network encryption',
+ 5: 'establishing network encryption',
+ 6: 'establishing network encryption',
+ 7: 'connected',
+ 8: 'reconnecting',
+ 9: 'exiting',
+ 11: 'unrecoverable error',
+ }
+ return leap_status[self.current]
+ def get_state_icon(self):
+ """
+ returns the high level icon
+ for each fine-grain openvpn state
+ """
+ connecting = (self.CONNECTING,
+ self.WAIT,
+ self.AUTH,
+ self.GET_CONFIG,
+ self.ASSIGN_IP,
+ self.ADD_ROUTES)
+ connected = (self.CONNECTED,)
+ disconnected = (self.DISCONNECTED,
+ # this can be made smarter,
+ # but it's like it'll change,
+ # so +readability.
+ if self.current in connecting:
+ return "connecting"
+ if self.current in connected:
+ return "connected"
+ if self.current in disconnected:
+ return "disconnected"
+ def set_vpn_state(self, status):
+ """
+ accepts a state string from the management
+ interface, and sets the internal state.
+ :param status: openvpn STATE (uppercase).
+ :type status: str
+ """
+ if hasattr(self, status):
+ self.change_to(getattr(self, status))
+ def set_current(self, to):
+ """
+ setter for the 'current' property
+ :param to: destination state
+ :type to: int
+ """
+ self.current = to
+ def change_to(self, to):
+ """
+ :param to: destination state
+ :type to: int
+ """
+ if to == self.current:
+ return
+ changed = False
+ from_ = self.current
+ self.current = to
+ # We can add transition restrictions
+ # here to ensure no transitions are
+ # allowed outside the fsm.
+ self.set_current(to)
+ changed = True
+ #trigger signals (as callbacks)
+ #print('current state: %s' % self.current)
+ if changed:
+ self.previous = from_
+ if self.callbacks:
+ for cb in self.callbacks:
+ if callable(cb):
+ cb(self)