path: root/src/leap/eip/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 542 deletions
diff --git a/src/leap/eip/ b/src/leap/eip/
deleted file mode 100644
index 52230db2..00000000
--- a/src/leap/eip/
+++ /dev/null
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-import logging
-import time
-import os
-import sys
-import requests
-from leap import __branding as BRANDING
-from leap import certs as leapcerts
-from leap.base.auth import srpauth_protected, magick_srpauth
-from leap.base import config as baseconfig
-from leap.base import constants as baseconstants
-from leap.base import providers
-from leap.crypto import certs
-from leap.eip import config as eipconfig
-from leap.eip import constants as eipconstants
-from leap.eip import exceptions as eipexceptions
-from leap.eip import specs as eipspecs
-from leap.util.certs import get_mac_cabundle
-from leap.util.fileutil import mkdir_p
-from leap.util.web import get_https_domain_and_port
-logger = logging.getLogger(name=__name__)
-Checks on certificates. To be moved to base.
-docs TBD
-It is used from the eip conductor (a instance of EIPConnection that is
-managed from the QtApp), running `run_all` method before trying to call
-`connect` or any other of the state-changing methods.
-It checks that the needed files are provided or can be discovered over the
-net. Much of these tests are not specific to EIP module, and can be splitted
-into base.tests to be invoked by the base leap init routines.
-However, I'm testing them alltogether for the sake of having the whole unit
-reachable and testable as a whole.
-def get_branding_ca_cert(domain):
- # deprecated
- ca_file = BRANDING.get('provider_ca_file')
- if ca_file:
- return leapcerts.where(ca_file)
-class ProviderCertChecker(object):
- """
- Several checks needed for getting
- client certs and checking tls connection
- with provider.
- """
- def __init__(self, fetcher=requests,
- domain=None,
- apidomain=None):
- self.fetcher = fetcher
- self.domain = domain
- #XXX needs some kind of autoinit
- #right now we set by hand
- #by loading and reading provider config
- self.apidomain = apidomain
- self.cacert = eipspecs.provider_ca_path(domain)
- def run_all(
- self, checker=None,
- skip_download=False, skip_verify=False):
- if not checker:
- checker = self
- do_verify = not skip_verify
- logger.debug('do_verify: %s', do_verify)
- # checker.download_ca_cert()
- # For MVS+
- # checker.download_ca_signature()
- # checker.get_ca_signatures()
- # checker.is_there_trust_path()
- # For MVS
- checker.is_there_provider_ca()
- checker.is_https_working(verify=do_verify, autocacert=False)
- checker.check_new_cert_needed(verify=do_verify)
- def download_ca_cert(self, uri=None, verify=True):
- req = self.fetcher.get(uri, verify=verify)
- req.raise_for_status()
- # should check domain exists
- capath = self._get_ca_cert_path(self.domain)
- with open(capath, 'w') as f:
- f.write(req.content)
- def check_ca_cert_fingerprint(
- self, hash_type="SHA256",
- fingerprint=None):
- """
- compares the fingerprint in
- the ca cert with a string
- we are passed
- returns True if they are equal, False if not.
- @param hash_type: digest function
- @type hash_type: str
- @param fingerprint: the fingerprint to compare with.
- @type fingerprint: str (with : separator)
- @rtype bool
- """
- ca_cert_path = self.ca_cert_path
- ca_cert_fpr = certs.get_cert_fingerprint(
- filepath=ca_cert_path)
- return ca_cert_fpr == fingerprint
- def verify_api_https(self, uri):
- assert uri.startswith('https://')
- cacert = self.ca_cert_path
- verify = cacert or True
- logger.debug('uri -> %s' % uri)
- logger.debug('cacertpath -> %s' % cacert)
- req = self.fetcher.get(uri, verify=verify)
- req.raise_for_status()
- return True
- def download_ca_signature(self):
- # MVS+
- raise NotImplementedError
- def get_ca_signatures(self):
- # MVS+
- raise NotImplementedError
- def is_there_trust_path(self):
- # MVS+
- raise NotImplementedError
- def is_there_provider_ca(self):
- if not self.cacert:
- return False
- cacert_exists = os.path.isfile(self.cacert)
- if cacert_exists:
- logger.debug('True')
- return True
- logger.debug('False!')
- return False
- def is_https_working(
- self, uri=None, verify=True,
- autocacert=False):
- if uri is None:
- uri = self._get_root_uri()
- # XXX raise InsecureURI or something better
- try:
- assert uri.startswith('https')
- except AssertionError:
- raise AssertionError(
- "uri passed should start with https")
- if autocacert and verify is True and self.cacert is not None:
- logger.debug('verify cert: %s', self.cacert)
- verify = self.cacert
- if sys.platform == "darwin":
- verify = get_mac_cabundle()
- logger.debug('checking https connection')
- logger.debug('uri: %s (verify:%s)', uri, verify)
- try:
- self.fetcher.get(uri, verify=verify)
- except requests.exceptions.SSLError as exc:
- raise eipexceptions.HttpsBadCertError
- except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
- logger.error('ConnectionError')
- raise eipexceptions.HttpsNotSupported
- else:
- return True
- def check_new_cert_needed(self, skip_download=False, verify=True):
- # XXX add autocacert
- if not self.is_cert_valid(do_raise=False):
- logger.debug('cert needed: true')
- self.download_new_client_cert(
- skip_download=skip_download,
- verify=verify)
- return True
- logger.debug('cert needed: false')
- return False
- def download_new_client_cert(self, uri=None, verify=True,
- skip_download=False,
- credentials=None):
- logger.debug('download new client cert')
- if skip_download:
- return True
- if uri is None:
- uri = self._get_client_cert_uri()
- # XXX raise InsecureURI or something better
- #assert uri.startswith('https')
- if verify is True and self.cacert is not None:
- verify = self.cacert
- logger.debug('verify = %s', verify)
- fgetfn = self.fetcher.get
- if credentials:
- user, passwd = credentials
- logger.debug('apidomain = %s', self.apidomain)
- @srpauth_protected(user, passwd,
- server="https://%s" % self.apidomain,
- verify=verify)
- def getfn(*args, **kwargs):
- return fgetfn(*args, **kwargs)
- else:
- # XXX FIXME fix decorated args
- @magick_srpauth(verify)
- def getfn(*args, **kwargs):
- return fgetfn(*args, **kwargs)
- try:
- req = getfn(uri, verify=verify)
- req.raise_for_status()
- except requests.exceptions.SSLError:
- logger.warning('SSLError while fetching cert. '
- 'Look below for stack trace.')
- raise eipexceptions.HttpsBadCertError("SSLError")
- except Exception as exc:
- raise eipexceptions.EIPClientError(exc.message)
- try:
- logger.debug('validating cert...')
- pemfile_content = req.content
- valid = self.is_valid_pemfile(pemfile_content)
- if not valid:
- logger.warning('invalid cert')
- return False
- cert_path = self._get_client_cert_path()
- self.write_cert(pemfile_content, to=cert_path)
- except:
- logger.warning('Error while validating cert')
- raise
- return True
- def is_cert_valid(self, cert_path=None, do_raise=True):
- exists = lambda: self.is_certificate_exists()
- valid_pemfile = lambda: self.is_valid_pemfile()
- not_expired = lambda: self.is_cert_not_expired()
- valid = exists() and valid_pemfile() and not_expired()
- if not valid:
- if do_raise:
- raise Exception('missing valid cert')
- else:
- return False
- return True
- def is_certificate_exists(self, certfile=None):
- if certfile is None:
- certfile = self._get_client_cert_path()
- return os.path.isfile(certfile)
- def is_cert_not_expired(self, certfile=None, now=time.gmtime):
- if certfile is None:
- certfile = self._get_client_cert_path()
- from_, to_ = certs.get_time_boundaries(certfile)
- return from_ < now() < to_
- def is_valid_pemfile(self, cert_s=None):
- """
- checks that the passed string
- is a valid pem certificate
- @param cert_s: string containing pem content
- @type cert_s: string
- @rtype: bool
- """
- if cert_s is None:
- certfile = self._get_client_cert_path()
- with open(certfile) as cf:
- cert_s =
- try:
- valid = certs.can_load_cert_and_pkey(cert_s)
- except certs.BadCertError:
- logger.warning("Not valid pemfile")
- valid = False
- return valid
- @property
- def ca_cert_path(self):
- return self._get_ca_cert_path(self.domain)
- def _get_root_uri(self):
- return u"https://%s/" % self.domain
- def _get_client_cert_uri(self):
- return "https://%s/1/cert" % self.apidomain
- def _get_client_cert_path(self):
- return eipspecs.client_cert_path(domain=self.domain)
- def _get_ca_cert_path(self, domain):
- # XXX this folder path will be broken for win
- # and this should be moved to eipspecs.ca_path
- # XXX use baseconfig.get_provider_path(folder=Foo)
- # !!!
- capath = baseconfig.get_config_file(
- 'cacert.pem',
- folder='providers/%s/keys/ca' % domain)
- folder, fname = os.path.split(capath)
- if not os.path.isdir(folder):
- mkdir_p(folder)
- return capath
- def write_cert(self, pemfile_content, to=None):
- folder, filename = os.path.split(to)
- if not os.path.isdir(folder):
- mkdir_p(folder)
- with open(to, 'w') as cert_f:
- cert_f.write(pemfile_content)
- def set_api_domain(self, domain):
- self.apidomain = domain
-class EIPConfigChecker(object):
- """
- Several checks needed
- to ensure a EIPConnection
- can be sucessfully established.
- use run_all to run all checks.
- """
- def __init__(self, fetcher=requests, domain=None):
- # we do not want to accept too many
- # argument on init.
- # we want tests
- # to be explicitely run.
- self.fetcher = fetcher
- # if not domain, get from config
- self.domain = domain
- self.apidomain = None
- self.cacert = eipspecs.provider_ca_path(domain)
- self.defaultprovider = providers.LeapProviderDefinition(domain=domain)
- self.defaultprovider.load()
- self.eipconfig = eipconfig.EIPConfig(domain=domain)
- self.set_api_domain()
- self.eipserviceconfig = eipconfig.EIPServiceConfig(domain=domain)
- self.eipserviceconfig.load()
- def run_all(self, checker=None, skip_download=False):
- """
- runs all checks in a row.
- will raise if some error encountered.
- catching those exceptions is not
- our responsibility at this moment
- """
- if not checker:
- checker = self
- # let's call all tests
- # needed for a sane eip session.
- # TODO: get rid of check_default.
- # check_complete should
- # be enough. but here to make early tests easier.
- checker.check_default_eipconfig()
- checker.check_is_there_default_provider()
- checker.fetch_definition(skip_download=skip_download)
- checker.fetch_eip_service_config(skip_download=skip_download)
- checker.check_complete_eip_config()
- #checker.ping_gateway()
- # public checks
- def check_default_eipconfig(self):
- """
- checks if default eipconfig exists,
- and dumps a default file if not
- """
- # XXX ONLY a transient check
- # because some old function still checks
- # for eip config at the beginning.
- # it *really* does not make sense to
- # dump it right now, we can get an in-memory
- # config object and dump it to disk in a
- # later moment
- logger.debug('checking default eip config')
- if not self._is_there_default_eipconfig():
- self._dump_default_eipconfig()
- def check_is_there_default_provider(self, config=None):
- """
- raises EIPMissingDefaultProvider if no
- default provider found on eip config.
- This is catched by ui and runs FirstRunWizard (MVS+)
- """
- if config is None:
- config = self.eipconfig.config
- logger.debug('checking default provider')
- provider = config.get('provider', None)
- if provider is None:
- raise eipexceptions.EIPMissingDefaultProvider
- # XXX raise also if malformed ProviderDefinition?
- return True
- def fetch_definition(self, skip_download=False,
- force_download=False,
- config=None, uri=None,
- domain=None):
- """
- fetches a definition file from server
- """
- # TODO:
- # - Implement diff
- # - overwrite only if different.
- # (attend to serial field different, for instance)
- logger.debug('fetching definition')
- if skip_download:
- logger.debug('(fetching def skipped)')
- return True
- if config is None:
- config = self.defaultprovider.config
- if uri is None:
- if not domain:
- domain = config.get('provider', None)
- uri = self._get_provider_definition_uri(domain=domain)
- if sys.platform == "darwin":
- verify = get_mac_cabundle()
- else:
- verify = True
- self.defaultprovider.load(
- from_uri=uri,
- fetcher=self.fetcher,
- verify=verify)
- def fetch_eip_service_config(self, skip_download=False,
- force_download=False,
- config=None, uri=None, # domain=None,
- autocacert=True, verify=True):
- if skip_download:
- return True
- if config is None:
- self.eipserviceconfig.load()
- config = self.eipserviceconfig.config
- if uri is None:
- #XXX
- #if not domain:
- #domain = self.domain or config.get('provider', None)
- uri = self._get_eip_service_uri(
- domain=self.apidomain)
- if autocacert and self.cacert is not None:
- verify = self.cacert
- self.eipserviceconfig.load(
- from_uri=uri,
- fetcher=self.fetcher,
- force_download=force_download,
- verify=verify)
- def check_complete_eip_config(self, config=None):
- # TODO check for gateway
- if config is None:
- config = self.eipconfig.config
- try:
- assert 'provider' in config
- assert config['provider'] is not None
- # XXX assert there is gateway !!
- except AssertionError:
- raise eipexceptions.EIPConfigurationError
- # We should WRITE eip config if missing or
- # incomplete at this point
- #
- # private helpers
- #
- def _is_there_default_eipconfig(self):
- return self.eipconfig.exists()
- def _dump_default_eipconfig(self):
- def _get_provider_definition_uri(self, domain=None, path=None):
- if domain is None:
- domain = self.domain or baseconstants.DEFAULT_PROVIDER
- if path is None:
- path = baseconstants.DEFINITION_EXPECTED_PATH
- uri = u"https://%s/%s" % (domain, path)
- logger.debug('getting provider definition from %s' % uri)
- return uri
- def _get_eip_service_uri(self, domain=None, path=None):
- if domain is None:
- domain = self.domain or baseconstants.DEFAULT_PROVIDER
- if path is None:
- path = eipconstants.EIP_SERVICE_EXPECTED_PATH
- uri = "https://%s/%s" % (domain, path)
- logger.debug('getting eip service file from %s', uri)
- return uri
- def set_api_domain(self):
- """sets api domain from defaultprovider config object"""
- api = self.defaultprovider.config.get('api_uri', None)
- # the caller is responsible for having loaded the config
- # object at this point
- if api:
- api_dom = get_https_domain_and_port(api)
- self.apidomain = "%s:%s" % api_dom
- def get_api_domain(self):
- """gets api domain"""
- return self.apidomain