path: root/src/leap/base
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18 files changed, 0 insertions, 2563 deletions
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-import binascii
-import json
-import logging
-#import urlparse
-import requests
-import srp
-from PyQt4 import QtCore
-from leap.base import constants as baseconstants
-from leap.crypto import leapkeyring
-from leap.util.misc import null_check
-from leap.util.web import get_https_domain_and_port
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-SIGNUP_TIMEOUT = getattr(baseconstants, 'SIGNUP_TIMEOUT', 5)
-Registration and authentication classes for the
-SRP auth mechanism used in the leap platform.
-We're using the srp library which uses a c-based implementation
-of the protocol if the c extension is available, and a python-based
-one if not.
-class SRPAuthenticationError(Exception):
- """
- exception raised
- for authentication errors
- """
-safe_unhexlify = lambda x: binascii.unhexlify(x) \
- if (len(x) % 2 == 0) else binascii.unhexlify('0' + x)
-class LeapSRPRegister(object):
- def __init__(self,
- schema="https",
- provider=None,
- verify=True,
- register_path="1/users",
- method="POST",
- fetcher=requests,
- srp=srp,
- hashfun=srp.SHA256,
- ng_constant=srp.NG_1024):
- null_check(provider, "provider")
- self.schema = schema
- domain, port = get_https_domain_and_port(provider)
- self.provider = domain
- self.port = port
- self.verify = verify
- self.register_path = register_path
- self.method = method
- self.fetcher = fetcher
- self.srp = srp
- self.HASHFUN = hashfun
- self.NG = ng_constant
- self.init_session()
- def init_session(self):
- self.session = self.fetcher.session()
- def get_registration_uri(self):
- # XXX assert is https!
- # use urlparse
- if self.port:
- uri = "%s://%s:%s/%s" % (
- self.schema,
- self.provider,
- self.port,
- self.register_path)
- else:
- uri = "%s://%s/%s" % (
- self.schema,
- self.provider,
- self.register_path)
- return uri
- def register_user(self, username, password, keep=False):
- """
- @rtype: tuple
- @rparam: (ok, request)
- """
- salt, vkey = self.srp.create_salted_verification_key(
- username,
- password,
- self.HASHFUN,
- self.NG)
- user_data = {
- 'user[login]': username,
- 'user[password_verifier]': binascii.hexlify(vkey),
- 'user[password_salt]': binascii.hexlify(salt)}
- uri = self.get_registration_uri()
- logger.debug('post to uri: %s' % uri)
- # XXX get self.method
- req =
- uri, data=user_data,
- verify=self.verify)
- # we catch it in the form
- #req.raise_for_status()
- return (req.ok, req)
-class SRPAuth(requests.auth.AuthBase):
- def __init__(self, username, password, server=None, verify=None):
- # sanity check
- null_check(server, 'server')
- self.username = username
- self.password = password
- self.server = server
- self.verify = verify
- logger.debug('SRPAuth. verify=%s' % verify)
- logger.debug('server: %s. username=%s' % (server, username))
- self.init_data = None
- self.session = requests.session()
- self.init_srp()
- def init_srp(self):
- usr = srp.User(
- self.username,
- self.password,
- srp.SHA256,
- srp.NG_1024)
- uname, A = usr.start_authentication()
- self.srp_usr = usr
- self.A = A
- def get_auth_data(self):
- return {
- 'login': self.username,
- 'A': binascii.hexlify(self.A)
- }
- def get_init_data(self):
- try:
- init_session =
- self.server + '/1/sessions/',
- data=self.get_auth_data(),
- verify=self.verify)
- except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
- raise SRPAuthenticationError(
- "No connection made (salt).")
- except:
- raise SRPAuthenticationError(
- "Unknown error (salt).")
- if init_session.status_code not in (200, ):
- raise SRPAuthenticationError(
- "No valid response (salt).")
- self.init_data = init_session.json
- return self.init_data
- def get_server_proof_data(self):
- try:
- auth_result = self.session.put(
- #self.server + '/1/sessions.json/' + self.username,
- self.server + '/1/sessions/' + self.username,
- data={'client_auth': binascii.hexlify(self.M)},
- verify=self.verify)
- except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
- raise SRPAuthenticationError(
- "No connection made (HAMK).")
- if auth_result.status_code not in (200, ):
- raise SRPAuthenticationError(
- "No valid response (HAMK).")
- self.auth_data = auth_result.json
- return self.auth_data
- def authenticate(self):
- logger.debug('start authentication...')
- init_data = self.get_init_data()
- salt = init_data.get('salt', None)
- B = init_data.get('B', None)
- # XXX refactor this function
- # move checks and un-hex
- # to routines
- if not salt or not B:
- raise SRPAuthenticationError(
- "Server did not send initial data.")
- try:
- unhex_salt = safe_unhexlify(salt)
- except TypeError:
- raise SRPAuthenticationError(
- "Bad data from server (salt)")
- try:
- unhex_B = safe_unhexlify(B)
- except TypeError:
- raise SRPAuthenticationError(
- "Bad data from server (B)")
- self.M = self.srp_usr.process_challenge(
- unhex_salt,
- unhex_B
- )
- proof_data = self.get_server_proof_data()
- HAMK = proof_data.get("M2", None)
- if not HAMK:
- errors = proof_data.get('errors', None)
- if errors:
- logger.error(errors)
- raise SRPAuthenticationError("Server did not send HAMK.")
- try:
- unhex_HAMK = safe_unhexlify(HAMK)
- except TypeError:
- raise SRPAuthenticationError(
- "Bad data from server (HAMK)")
- self.srp_usr.verify_session(
- unhex_HAMK)
- try:
- assert self.srp_usr.authenticated()
- logger.debug('user is authenticated!')
- except (AssertionError):
- raise SRPAuthenticationError(
- "Auth verification failed.")
- def __call__(self, req):
- self.authenticate()
- req.cookies = self.session.cookies
- return req
-def srpauth_protected(user=None, passwd=None, server=None, verify=True):
- """
- decorator factory that accepts
- user and password keyword arguments
- and add those to the decorated request
- """
- def srpauth(fn):
- def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
- if user and passwd:
- auth = SRPAuth(user, passwd, server, verify)
- kwargs['auth'] = auth
- kwargs['verify'] = verify
- if not args:
- logger.warning('attempting to get from empty uri!')
- return fn(*args, **kwargs)
- return wrapper
- return srpauth
-def get_leap_credentials():
- settings = QtCore.QSettings()
- full_username = settings.value('username')
- username, domain = full_username.split('@')
- seed = settings.value('%s_seed' % domain, None)
- password = leapkeyring.leap_get_password(full_username, seed=seed)
- return (username, password)
-# Pass verify as single argument,
-# in srpauth_protected style
-def magick_srpauth(fn):
- """
- decorator that gets user and password
- from the config file and adds those to
- the decorated request
- """
- logger.debug('magick srp auth decorator called')
- def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
- #uri = args[0]
- # XXX Ugh!
- # Problem with this approach.
- # This won't work when we're using
- #
- # Unless we keep a table with the
- # equivalencies...
- user, passwd = get_leap_credentials()
- # XXX pass verify and server too
- # (pop)
- auth = SRPAuth(user, passwd)
- kwargs['auth'] = auth
- return fn(*args, **kwargs)
- return wrapper
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- """
- To test against test_provider (twisted version)
- Register an user: (will be valid during the session)
- >>> python add test password
- Test login with that user:
- >>> python login test password
- """
- import sys
- if len(sys.argv) not in (4, 5):
- print 'Usage: auth <add|login> <user> <pass> [server]'
- sys.exit(0)
- action = sys.argv[1]
- user = sys.argv[2]
- passwd = sys.argv[3]
- if len(sys.argv) == 5:
- SERVER = sys.argv[4]
- else:
- SERVER = "https://localhost:8443"
- if action == "login":
- @srpauth_protected(
- user=user, passwd=passwd, server=SERVER, verify=False)
- def test_srp_protected_get(*args, **kwargs):
- req = requests.get(*args, **kwargs)
- req.raise_for_status
- return req
- #req = test_srp_protected_get('https://localhost:8443/1/cert')
- req = test_srp_protected_get('%s/1/cert' % SERVER)
- #print 'cert :', req.content[:200] + "..."
- print req.content
- sys.exit(0)
- if action == "add":
- auth = LeapSRPRegister(provider=SERVER, verify=False)
- auth.register_user(user, passwd)
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-Authentication Base Class
-class Authentication(object):
- """
- I have no idea how Authentication (certs,?)
- will be done, but stub it here.
- """
- pass
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-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-import logging
-import platform
-import re
-import socket
-import netifaces
-import sh
-from leap.base import constants
-from leap.base import exceptions
-logger = logging.getLogger(name=__name__)
-_platform = platform.system()
-EVENT_CONNECT_REFUSED = "[ECONNREFUSED]: Connection refused (code=111)"
-class LeapNetworkChecker(object):
- """
- all network related checks
- """
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- provider_gw = kwargs.pop('provider_gw', None)
- self.provider_gateway = provider_gw
- def run_all(self, checker=None):
- if not checker:
- checker = self
- #self.error = None # ?
- # for MVS
- checker.check_tunnel_default_interface()
- checker.check_internet_connection()
- checker.is_internet_up()
- if self.provider_gateway:
- checker.ping_gateway(self.provider_gateway)
- checker.parse_log_and_react([], ())
- def check_internet_connection(self):
- if _platform == "Linux":
- try:
- output ="-c", "5", "-w", "5", ICMP_TARGET)
- # XXX should redirect this to netcheck logger.
- # and don't clutter main log.
- logger.debug('Network appears to be up.')
- except sh.ErrorReturnCode_1 as e:
- packet_loss = re.findall("\d+% packet loss", e.message)[0]
- logger.debug("Unidentified Connection Error: " + packet_loss)
- if not self.is_internet_up():
- error = "No valid internet connection found."
- else:
- error = "Provider server appears to be down."
- logger.error(error)
- raise exceptions.NoInternetConnection(error)
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError
- def is_internet_up(self):
- iface, gateway = self.get_default_interface_gateway()
- try:
- self.ping_gateway(self.provider_gateway)
- except exceptions.NoConnectionToGateway:
- return False
- return True
- def _get_route_table_linux(self):
- # do not use context manager, tests pass a StringIO
- f = open("/proc/net/route")
- route_table = f.readlines()
- f.close()
- #toss out header
- route_table.pop(0)
- if not route_table:
- raise exceptions.NoDefaultInterfaceFoundError
- return route_table
- def _get_def_iface_osx(self):
- default_iface = None
- #gateway = None
- routes = list(sh.route('-n', 'get', ICMP_TARGET, _iter=True))
- iface = filter(lambda l: "interface" in l, routes)
- if not iface:
- return None, None
- def_ifacel = re.findall('\w+\d', iface[0])
- default_iface = def_ifacel[0] if def_ifacel else None
- if not default_iface:
- return None, None
- _gw = filter(lambda l: "gateway" in l, routes)
- gw = re.findall('\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+', _gw[0])[0]
- return default_iface, gw
- def _get_tunnel_iface_linux(self):
- # XXX review.
- # valid also when local router has a default entry?
- route_table = self._get_route_table_linux()
- line = route_table.pop(0)
- iface, destination = line.split('\t')[0:2]
- if not destination == '00000000' or not iface == 'tun0':
- raise exceptions.TunnelNotDefaultRouteError()
- return True
- def check_tunnel_default_interface(self):
- """
- Raises an TunnelNotDefaultRouteError
- if tun0 is not the chosen default route
- (including when no routes are present)
- """
- #logger.debug('checking tunnel default interface...')
- if _platform == "Linux":
- valid = self._get_tunnel_iface_linux()
- return valid
- elif _platform == "Darwin":
- default_iface, gw = self._get_def_iface_osx()
- #logger.debug('iface: %s', default_iface)
- if default_iface != "tun0":
- logger.debug('tunnel not default route! gw: %s', default_iface)
- # XXX should catch this and act accordingly...
- # but rather, this test should only be launched
- # when we have successfully completed a connection
- # ... TRIGGER: Connection stablished (or whatever it is)
- # in the logs
- raise exceptions.TunnelNotDefaultRouteError
- else:
- #logger.debug('PLATFORM !!! %s', _platform)
- raise NotImplementedError
- def _get_def_iface_linux(self):
- default_iface = None
- gateway = None
- route_table = self._get_route_table_linux()
- while route_table:
- line = route_table.pop(0)
- iface, destination, gateway = line.split('\t')[0:3]
- if destination == '00000000':
- default_iface = iface
- break
- return default_iface, gateway
- def get_default_interface_gateway(self):
- """
- gets the interface we are going thru.
- (this should be merged with check tunnel default interface,
- imo...)
- """
- if _platform == "Linux":
- default_iface, gw = self._get_def_iface_linux()
- elif _platform == "Darwin":
- default_iface, gw = self._get_def_iface_osx()
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError
- if not default_iface:
- raise exceptions.NoDefaultInterfaceFoundError
- if default_iface not in netifaces.interfaces():
- raise exceptions.InterfaceNotFoundError
- logger.debug('-- default iface %s', default_iface)
- return default_iface, gw
- def ping_gateway(self, gateway):
- # TODO: Discuss how much packet loss (%) is acceptable.
- # XXX -- validate gateway
- # -- is it a valid ip? (there's something in util)
- # -- is it a domain?
- # -- can we resolve? -- raise NoDNSError if not.
- # XXX -- implemtation needs review!
- try:
- output ="-c", "10", gateway).stdout
- except sh.ErrorReturnCode_1 as e:
- output = e.message
- finally:
- packet_loss = int(re.findall("(\d+)% packet loss", output)[0])
- logger.debug('packet loss %s%%' % packet_loss)
- if packet_loss > constants.MAX_ICMP_PACKET_LOSS:
- raise exceptions.NoConnectionToGateway
- def check_name_resolution(self, domain_name):
- try:
- socket.gethostbyname(domain_name)
- return True
- except socket.gaierror:
- raise exceptions.CannotResolveDomainError
- def parse_log_and_react(self, log, error_matrix=None):
- """
- compares the recent openvpn status log to
- strings passed in and executes the callbacks passed in.
- @param log: openvpn log
- @type log: list of strings
- @param error_matrix: tuples of strings and tuples of callbacks
- @type error_matrix: tuples strings and call backs
- """
- for line in log:
- # we could compile a regex here to save some cycles up -- kali
- for each in error_matrix:
- error, callbacks = each
- if error in line:
- for cb in callbacks:
- if callable(cb):
- cb()
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index 6a13db7d..00000000
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-Configuration Base Class
-import grp
-import json
-import logging
-import re
-import socket
-import time
-import os
-logger = logging.getLogger(name=__name__)
-from dateutil import parser as dateparser
-from xdg import BaseDirectory
-import requests
-from leap.base import exceptions
-from leap.base import constants
-from leap.base.pluggableconfig import PluggableConfig
-from leap.util.fileutil import (mkdir_p)
-# move to base!
-from leap.eip import exceptions as eipexceptions
-class BaseLeapConfig(object):
- slug = None
- # XXX we have to enforce that every derived class
- # has a slug (via interface)
- # get property getter that raises NI..
- def save(self):
- raise NotImplementedError("abstract base class")
- def load(self):
- raise NotImplementedError("abstract base class")
- def get_config(self, *kwargs):
- raise NotImplementedError("abstract base class")
- @property
- def config(self):
- return self.get_config()
- def get_value(self, *kwargs):
- raise NotImplementedError("abstract base class")
-class MetaConfigWithSpec(type):
- """
- metaclass for JSONLeapConfig classes.
- It creates a configuration spec out of
- the `spec` dictionary. The `properties` attribute
- of the spec dict is turn into the `schema` attribute
- of the new class (which will be used to validate against).
- """
- # XXX in the near future, this is the
- # place where we want to enforce
- # singletons, read-only and similar stuff.
- def __new__(meta, classname, bases, classDict):
- schema_obj = classDict.get('spec', None)
- # not quite happy with this workaround.
- # I want to raise if missing spec dict, but only
- # for grand-children of this metaclass.
- # maybe should use abc module for this.
- abcderived = ("JSONLeapConfig",)
- if schema_obj is None and classname not in abcderived:
- raise exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured(
- "missing spec dict on your derived class (%s)" % classname)
- # we create a configuration spec attribute
- # from the spec dict
- config_class = type(
- classname + "Spec",
- (PluggableConfig, object),
- {'options': schema_obj})
- classDict['spec'] = config_class
- return type.__new__(meta, classname, bases, classDict)
-# some hacking still in progress:
-# Configs have:
-# - a slug (from where a filename/folder is derived)
-# - a spec (for validation and defaults).
-# this spec is conformant to the json-schema.
-# basically a dict that will be used
-# for type casting and validation, and defaults settings.
-# all config objects, since they are derived from BaseConfig, implement basic
-# useful methods:
-# - save
-# - load
-class JSONLeapConfig(BaseLeapConfig):
- __metaclass__ = MetaConfigWithSpec
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- # sanity check
- try:
- assert self.slug is not None
- except AssertionError:
- raise exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured(
- "missing slug on JSONLeapConfig"
- " derived class")
- try:
- assert self.spec is not None
- except AssertionError:
- raise exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured(
- "missing spec on JSONLeapConfig"
- " derived class")
- assert issubclass(self.spec, PluggableConfig)
- self.domain = kwargs.pop('domain', None)
- self._config = self.spec(format="json")
- self._config.load()
- self.fetcher = kwargs.pop('fetcher', requests)
- # mandatory baseconfig interface
- def save(self, to=None, force=False):
- """
- force param will skip the dirty check.
- :type force: bool
- """
- # XXX this force=True does not feel to right
- # but still have to look for a better way
- # of dealing with dirtiness and the
- # trick of loading remote config only
- # when newer.
- if force:
- do_save = True
- else:
- do_save = self._config.is_dirty()
- if do_save:
- if to is None:
- to = self.filename
- folder, filename = os.path.split(to)
- if folder and not os.path.isdir(folder):
- mkdir_p(folder)
- self._config.serialize(to)
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def load(self, fromfile=None, from_uri=None, fetcher=None,
- force_download=False, verify=True):
- if from_uri is not None:
- fetched = self.fetch(
- from_uri,
- fetcher=fetcher,
- verify=verify,
- force_dl=force_download)
- if fetched:
- return
- if fromfile is None:
- fromfile = self.filename
- if os.path.isfile(fromfile):
- self._config.load(fromfile=fromfile)
- else:
- logger.error('tried to load config from non-existent path')
- logger.error('Not Found: %s', fromfile)
- def fetch(self, uri, fetcher=None, verify=True, force_dl=False):
- if not fetcher:
- fetcher = self.fetcher
- logger.debug('uri: %s (verify: %s)' % (uri, verify))
- rargs = (uri, )
- rkwargs = {'verify': verify}
- headers = {}
- curmtime = self.get_mtime() if not force_dl else None
- if curmtime:
- logger.debug('requesting with if-modified-since %s' % curmtime)
- headers['if-modified-since'] = curmtime
- rkwargs['headers'] = headers
- #request = fetcher.get(uri, verify=verify)
- request = fetcher.get(*rargs, **rkwargs)
- request.raise_for_status()
- if request.status_code == 304:
- logger.debug('...304 Not Changed')
- # On this point, we have to assume that
- # we HAD the filename. If that filename is corruct,
- # we should enforce a force_download in the load
- # method above.
- self._config.load(fromfile=self.filename)
- return True
- if request.json:
- mtime = None
- last_modified = request.headers.get('last-modified', None)
- if last_modified:
- _mtime = dateparser.parse(last_modified)
- mtime = int(_mtime.strftime("%s"))
- if callable(request.json):
- _json = request.json()
- else:
- # back-compat
- _json = request.json
- self._config.load(json.dumps(_json), mtime=mtime)
- self._config.set_dirty()
- else:
- # not request.json
- # might be server did not announce content properly,
- # let's try deserializing all the same.
- try:
- self._config.load(request.content)
- self._config.set_dirty()
- except ValueError:
- raise eipexceptions.LeapBadConfigFetchedError
- return True
- def get_mtime(self):
- try:
- _mtime = os.stat(self.filename)[8]
- mtime = time.strftime("%c GMT", time.gmtime(_mtime))
- return mtime
- except OSError:
- return None
- def get_config(self):
- return self._config.config
- # public methods
- def get_filename(self):
- return self._slug_to_filename()
- @property
- def filename(self):
- return self.get_filename()
- def validate(self, data):
- logger.debug('validating schema')
- self._config.validate(data)
- return True
- # private
- def _slug_to_filename(self):
- # is this going to work in winland if slug is "foo/bar" ?
- folder, filename = os.path.split(self.slug)
- config_file = get_config_file(filename, folder)
- return config_file
- def exists(self):
- return os.path.isfile(self.filename)
-# utility functions
-# (might be moved to some class as we see fit, but
-# let's remain functional for a while)
-# maybe base.config.util ??
-def get_config_dir():
- """
- get the base dir for all leap config
- @rparam: config path
- @rtype: string
- """
- home = os.path.expanduser("~")
- if re.findall("leap_tests-[a-zA-Z0-9]{6}", home):
- # we're inside a test! :)
- return os.path.join(home, ".config/leap")
- else:
- # XXX dirspec is cross-platform,
- # we should borrow some of those
- # routines for osx/win and wrap this call.
- return os.path.join(BaseDirectory.xdg_config_home,
- 'leap')
-def get_config_file(filename, folder=None):
- """
- concatenates the given filename
- with leap config dir.
- @param filename: name of the file
- @type filename: string
- @rparam: full path to config file
- """
- path = []
- path.append(get_config_dir())
- if folder is not None:
- path.append(folder)
- path.append(filename)
- return os.path.join(*path)
-def get_default_provider_path():
- default_subpath = os.path.join("providers",
- default_provider_path = get_config_file(
- '',
- folder=default_subpath)
- return default_provider_path
-def get_provider_path(domain):
- # XXX if not domain, return get_default_provider_path
- default_subpath = os.path.join("providers", domain)
- provider_path = get_config_file(
- '',
- folder=default_subpath)
- return provider_path
-def validate_ip(ip_str):
- """
- raises exception if the ip_str is
- not a valid representation of an ip
- """
- socket.inet_aton(ip_str)
-def get_username():
- try:
- return os.getlogin()
- except OSError as e:
- import pwd
- return pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0]
-def get_groupname():
- gid = os.getgroups()[-1]
- return grp.getgrgid(gid).gr_name
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-Base Connection Classs
-from __future__ import (division, unicode_literals, print_function)
-import logging
-from leap.base.authentication import Authentication
-logger = logging.getLogger(name=__name__)
-class Connection(Authentication):
- # JSONLeapConfig
- #spec = {}
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- self.connection_state = None
- self.desired_connection_state = None
- #XXX FIXME diamond inheritance gotcha..
- #If you inherit from >1 class,
- #super is only initializing one
- #of the bases..!!
- # I think we better pass config as a constructor
- # parameter -- kali 2012-08-30 04:33
- super(Connection, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- def connect(self):
- """
- entry point for connection process
- """
- pass
- def disconnect(self):
- """
- disconnects client
- """
- pass
- #def shutdown(self):
- #"""
- #shutdown and quit
- #"""
- #self.desired_con_state = self.status.DISCONNECTED
- def connection_state(self):
- """
- returns the current connection state
- """
- return self.status.current
- def desired_connection_state(self):
- """
- returns the desired_connection state
- """
- return self.desired_connection_state
- def get_icon_name(self):
- """
- get icon name from status object
- """
- return self.status.get_state_icon()
- #
- # private methods
- #
- def _disconnect(self):
- """
- private method for disconnecting
- """
- if self.subp is not None:
- self.subp.terminate()
- self.subp = None
- # XXX signal state changes! :)
- def _is_alive(self):
- """
- don't know yet
- """
- pass
- def _connect(self):
- """
- entry point for connection cascade methods.
- """
- #conn_result = ConState.DISCONNECTED
- try:
- conn_result = self._try_connection()
- except UnrecoverableError as except_msg:
- logger.error("FATAL: %s" % unicode(except_msg))
- conn_result = self.status.UNRECOVERABLE
- except Exception as except_msg:
- self.error_queue.append(except_msg)
- logger.error("Failed Connection: %s" %
- unicode(except_msg))
- return conn_result
-class ConnectionError(Exception):
- """
- generic connection error
- """
- def __str__(self):
- if len(self.args) >= 1:
- return repr(self.args[0])
- else:
- raise self()
-class UnrecoverableError(ConnectionError):
- """
- we cannot do anything about it, sorry
- """
- pass
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-"""constants to be used in base module"""
-from leap import __branding
-APP_NAME = __branding.get("short_name", "leap-client")
-OPENVPN_BIN = "openvpn"
-# default provider placeholder
-# using `` we make sure that this
-# is not going to be resolved during the tests phases
-# (we expect testers to add it to their /etc/hosts
-DEFAULT_PROVIDER = __branding.get(
- "provider_domain",
- "")
- u"api_uri": "https://api.%s/" % DEFAULT_PROVIDER,
- u"api_version": u"1",
- u"ca_cert_fingerprint": "SHA256: fff",
- u"ca_cert_uri": u"https://%s/ca.crt" % DEFAULT_PROVIDER,
- u"default_language": u"en",
- u"description": {
- u"en": u"A demonstration service provider using the LEAP platform"
- },
- u"domain": "%s" % DEFAULT_PROVIDER,
- u"enrollment_policy": u"open",
- u"languages": [
- u"en"
- ],
- u"name": {
- u"en": u"Test Provider"
- },
- u"services": [
- "openvpn"
- ]
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-Exception attributes and their meaning/uses
-* critical: if True, will abort execution prematurely,
- after attempting any cleaning
- action.
-* failfirst: breaks any error_check loop that is examining
- the error queue.
-* message: the message that will be used in the __repr__ of the exception.
-* usermessage: the message that will be passed to user in ErrorDialogs
- in Qt-land.
-from leap.util.translations import translate
-class LeapException(Exception):
- """
- base LeapClient exception
- sets some parameters that we will check
- during error checking routines
- """
- critical = False
- failfirst = False
- warning = False
-class CriticalError(LeapException):
- """
- we cannot do anything about it
- """
- critical = True
- failfirst = True
-# In use ???
-# don't thing so. purge if not...
-class MissingConfigFileError(Exception):
- pass
-class ImproperlyConfigured(Exception):
- pass
-# NOTE: "Errors" (context) has to be a explicit string!
-class InterfaceNotFoundError(LeapException):
- # XXX should take iface arg on init maybe?
- message = "interface not found"
- usermessage = translate(
- "Errors",
- "Interface not found")
-class NoDefaultInterfaceFoundError(LeapException):
- message = "no default interface found"
- usermessage = translate(
- "Errors",
- "Looks like your computer "
- "is not connected to the internet")
-class NoConnectionToGateway(CriticalError):
- message = "no connection to gateway"
- usermessage = translate(
- "Errors",
- "Looks like there are problems "
- "with your internet connection")
-class NoInternetConnection(CriticalError):
- message = "No Internet connection found"
- usermessage = translate(
- "Errors",
- "It looks like there is no internet connection.")
- # and now we try to connect to our web to troubleshoot LOL :P
-class CannotResolveDomainError(LeapException):
- message = "Cannot resolve domain"
- usermessage = translate(
- "Errors",
- "Domain cannot be found")
-class TunnelNotDefaultRouteError(LeapException):
- message = "Tunnel connection dissapeared. VPN down?"
- usermessage = translate(
- "Errors",
- "The Encrypted Connection was lost.")
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-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from __future__ import (print_function)
-import logging
-import threading
-from leap.eip import config as eipconfig
-from leap.base.checks import LeapNetworkChecker
-from leap.base.constants import ROUTE_CHECK_INTERVAL
-from leap.base.exceptions import TunnelNotDefaultRouteError
-from leap.util.misc import null_check
-from leap.util.coroutines import (launch_thread, process_events)
-from time import sleep
-logger = logging.getLogger(name=__name__)
-class NetworkCheckerThread(object):
- """
- Manages network checking thread that makes sure we have a working network
- connection.
- """
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- self.status_signals = kwargs.pop('status_signals', None)
- self.error_cb = kwargs.pop(
- 'error_cb',
- lambda exc: logger.error("%s", exc.message))
- self.shutdown = threading.Event()
- # XXX get provider passed here
- provider = kwargs.pop('provider', None)
- null_check(provider, 'provider')
- eipconf = eipconfig.EIPConfig(domain=provider)
- eipconf.load()
- eipserviceconf = eipconfig.EIPServiceConfig(domain=provider)
- eipserviceconf.load()
- gw = eipconfig.get_eip_gateway(
- eipconfig=eipconf,
- eipserviceconfig=eipserviceconf)
- self.checker = LeapNetworkChecker(
- provider_gw=gw)
- def start(self):
- self.process_handle = self._launch_recurrent_network_checks(
- (self.error_cb,))
- def stop(self):
- self.process_handle.join(timeout=0.1)
- self.shutdown.set()
- logger.debug("network checked stopped.")
- def run_checks(self):
- pass
- #private methods
- #here all the observers in fail_callbacks expect one positional argument,
- #which is exception so we can try by passing a lambda with logger to
- #check it works.
- def _network_checks_thread(self, fail_callbacks):
- #TODO: replace this with waiting for a signal from openvpn
- while True:
- try:
- self.checker.check_tunnel_default_interface()
- break
- except TunnelNotDefaultRouteError:
- # XXX ??? why do we sleep here???
- # aa: If the openvpn isn't up and running yet,
- # let's give it a moment to breath.
- #logger.error('NOT DEFAULT ROUTE!----')
- # Instead of this, we should flag when the
- # iface IS SUPPOSED to be up imo. -- kali
- sleep(1)
- fail_observer_dict = dict(((
- observer,
- process_events(observer)) for observer in fail_callbacks))
- while not self.shutdown.is_set():
- try:
- self.checker.check_tunnel_default_interface()
- self.checker.check_internet_connection()
- except Exception as exc:
- for obs in fail_observer_dict:
- fail_observer_dict[obs].send(exc)
- #reset event
- # I see a problem with this. You cannot stop it, it
- # resets itself forever. -- kali
- # XXX use QTimer for the recurrent triggers,
- # and ditch the sleeps.
- logger.debug('resetting event')
- self.shutdown.clear()
- def _launch_recurrent_network_checks(self, fail_callbacks):
- # XXX reimplement using QTimer -- kali
- watcher = launch_thread(
- self._network_checks_thread,
- (fail_callbacks,))
- return watcher
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-generic configuration handlers
-import copy
-import json
-import logging
-import os
-import time
-import urlparse
-import jsonschema
-from leap.util.translations import LEAPTranslatable
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-__all__ = ['PluggableConfig',
- 'adaptors',
- 'types',
- 'UnknownOptionException',
- 'MissingValueException',
- 'ConfigurationProviderException',
- 'TypeCastException']
-# exceptions
-class UnknownOptionException(Exception):
- """exception raised when a non-configuration
- value is present in the configuration"""
-class MissingValueException(Exception):
- """exception raised when a required value is missing"""
-class ConfigurationProviderException(Exception):
- """exception raised when a configuration provider is missing, etc"""
-class TypeCastException(Exception):
- """exception raised when a
- configuration item cannot be coerced to a type"""
-class ConfigAdaptor(object):
- """
- abstract base class for config adaotors for
- serialization/deserialization and custom validation
- and type casting.
- """
- def read(self, filename):
- raise NotImplementedError("abstract base class")
- def write(self, config, filename):
- with open(filename, 'w') as f:
- self._write(f, config)
- def _write(self, fp, config):
- raise NotImplementedError("abstract base class")
- def validate(self, config, schema):
- raise NotImplementedError("abstract base class")
-adaptors = {}
-class JSONSchemaEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
- """
- custom default encoder that
- casts python objects to json objects for
- the schema validation
- """
- def default(self, obj):
- if obj is str:
- return 'string'
- if obj is unicode:
- return 'string'
- if obj is int:
- return 'integer'
- if obj is list:
- return 'array'
- if obj is dict:
- return 'object'
- if obj is bool:
- return 'boolean'
-class JSONAdaptor(ConfigAdaptor):
- indent = 2
- extensions = ['json']
- def read(self, _from):
- if isinstance(_from, file):
- _from_string =
- if isinstance(_from, str):
- _from_string = _from
- return json.loads(_from_string)
- def _write(self, fp, config):
- fp.write(json.dumps(config,
- indent=self.indent,
- sort_keys=True))
- def validate(self, config, schema_obj):
- schema_json = JSONSchemaEncoder().encode(schema_obj)
- schema = json.loads(schema_json)
- jsonschema.validate(config, schema)
-adaptors['json'] = JSONAdaptor()
-# Adaptors
-# Allow to apply a predefined set of types to the
-# specs, so it checks the validity of formats and cast it
-# to proper python types.
-# TODO:
-# - HTTPS uri
-class DateType(object):
- fmt = '%Y-%m-%d'
- def to_python(self, data):
- return time.strptime(data, self.fmt)
- def get_prep_value(self, data):
- return time.strftime(self.fmt, data)
-class TranslatableType(object):
- """
- a type that casts to LEAPTranslatable objects.
- Used for labels we get from providers and stuff.
- """
- def to_python(self, data):
- return LEAPTranslatable(data)
- # needed? we already have an extended dict...
- #def get_prep_value(self, data):
- #return dict(data)
-class URIType(object):
- def to_python(self, data):
- parsed = urlparse.urlparse(data)
- if not parsed.scheme:
- raise TypeCastException("uri %s has no schema" % data)
- return parsed
- def get_prep_value(self, data):
- return data.geturl()
-class HTTPSURIType(object):
- def to_python(self, data):
- parsed = urlparse.urlparse(data)
- if not parsed.scheme:
- raise TypeCastException("uri %s has no schema" % data)
- if parsed.scheme != "https":
- raise TypeCastException(
- "uri %s does not has "
- "https schema" % data)
- return parsed
- def get_prep_value(self, data):
- return data.geturl()
-types = {
- 'date': DateType(),
- 'uri': URIType(),
- 'https-uri': HTTPSURIType(),
- 'translatable': TranslatableType(),
-class PluggableConfig(object):
- options = {}
- def __init__(self,
- adaptors=adaptors,
- types=types,
- format=None):
- self.config = {}
- self.adaptors = adaptors
- self.types = types
- self._format = format
- self.mtime = None
- self.dirty = False
- @property
- def option_dict(self):
- if hasattr(self, 'options') and isinstance(self.options, dict):
- return self.options.get('properties', None)
- def items(self):
- """
- act like an iterator
- """
- if isinstance(self.option_dict, dict):
- return self.option_dict.items()
- return self.options
- def validate(self, config, format=None):
- """
- validate config
- """
- schema = self.options
- if format is None:
- format = self._format
- if format:
- adaptor = self.get_adaptor(self._format)
- adaptor.validate(config, schema)
- else:
- # we really should make format mandatory...
- logger.error('no format passed to validate')
- # first round of validation is ok.
- # now we proceed to cast types if any specified.
- self.to_python(config)
- def to_python(self, config):
- """
- cast types following first type and then format indications.
- """
- unseen_options = [i for i in config if i not in self.option_dict]
- if unseen_options:
- raise UnknownOptionException(
- "Unknown options: %s" % ', '.join(unseen_options))
- for key, value in config.items():
- _type = self.option_dict[key].get('type')
- if _type is None and 'default' in self.option_dict[key]:
- _type = type(self.option_dict[key]['default'])
- if _type is not None:
- tocast = True
- if not callable(_type) and isinstance(value, _type):
- tocast = False
- if tocast:
- try:
- config[key] = _type(value)
- except BaseException, e:
- raise TypeCastException(
- "Could not coerce %s, %s, "
- "to type %s: %s" % (key, value, _type.__name__, e))
- _format = self.option_dict[key].get('format', None)
- _ftype = self.types.get(_format, None)
- if _ftype:
- try:
- config[key] = _ftype.to_python(value)
- except BaseException, e:
- raise TypeCastException(
- "Could not coerce %s, %s, "
- "to format %s: %s" % (key, value,
- _ftype.__class__.__name__,
- e))
- return config
- def prep_value(self, config):
- """
- the inverse of to_python method,
- called just before serialization
- """
- for key, value in config.items():
- _format = self.option_dict[key].get('format', None)
- _ftype = self.types.get(_format, None)
- if _ftype and hasattr(_ftype, 'get_prep_value'):
- try:
- config[key] = _ftype.get_prep_value(value)
- except BaseException, e:
- raise TypeCastException(
- "Could not serialize %s, %s, "
- "by format %s: %s" % (key, value,
- _ftype.__class__.__name__,
- e))
- else:
- config[key] = value
- return config
- # methods for adding configuration
- def get_default_values(self):
- """
- return a config options from configuration defaults
- """
- defaults = {}
- for key, value in self.items():
- if 'default' in value:
- defaults[key] = value['default']
- return copy.deepcopy(defaults)
- def get_adaptor(self, format):
- """
- get specified format adaptor or
- guess for a given filename
- """
- adaptor = self.adaptors.get(format, None)
- if adaptor:
- return adaptor
- # not registered in adaptors dict, let's try all
- for adaptor in self.adaptors.values():
- if format in adaptor.extensions:
- return adaptor
- def filename2format(self, filename):
- extension = os.path.splitext(filename)[-1]
- return extension.lstrip('.') or None
- def serialize(self, filename, format=None, full=False):
- if not format:
- format = self._format
- if not format:
- format = self.filename2format(filename)
- if not format:
- raise Exception('Please specify a format')
- # TODO: more specific exception type
- adaptor = self.get_adaptor(format)
- if not adaptor:
- raise Exception("Adaptor not found for format: %s" % format)
- config = copy.deepcopy(self.config)
- serializable = self.prep_value(config)
- adaptor.write(serializable, filename)
- if self.mtime:
- self.touch_mtime(filename)
- def touch_mtime(self, filename):
- mtime = self.mtime
- os.utime(filename, (mtime, mtime))
- def deserialize(self, string=None, fromfile=None, format=None):
- """
- load configuration from a file or string
- """
- def _try_deserialize():
- if fromfile:
- with open(fromfile, 'r') as f:
- content =
- elif string:
- content =
- return content
- # XXX cleanup this!
- if fromfile:
- assert os.path.exists(fromfile)
- if not format:
- format = self.filename2format(fromfile)
- if not format:
- format = self._format
- if format:
- adaptor = self.get_adaptor(format)
- else:
- adaptor = None
- if adaptor:
- content = _try_deserialize()
- return content
- # no adaptor, let's try rest of adaptors
- adaptors = self.adaptors[:]
- if format:
- adaptors.sort(
- key=lambda x: int(
- format in x.extensions),
- reverse=True)
- for adaptor in adaptors:
- content = _try_deserialize()
- return content
- def set_dirty(self):
- self.dirty = True
- def is_dirty(self):
- return self.dirty
- def load(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- load from string or file
- if no string of fromfile option is given,
- it will attempt to load from defaults
- defined in the schema.
- """
- string = args[0] if args else None
- fromfile = kwargs.get("fromfile", None)
- mtime = kwargs.pop("mtime", None)
- self.mtime = mtime
- content = None
- # start with defaults, so we can
- # have partial values applied.
- content = self.get_default_values()
- if string and isinstance(string, str):
- content = self.deserialize(string)
- if not string and fromfile is not None:
- #import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace()
- content = self.deserialize(fromfile=fromfile)
- if not content:
- logger.error('no content could be loaded')
- # XXX raise!
- return
- # lazy evaluation until first level of nesting
- # to allow lambdas with context-dependant info
- # like os.path.expanduser
- for k, v in content.iteritems():
- if callable(v):
- content[k] = v()
- self.validate(content)
- self.config = content
- return True
-def testmain(): # pragma: no cover
- from tests import test_validation as t
- import pprint
- config = PluggableConfig(_format="json")
- properties = copy.deepcopy(t.sample_spec)
- config.options = properties
- config.load(fromfile='data.json')
- print 'config'
- pprint.pprint(config.config)
- config.serialize('/tmp/testserial.json')
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- testmain()
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-"""all dealing with leap-providers: definition files, updating"""
-from leap.base import config as baseconfig
-from leap.base import specs
-class LeapProviderDefinition(baseconfig.JSONLeapConfig):
- spec = specs.leap_provider_spec
- def _get_slug(self):
- domain = getattr(self, 'domain', None)
- if domain:
- path = baseconfig.get_provider_path(domain)
- else:
- path = baseconfig.get_default_provider_path()
- return baseconfig.get_config_file(
- 'provider.json', folder=path)
- def _set_slug(self, *args, **kwargs):
- raise AttributeError("you cannot set slug")
- slug = property(_get_slug, _set_slug)
-class LeapProviderSet(object):
- # we gather them from the filesystem
- # TODO: (MVS+)
- def __init__(self):
- self.count = 0
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-leap_provider_spec = {
- 'description': 'provider definition',
- 'type': 'object',
- 'properties': {
- #'serial': {
- #'type': int,
- #'default': 1,
- #'required': True,
- #},
- 'version': {
- 'type': unicode,
- 'default': '0.1.0'
- #'required': True
- },
- "default_language": {
- 'type': unicode,
- 'default': 'en'
- },
- 'domain': {
- 'type': unicode, # XXX define uri type
- 'default': ''
- #'required': True,
- },
- 'name': {
- #'type': LEAPTranslatable,
- 'type': dict,
- 'format': 'translatable',
- 'default': {u'en': u'Test Provider'}
- #'required': True
- },
- 'description': {
- #'type': LEAPTranslatable,
- 'type': dict,
- 'format': 'translatable',
- 'default': {u'en': u'Test provider'}
- },
- 'enrollment_policy': {
- 'type': unicode, # oneof ??
- 'default': 'open'
- },
- 'services': {
- 'type': list, # oneof ??
- 'default': ['eip']
- },
- 'api_version': {
- 'type': unicode,
- 'default': '0.1.0' # version regexp
- },
- 'api_uri': {
- 'type': unicode # uri
- },
- 'public_key': {
- 'type': unicode # fingerprint
- },
- 'ca_cert_fingerprint': {
- 'type': unicode,
- },
- 'ca_cert_uri': {
- 'type': unicode,
- 'format': 'https-uri'
- },
- 'languages': {
- 'type': list,
- 'default': ['en']
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/leap/base/tests/ b/src/leap/base/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
--- a/src/leap/base/tests/
+++ /dev/null
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deleted file mode 100644
index b3009a9b..00000000
--- a/src/leap/base/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-from BaseHTTPServer import BaseHTTPRequestHandler
-import urlparse
- import unittest2 as unittest
-except ImportError:
- import unittest
-import requests
-#from mock import Mock
-from leap.base import auth
-#from leap.base import exceptions
-from leap.eip.tests.test_checks import NoLogRequestHandler
-from leap.testing.basetest import BaseLeapTest
-from leap.testing.https_server import BaseHTTPSServerTestCase
-class LeapSRPRegisterTests(BaseHTTPSServerTestCase, BaseLeapTest):
- __name__ = "leap_srp_register_test"
- provider = ""
- class request_handler(NoLogRequestHandler, BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
- responses = {
- '/': ['OK', '']}
- def do_GET(self):
- path = urlparse.urlparse(self.path)
- message = '\n'.join(self.responses.get(
- path.path, None))
- self.send_response(200)
- self.end_headers()
- self.wfile.write(message)
- def setUp(self):
- pass
- def tearDown(self):
- pass
- def test_srp_auth_should_implement_check_methods(self):
- SERVER = "https://localhost:8443"
- srp_auth = auth.LeapSRPRegister(provider=SERVER, verify=False)
- self.assertTrue(hasattr(srp_auth, "init_session"),
- "missing meth")
- self.assertTrue(hasattr(srp_auth, "get_registration_uri"),
- "missing meth")
- self.assertTrue(hasattr(srp_auth, "register_user"),
- "missing meth")
- def test_srp_auth_basic_functionality(self):
- SERVER = "https://localhost:8443"
- srp_auth = auth.LeapSRPRegister(provider=SERVER, verify=False)
- self.assertIsInstance(srp_auth.session, requests.sessions.Session)
- self.assertEqual(
- srp_auth.get_registration_uri(),
- "https://localhost:8443/1/users")
diff --git a/src/leap/base/tests/ b/src/leap/base/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8126755b..00000000
--- a/src/leap/base/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
- import unittest2 as unittest
-except ImportError:
- import unittest
-import os
-import sh
-from mock import (patch, Mock)
-from StringIO import StringIO
-from leap.base import checks
-from leap.base import exceptions
-from leap.testing.basetest import BaseLeapTest
-_uid = os.getuid()
-class LeapNetworkCheckTest(BaseLeapTest):
- __name__ = "leap_network_check_tests"
- def setUp(self):
- os.environ['PATH'] += ':/bin'
- pass
- def tearDown(self):
- pass
- def test_checker_should_implement_check_methods(self):
- checker = checks.LeapNetworkChecker()
- self.assertTrue(hasattr(checker, "check_internet_connection"),
- "missing meth")
- self.assertTrue(hasattr(checker, "check_tunnel_default_interface"),
- "missing meth")
- self.assertTrue(hasattr(checker, "is_internet_up"),
- "missing meth")
- self.assertTrue(hasattr(checker, "ping_gateway"),
- "missing meth")
- self.assertTrue(hasattr(checker, "parse_log_and_react"),
- "missing meth")
- def test_checker_should_actually_call_all_tests(self):
- checker = checks.LeapNetworkChecker()
- mc = Mock()
- checker.run_all(checker=mc)
- self.assertTrue(mc.check_internet_connection.called, "not called")
- self.assertTrue(mc.check_tunnel_default_interface.called, "not called")
- self.assertTrue(mc.is_internet_up.called, "not called")
- self.assertTrue(mc.parse_log_and_react.called, "not called")
- # ping gateway only called if we pass provider_gw
- checker = checks.LeapNetworkChecker(provider_gw="")
- mc = Mock()
- checker.run_all(checker=mc)
- self.assertTrue(mc.check_internet_connection.called, "not called")
- self.assertTrue(mc.check_tunnel_default_interface.called, "not called")
- self.assertTrue(mc.ping_gateway.called, "not called")
- self.assertTrue(mc.is_internet_up.called, "not called")
- self.assertTrue(mc.parse_log_and_react.called, "not called")
- def test_get_default_interface_no_interface(self):
- checker = checks.LeapNetworkChecker()
- with patch('', create=True) as mock_open:
- with self.assertRaises(exceptions.NoDefaultInterfaceFoundError):
- mock_open.return_value = StringIO(
- "Iface\tDestination Gateway\t"
- "Flags\tRefCntd\tUse\tMetric\t"
- "Mask\tMTU\tWindow\tIRTT")
- checker.get_default_interface_gateway()
- def test_check_tunnel_default_interface(self):
- checker = checks.LeapNetworkChecker()
- with patch('', create=True) as mock_open:
- with self.assertRaises(exceptions.TunnelNotDefaultRouteError):
- mock_open.return_value = StringIO(
- "Iface\tDestination Gateway\t"
- "Flags\tRefCntd\tUse\tMetric\t"
- "Mask\tMTU\tWindow\tIRTT\n"
- "wlan0\t00000000\t0102A8C0\t"
- "0003\t0\t0\t0\t00000000\t0\t0\t0")
- checker.check_tunnel_default_interface()
- with patch('', create=True) as mock_open:
- mock_open.return_value = StringIO(
- "Iface\tDestination Gateway\t"
- "Flags\tRefCntd\tUse\tMetric\t"
- "Mask\tMTU\tWindow\tIRTT\n"
- "tun0\t00000000\t01002A0A\t0003\t0\t0\t0\t00000080\t0\t0\t0")
- checker.check_tunnel_default_interface()
- def test_ping_gateway_fail(self):
- checker = checks.LeapNetworkChecker()
- with patch.object(sh, "ping") as mocked_ping:
- with self.assertRaises(exceptions.NoConnectionToGateway):
- mocked_ping.return_value = Mock
- mocked_ping.return_value.stdout = "11% packet loss"
- checker.ping_gateway("")
- def test_ping_gateway(self):
- checker = checks.LeapNetworkChecker()
- with patch.object(sh, "ping") as mocked_ping:
- mocked_ping.return_value = Mock
- mocked_ping.return_value.stdout = """
-PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
-64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=54 time=33.8 ms
-64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=54 time=30.6 ms
-64 bytes from icmp_req=3 ttl=54 time=31.4 ms
-64 bytes from icmp_req=4 ttl=54 time=36.1 ms
-64 bytes from icmp_req=5 ttl=54 time=30.8 ms
-64 bytes from icmp_req=6 ttl=54 time=30.4 ms
-64 bytes from icmp_req=7 ttl=54 time=30.7 ms
-64 bytes from icmp_req=8 ttl=54 time=32.7 ms
-64 bytes from icmp_req=9 ttl=54 time=31.4 ms
-64 bytes from icmp_req=10 ttl=54 time=33.3 ms
---- ping statistics ---
-10 packets transmitted, 10 received, 0% packet loss, time 9016ms
-rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 30.497/32.172/36.161/1.755 ms"""
- checker.ping_gateway("")
- def test_check_internet_connection_failures(self):
- checker = checks.LeapNetworkChecker()
- TimeoutError = get_ping_timeout_error()
- with patch.object(sh, "ping") as mocked_ping:
- mocked_ping.side_effect = TimeoutError
- with self.assertRaises(exceptions.NoInternetConnection):
- with patch.object(checker, "ping_gateway") as mock_gateway:
- mock_gateway.side_effect = exceptions.NoConnectionToGateway
- checker.check_internet_connection()
- with patch.object(sh, "ping") as mocked_ping:
- mocked_ping.side_effect = TimeoutError
- with self.assertRaises(exceptions.NoInternetConnection):
- with patch.object(checker, "ping_gateway") as mock_gateway:
- mock_gateway.return_value = True
- checker.check_internet_connection()
- def test_parse_log_and_react(self):
- checker = checks.LeapNetworkChecker()
- to_call = Mock()
- log = [("leap.openvpn - INFO - Mon Nov 19 13:36:24 2012 "
- "read UDPv4 [ECONNREFUSED]: Connection refused (code=111)")]
- err_matrix = [(checks.EVENT_CONNECT_REFUSED, (to_call, ))]
- checker.parse_log_and_react(log, err_matrix)
- self.assertTrue(to_call.called)
- log = [("2012-11-19 13:36:26,177 - leap.openvpn - INFO - "
- "Mon Nov 19 13:36:24 2012 ERROR: Linux route delete command "
- "failed: external program exited"),
- ("2012-11-19 13:36:26,178 - leap.openvpn - INFO - "
- "Mon Nov 19 13:36:24 2012 ERROR: Linux route delete command "
- "failed: external program exited"),
- ("2012-11-19 13:36:26,180 - leap.openvpn - INFO - "
- "Mon Nov 19 13:36:24 2012 ERROR: Linux route delete command "
- "failed: external program exited"),
- ("2012-11-19 13:36:26,181 - leap.openvpn - INFO - "
- "Mon Nov 19 13:36:24 2012 /sbin/ifconfig tun0"),
- ("2012-11-19 13:36:26,182 - leap.openvpn - INFO - "
- "Mon Nov 19 13:36:24 2012 Linux ip addr del failed: external "
- "program exited with error stat"),
- ("2012-11-19 13:36:26,183 - leap.openvpn - INFO - "
- "Mon Nov 19 13:36:26 2012 SIGTERM[hard,] received, process"
- "exiting"), ]
- to_call.reset_mock()
- checker.parse_log_and_react(log, err_matrix)
- self.assertFalse(to_call.called)
- to_call.reset_mock()
- checker.parse_log_and_react([], err_matrix)
- self.assertFalse(to_call.called)
-def get_ping_timeout_error():
- try:
-"-c", "1", "-w", "1", "")
- except Exception as e:
- return e
diff --git a/src/leap/base/tests/ b/src/leap/base/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index d03149b2..00000000
--- a/src/leap/base/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
-import json
-import os
-import platform
-import socket
-#import tempfile
-import mock
-import requests
-from leap.base import config
-from leap.base import constants
-from leap.base import exceptions
-from leap.eip import constants as eipconstants
-from leap.util.fileutil import mkdir_p
-from leap.testing.basetest import BaseLeapTest
- import unittest2 as unittest
-except ImportError:
- import unittest
-_system = platform.system()
-class JSONLeapConfigTest(BaseLeapTest):
- def setUp(self):
- pass
- def tearDown(self):
- pass
- def test_metaclass(self):
- with self.assertRaises(exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured) as exc:
- class DummyTestConfig(config.JSONLeapConfig):
- __metaclass__ = config.MetaConfigWithSpec
- exc.startswith("missing spec dict")
- class DummyTestConfig(config.JSONLeapConfig):
- __metaclass__ = config.MetaConfigWithSpec
- spec = {'properties': {}}
- with self.assertRaises(exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured) as exc:
- DummyTestConfig()
- exc.startswith("missing slug")
- class DummyTestConfig(config.JSONLeapConfig):
- __metaclass__ = config.MetaConfigWithSpec
- spec = {'properties': {}}
- slug = "foo"
- DummyTestConfig()
-# provider fetch tests block
-class ProviderTest(BaseLeapTest):
- # override per test fixtures
- def setUp(self):
- pass
- def tearDown(self):
- pass
-# XXX depreacated. similar test in eip.checks
-#class BareHomeTestCase(ProviderTest):
- #__name__ = "provider_config_tests_bare_home"
- #def test_should_raise_if_missing_eip_json(self):
- #with self.assertRaises(exceptions.MissingConfigFileError):
- #config.get_config_json(os.path.join(self.home, 'eip.json'))
-class ProviderDefinitionTestCase(ProviderTest):
- # XXX MOVE TO eip.test_checks
- # -- kali 2012-08-24 00:38
- __name__ = "provider_config_tests"
- def setUp(self):
- # dump a sample eip file
- # XXX Move to Use EIP Spec Instead!!!
- # XXX tests to be moved to eip.checks and eip.providers
- # XXX can use eipconfig.dump_default_eipconfig
- path = os.path.join(self.home, '.config', 'leap')
- mkdir_p(path)
- with open(os.path.join(path, 'eip.json'), 'w') as fp:
- json.dump(eipconstants.EIP_SAMPLE_JSON, fp)
-# these tests below should move to
-# eip.checks
-# config.Configuration has been deprecated
-# TODO:
-# - We're instantiating a ProviderTest because we're doing the home wipeoff
-# on setUpClass instead of the setUp (for speedup of the general cases).
-# We really should be testing all of them in the same testCase, and
-# doing an extra wipe of the tempdir... but be careful!!!! do not mess with
-# os.environ home more than needed... that could potentially bite!
-# XXX actually, another thing to fix here is separating tests:
-# - test that requests has been called.
-# - check deeper for error types/msgs
-# we SHOULD inject requests dep in the constructor
-# (so we can pass mock easily).
-#class ProviderFetchConError(ProviderTest):
- #def test_connection_error(self):
- #with mock.patch.object(requests, "get") as mock_method:
- #mock_method.side_effect = requests.ConnectionError
- #cf = config.Configuration()
- #self.assertIsInstance(cf.error, str)
-#class ProviderFetchHttpError(ProviderTest):
- #def test_file_not_found(self):
- #with mock.patch.object(requests, "get") as mock_method:
- #mock_method.side_effect = requests.HTTPError
- #cf = config.Configuration()
- #self.assertIsInstance(cf.error, str)
-#class ProviderFetchInvalidUrl(ProviderTest):
- #def test_invalid_url(self):
- #cf = config.Configuration("ht")
- #self.assertTrue(cf.error)
-# end provider fetch tests
-class ConfigHelperFunctions(BaseLeapTest):
- __name__ = "config_helper_tests"
- def setUp(self):
- pass
- def tearDown(self):
- pass
- # tests
- @unittest.skipUnless(_system == "Linux", "linux only")
- def test_lin_get_config_file(self):
- """
- config file path where expected? (linux)
- """
- self.assertEqual(
- config.get_config_file(
- 'test', folder="foo/bar"),
- os.path.expanduser(
- '~/.config/leap/foo/bar/test')
- )
- @unittest.skipUnless(_system == "Darwin", "mac only")
- def test_mac_get_config_file(self):
- """
- config file path where expected? (mac)
- """
- self._missing_test_for_plat(do_raise=True)
- @unittest.skipUnless(_system == "Windows", "win only")
- def test_win_get_config_file(self):
- """
- config file path where expected?
- """
- self._missing_test_for_plat(do_raise=True)
- #
- # XXX hey, I'm raising exceptions here
- # on purpose. just wanted to make sure
- # that the skip stuff is doing it right.
- # If you're working on win/macos tests,
- # feel free to remove tests that you see
- # are too redundant.
- @unittest.skipUnless(_system == "Linux", "linux only")
- def test_lin_get_config_dir(self):
- """
- nice config dir? (linux)
- """
- self.assertEqual(
- config.get_config_dir(),
- os.path.expanduser('~/.config/leap'))
- @unittest.skipUnless(_system == "Darwin", "mac only")
- def test_mac_get_config_dir(self):
- """
- nice config dir? (mac)
- """
- self._missing_test_for_plat(do_raise=True)
- @unittest.skipUnless(_system == "Windows", "win only")
- def test_win_get_config_dir(self):
- """
- nice config dir? (win)
- """
- self._missing_test_for_plat(do_raise=True)
- # provider paths
- @unittest.skipUnless(_system == "Linux", "linux only")
- def test_get_default_provider_path(self):
- """
- is default provider path ok?
- """
- self.assertEqual(
- config.get_default_provider_path(),
- os.path.expanduser(
- '~/.config/leap/providers/%s/' %
- )
- # validate ip
- def test_validate_ip(self):
- """
- check our ip validation
- """
- config.validate_ip('')
- with self.assertRaises(socket.error):
- config.validate_ip('')
- with self.assertRaises(socket.error):
- config.validate_ip('foobar')
- @unittest.skip
- def test_validate_domain(self):
- """
- code to be written yet
- """
- raise NotImplementedError
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- unittest.main()
diff --git a/src/leap/base/tests/ b/src/leap/base/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index f257f54d..00000000
--- a/src/leap/base/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-import copy
-import json
- import unittest2 as unittest
-except ImportError:
- import unittest
-import os
-import jsonschema
-#from leap import __branding as BRANDING
-from leap.testing.basetest import BaseLeapTest
-from leap.base import providers
- u"api_version": u"0.1.0",
- #u"description": "LEAPTranslatable<{u'en': u'Test provider'}>",
- u"description": {u'en': u'Test provider'},
- u"default_language": u"en",
- #u"display_name": {u'en': u"Test Provider"},
- u"domain": u"",
- #u'name': "LEAPTranslatable<{u'en': u'Test Provider'}>",
- u'name': {u'en': u'Test Provider'},
- u"enrollment_policy": u"open",
- #u"serial": 1,
- u"services": [
- u"eip"
- ],
- u"languages": [u"en"],
- u"version": u"0.1.0"
-class TestLeapProviderDefinition(BaseLeapTest):
- def setUp(self):
- self.domain = ""
- self.definition = providers.LeapProviderDefinition(
- domain=self.domain)
- self.definition.load() # why have to load after save??
- self.config = self.definition.config
- def tearDown(self):
- if hasattr(self, 'testfile') and os.path.isfile(self.testfile):
- os.remove(self.testfile)
- # tests
- # XXX most of these tests can be made more abstract
- # and moved to test_baseconfig *triangulate!*
- def test_provider_slug_property(self):
- slug = self.definition.slug
- self.assertEquals(
- slug,
- os.path.join(
- self.home,
- '.config', 'leap', 'providers',
- '%s' % self.domain,
- 'provider.json'))
- with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
- self.definition.slug = 23
- def test_provider_dump(self):
- # check a good provider definition is dumped to disk
- self.testfile = self.get_tempfile('test.json')
-, force=True)
- deserialized = json.load(open(self.testfile, 'rb'))
- self.maxDiff = None
- #import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace()
- self.assertEqual(deserialized, EXPECTED_DEFAULT_CONFIG)
- def test_provider_dump_to_slug(self):
- # same as above, but we test the ability to save to a
- # file generated from the slug.
- # XXX THIS TEST SHOULD MOVE TO test_baseconfig
- filename = self.definition.filename
- self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(filename))
- deserialized = json.load(open(filename, 'rb'))
- self.assertEqual(deserialized, EXPECTED_DEFAULT_CONFIG)
- def test_provider_load(self):
- # check loading provider from disk file
- self.testfile = self.get_tempfile('test_load.json')
- with open(self.testfile, 'w') as wf:
- wf.write(json.dumps(EXPECTED_DEFAULT_CONFIG))
- self.definition.load(fromfile=self.testfile)
- #self.assertDictEqual(self.config,
- self.assertItemsEqual(self.config, EXPECTED_DEFAULT_CONFIG)
- def test_provider_validation(self):
- self.definition.validate(self.config)
- _config = copy.deepcopy(self.config)
- # bad type, raise validation error
- _config['domain'] = 111
- with self.assertRaises(jsonschema.ValidationError):
- self.definition.validate(_config)
- @unittest.skip
- def test_load_malformed_json_definition(self):
- raise NotImplementedError
- @unittest.skip
- def test_type_validation(self):
- # check various type validation
- # type cast
- raise NotImplementedError
-class TestLeapProviderSet(BaseLeapTest):
- def setUp(self):
- self.providers = providers.LeapProviderSet()
- def tearDown(self):
- pass
- ###
- def test_get_zero_count(self):
- self.assertEqual(self.providers.count, 0)
- @unittest.skip
- def test_count_defined_providers(self):
- # check the method used for making
- # the list of providers
- raise NotImplementedError
- @unittest.skip
- def test_get_default_provider(self):
- raise NotImplementedError
- @unittest.skip
- def test_should_be_at_least_one_provider_after_init(self):
- # when we init an empty environment,
- # there should be at least one provider,
- # that will be a dump of the default provider definition
- # somehow a high level test
- raise NotImplementedError
- @unittest.skip
- def test_get_eip_remote_from_default_provider(self):
- # from: default provider
- # expect: remote eip domain
- raise NotImplementedError
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- unittest.main()
diff --git a/src/leap/base/tests/ b/src/leap/base/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index 87e99648..00000000
--- a/src/leap/base/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-import copy
-import datetime
-#import json
- import unittest2 as unittest
-except ImportError:
- import unittest
-import os
-import jsonschema
-from leap.base.config import JSONLeapConfig
-from leap.base import pluggableconfig
-from leap.testing.basetest import BaseLeapTest
- 'prop_one': 1,
- 'prop_uri': "",
- 'prop_date': '2012-12-12',
- 'prop_one': 1,
- 'prop_uri': "",
- 'prop_date': datetime.datetime(2012, 12, 12)
-sample_spec = {
- 'description': 'sample schema definition',
- 'type': 'object',
- 'properties': {
- 'prop_one': {
- 'type': int,
- 'default': 1,
- 'required': True
- },
- 'prop_uri': {
- 'type': str,
- 'default': '',
- 'required': True,
- 'format': 'uri'
- },
- 'prop_date': {
- 'type': str,
- 'default': '2012-12-12',
- 'format': 'date'
- }
- }
-class SampleConfig(JSONLeapConfig):
- spec = sample_spec
- @property
- def slug(self):
- return os.path.expanduser('~/sampleconfig.json')
-class TestJSONLeapConfigValidation(BaseLeapTest):
- def setUp(self):
- self.sampleconfig = SampleConfig()
- self.sampleconfig.load()
- self.config = self.sampleconfig.config
- def tearDown(self):
- if hasattr(self, 'testfile') and os.path.isfile(self.testfile):
- os.remove(self.testfile)
- # tests
- def test_good_validation(self):
- self.sampleconfig.validate(SAMPLE_CONFIG_DICT)
- def test_broken_int(self):
- _config = copy.deepcopy(SAMPLE_CONFIG_DICT)
- _config['prop_one'] = '1'
- with self.assertRaises(jsonschema.ValidationError):
- self.sampleconfig.validate(_config)
- def test_format_property(self):
- # JsonSchema Validator does not check the format property.
- # We should have to extend the Configuration class
- blah = copy.deepcopy(SAMPLE_CONFIG_DICT)
- blah['prop_uri'] = 'xxx'
- with self.assertRaises(pluggableconfig.TypeCastException):
- self.sampleconfig.validate(blah)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- unittest.main()