path: root/docs/dev
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-.. _environment:
-Setting up a development environment
-This document covers how to get an enviroment ready to contribute code to the LEAP Client.
-Cloning the repo
-.. note::
- Stable releases will be in *master* branch (nothing there yet, move on!).
- Development code lives in *develop* branch.
- git clone git://
-Base Dependencies
-Leap client depends on these libraries:
-* `python 2.6 or 2.7`
-* `qt4` libraries (see also :ref:`Troubleshooting PyQt install <pyqtvirtualenv>` about how to install inside your virtualenv)
-* `openssl`
-* `openvpn <>`_
-In debian-based systems::
- $ apt-get install openvpn python-qt4 python-crypto python-openssl
-To install the software from sources::
- $ apt-get install python-pip python-dev
-.. _virtualenv:
-Working with virtualenv
-*Virtualenv* is the *Virtual Python Environment builder*.
-It is a tool to create isolated Python environments.
-The basic problem being addressed is one of dependencies and versions, and indirectly permissions. Imagine you have an application that needs version 1 of LibFoo, but another application requires version 2. How can you use both these applications? If you install everything into /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages (or whatever your platform's standard location is), it's easy to end up in a situation where you unintentionally upgrade an application that shouldn't be upgraded.
-Read more about it in the `project documentation page <>`_.
-Create and activate your dev environment
- $ virtualenv </path/to/new/environment>
- $ source </path/to/new/environment>/bin/activate
-Install python dependencies
-You can install python dependencies with pip. If you do it inside your working environment, they will be installed avoiding the need for administrative permissions::
- $ pip install -r pkg/requirements.pip
-.. _pyqtvirtualenv:
-Troubleshooting PyQt install inside a virtualenv
-If you attempt to install PyQt inside a virtualenv using pip, it will fail because PyQt4 does not use the standard mechanism.
-As a workaround, you can run the following script after creating your virtualenv. It will symlink to your global PyQt installation (*this is the recommended way if you are running a debian-based system*)::
- $ pkg/
-A second option if that does not work for you would be to install PyQt globally and pass the ``--site-packages`` option when you are creating your virtualenv::
- $ apt-get install python-qt4
- $ virtualenv --site-packages .
-Or, if you prefer, you can also `download the official PyQt tarball <>`_ and execute ```` in the root folder of their distribution, which generates a ``Makefile``::
- $ python
- $ make && make install
-.. note::
- this section could be completed with useful options that can be passed to the virtualenv command (e.g., to make portable paths, site-packages, ...).
-.. _copyscriptfiles:
-Copy script files
-The openvpn invocation expects some files to be in place. If you have not installed `leap-client` from a debian package, you must copy these files manually::
- $ sudo mkdir -p /etc/leap
- $ sudo cp pkg/linux/resolv-update /etc/leap
-.. _policykit:
-Running openvpn without root privileges
-In linux, we are using ``policykit`` to be able to run openvpn without root privileges, and a policy file is needed to be installed for that to be possible.
-The setup script tries to install the policy file when installing the client system-wide, so if you have installed the client in your global site-packages at least once it should have copied this file for you.
-If you *only* are running the client from inside a virtualenv, you will need to copy this file by hand::
- $ sudo cp pkg/linux/polkit/net.openvpn.gui.leap.policy /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/
-Missing Authentication agent
-If you are running a desktop other than gnome or unity, you might get an error saying that you are not running the authentication agent. You can launch it like this::
- /usr/lib/policykit-1-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1 &
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-.. _internals:
-This section covers briefly the internal organization of the LEAP Client source tree.
-.. note::
- very unfinished.
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-.. _i18n:
-This part of the documentation covers the localization and translation of LEAP Client.
-Because we want to *bring fire to the people*, in as many countries and languages as possible.
-Translating the LEAP Client PyQt Application
-.. raw:: html
- <div><a target="_blank" style="text-decoration:none; color:black; font-size:66%" href="" title="See more information on">Top translations: leap-client ยป leap-client</a><br/><img border="0" src=""/><br/><a target="_blank" href=""><img border="0" src=""/></a></div>
-For translators
-.. note::
- We should probably move the translators info to a top level section of the docs, and leave this
- as internal notes.
-We are using `transifex <>`_ to coordinate translation efforts. If you want to contribute, just sign up there and ...
-.. note::
- ... and what??
-For devs: i18n conventions
-.. note::
- should say something about our special cases (provider labels and exceptions) when we get decision about it.
-Refer to `pyqt documentation <>`_.
-'your string')
-for any string that you want to be translated, as long as the instance derives from ``QObject``.
-If you have to translate something that it is not a ``QObject``, use the magic leap ``translate`` method:
-.. code-block:: python
- from leap.util.translations import translate
- class Foo(object):
- bar = translate(<Context>, <string>, <comment>)
-.. Note about this: there seems to be some problems with the .tr method
- so the translate method could actually be the preferred thing in all the cases.
- Still missing what to do for language labels (json-based).
- --kali
-For i18n maintainers
-You need ``pylupdate4`` and ``lrelease`` for these steps. To get it, in debian::
- $ apt-get install pyqt4-dev-tools qt4-linguist-tools
-If you do not already have it, install the ``transifex-client`` from the cheese shop::
- pip install transifex-client
-You can learn more about the transifex-client `here <>`_.
-**1.** Add any new source files to the project file, ``data/``. *We should automate this with some templating, it's tedious.*
-**2.** Update the source .ts file ``data/ts/en_US.ts``.::
- $ make translations
-**3.** Push source .ts file to transifex::
- $ tx push -s
-**4.** Let the translation fairies do their work...
-**5.** *Et voila!* Get updated .ts files for each language from ``Transifex``. For instance, to pull updated spanish translations::
- $ tx pull -l es
- Pulling new translations for resource leap-client.leap-client (source: data/ts/en_US.ts)
- -> es: data/translations/es.ts
- Done.
-Note that there is a configuration option in ``.tx/config`` for setting the minimum completion percentage needed to be able to actually pull a resource.
-**6.** Generate .qm files from the updated .ts files::
- $ make translations
-and yes, it's the same command than in step 2. One less thing to remember :)
-**7.** Check that the .qm for the language you're working with is listed in ``data/resources/locale.qrc`` file. That should take the translated files from ``data/translations``
-**8.** Re-generate ``src/leap/gui/locale_qrc``. This is the embedded resource file that we load in the main app entry point; and from where we load the data for the qt translator object::
- $ make resources
-If you want to try it, just set your LANG environment variable::
- $ LANG=es_ES leap-client
-Translating the Documentation
-.. note::
- ...unfinished
-`translating sphinx docs <>`_
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-.. _resources:
-PyQt Resource files
-Compiling resource/ui files
-You should refresh resource/ui files every time you change an image or a resource/ui (.ui / .qc). From the root folder::
- % make ui
- % make resources
-As there are some tests to guard against unwanted resource updates, you will have to update the resource hash in those failing tests.
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-.. _tests:
-Running and writing tests
-.. note::
- should include seeAlso to virtualenv
-This section covers the documentation about the tests for the LEAP Client code.
-All patches should have tests for them ...
-Testing dependencies
-have a look at ``pkg/test-requirements.pip``
-The ``./`` command should install all of them in your virtualenv for you.
-If you prefer to install them system wide, this should do in a debian system::
- $ apt-get install python-nose python-mock python-coverage
-Running tests
-There is a convenience script at ``./``
-If you want to run specific tests, pass the (sub)module to nose::
- $ nosetests leap.util
- $ nosetests leap.util.tests.test_leap_argparse
-Hint: colorized output
-Install ``rednose`` locally, export the ``NOSE_REDNOSE`` variable, and give your eyes a rest :)::
- (leap_client)% pip install rednose
- (leap_client)% export NOSE_REDNOSE=1
-Testing all the supported python versions
-For running testsuite against all the supported python versions (currently 2.6 and 2.7), run::
- % tox -v
-Coverage reports
-Pass the ``-c`` flat to the ```` script::
- $ -c
-Using ``coverage`` it will generate beautiful html reports that you can access pointing your browser to ``docs/covhtml/index.html``
-.. note::
- The coverage reports will not be generated if all tests are not passing.
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-.. _workflow:
-Development Workflow
-This section documents the workflow that the LEAP project team follows and expects for the code contributions.
-Code formatting
-In one word: `PEP8`_.
-`autopep8` might be your friend. or eat your code.
-.. _`PEP8`:
-.. _`autopep8`:
-If you introduce a new dependency, please add it under ``pkg/requirements`` or ``pkg/test-requirements`` as appropiate, under the proper module section.
-Git flow
-See `A successful git branching model <>`_ for more information. The slight modification we make is that release tags are made in the release branch before getting merged to master, rather than getting tagged in master.
-.. image::
-The author of the aforementioned post has also a handy pdf version of it: `branching_model.pdf`_
-A couple of tools that help to follow this process are `git-flow`_ and `git-sweep`_.
-.. _`branching_model.pdf`:
-.. _`git-flow`:
-.. _`git-sweep`:
-Merge into integration branch
-All code ready to be merged into the integration branch is expected to:
-* Have tests
-* Be documented
-* Pass existing tests: do **** and **tox -v**. All feature branches are automagically built by our `buildbot farm <>`_. So please check your branch is green before merging it it to `develop`. Rebasing against the current tip of the integration when possible is preferred in order to keep a clean history.