path: root/src/leap/
diff options
authorKali Kaneko <>2013-08-12 13:25:44 +0200
committerKali Kaneko <>2013-08-12 13:25:44 +0200
commit6da8d09846db4d2eed01e488bc6a6f5ba48b959f (patch)
tree3b82e8c4e14b1730ff292b6eb632c145dafb332a /src/leap/
parent00d98a47c60764475d97df1c2eb847e20a77cae5 (diff)
move everything into bitmask namespace
Diffstat (limited to 'src/leap/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 224 deletions
diff --git a/src/leap/ b/src/leap/
deleted file mode 100644
index 22340d4d..00000000
--- a/src/leap/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2013 LEAP
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <>.
-import logging
-import signal
-import sys
-import os
-from functools import partial
-from PySide import QtCore, QtGui
-from import server as event_server
-from leap.util import __version__ as VERSION
-from leap.util import leap_argparse
-from leap.util.leap_log_handler import LeapLogHandler
-from leap.util.streamtologger import StreamToLogger
-from leap.util.requirement_checker import check_requirements
-from leap.gui import locale_rc
-from leap.gui import twisted_main
-from leap.gui.mainwindow import MainWindow
-from leap.platform_init import IS_MAC
-from leap.platform_init.locks import we_are_the_one_and_only
-from import leap_services
-import codecs
-codecs.register(lambda name: codecs.lookup('utf-8')
- if name == 'cp65001' else None)
-# pylint: avoid unused import
-def sigint_handler(*args, **kwargs):
- """
- Signal handler for SIGINT
- """
- logger = kwargs.get('logger', None)
- if logger:
- logger.debug("SIGINT catched. shutting down...")
- mainwindow = args[0]
- mainwindow.quit()
-def install_qtreactor(logger):
- import qt4reactor
- qt4reactor.install()
- logger.debug("Qt4 reactor installed")
-def add_logger_handlers(debug=False, logfile=None):
- """
- Create the logger and attach the handlers.
- :param debug: the level of the messages that we should log
- :type debug: bool
- :param logfile: the file name of where we should to save the logs
- :type logfile: str
- :return: the new logger with the attached handlers.
- :rtype: logging.Logger
- """
- # TODO: get severity from command line args
- if debug:
- level = logging.DEBUG
- else:
- level = logging.WARNING
- # Create logger and formatter
- logger = logging.getLogger(name='leap')
- logger.setLevel(level)
- log_format = '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'
- formatter = logging.Formatter(log_format)
- # Console handler
- console = logging.StreamHandler()
- console.setLevel(level)
- console.setFormatter(formatter)
- logger.addHandler(console)
- logger.debug('Console handler plugged!')
- # LEAP custom handler
- leap_handler = LeapLogHandler()
- leap_handler.setLevel(level)
- logger.addHandler(leap_handler)
- logger.debug('Leap handler plugged!')
- # File handler
- if logfile is not None:
- logger.debug('Setting logfile to %s ', logfile)
- fileh = logging.FileHandler(logfile)
- fileh.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
- fileh.setFormatter(formatter)
- logger.addHandler(fileh)
- logger.debug('File handler plugged!')
- return logger
-def replace_stdout_stderr_with_logging(logger):
- """
- Replace:
- - the standard output
- - the standard error
- - the twisted log output
- with a custom one that writes to the logger.
- """
- sys.stdout = StreamToLogger(logger, logging.DEBUG)
- sys.stderr = StreamToLogger(logger, logging.ERROR)
- # Replace twisted's logger to use our custom output.
- from twisted.python import log
- log.startLogging(sys.stdout)
-def main():
- """
- Starts the main event loop and launches the main window.
- """
- try:
- event_server.ensure_server(event_server.SERVER_PORT)
- except Exception as e:
- # We don't even have logger configured in here
- print "Could not ensure server: %r" % (e,)
- _, opts = leap_argparse.init_leapc_args()
- standalone = opts.standalone
- bypass_checks = getattr(opts, 'danger', False)
- debug = opts.debug
- logfile = opts.log_file
- openvpn_verb = opts.openvpn_verb
- logger = add_logger_handlers(debug, logfile)
- replace_stdout_stderr_with_logging(logger)
- if not we_are_the_one_and_only():
- # Bitmask is already running
- logger.warning("Tried to launch more than one instance "
- "of Bitmask. Raising the existing "
- "one instead.")
- sys.exit(1)
- check_requirements()
-'Bitmask version %s', VERSION)
-'Starting app')
- # We force the style if on KDE so that it doesn't load all the kde
- # libs, which causes a compatibility issue in some systems.
- # For more info, see issue #3194
- if os.environ.get("KDE_SESSION_UID") is not None:
- sys.argv.append("-style")
- sys.argv.append("Cleanlooks")
- app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
- # install the qt4reactor.
- install_qtreactor(logger)
- # To test:
- # $ LANG=es ./
- locale = QtCore.QLocale.system().name()
- qtTranslator = QtCore.QTranslator()
- if qtTranslator.load("qt_%s" % locale, ":/translations"):
- app.installTranslator(qtTranslator)
- appTranslator = QtCore.QTranslator()
- if appTranslator.load("%s.qm" % locale[:2], ":/translations"):
- app.installTranslator(appTranslator)
- # Needed for initializing qsettings it will write
- # .config/leap/leap.conf top level app settings in a platform
- # independent way
- app.setOrganizationName("leap")
- app.setApplicationName("leap")
- app.setOrganizationDomain("")
- # XXX ---------------------------------------------------------
- # In quarantine, looks like we don't need it anymore.
- # This dummy timer ensures that control is given to the outside
- # loop, so we can hook our sigint handler.
- #timer = QtCore.QTimer()
- #timer.start(500)
- #timer.timeout.connect(lambda: None)
- # XXX ---------------------------------------------------------
- window = MainWindow(
- lambda: twisted_main.quit(app),
- standalone=standalone,
- openvpn_verb=openvpn_verb,
- bypass_checks=bypass_checks)
- sigint_window = partial(sigint_handler, window, logger=logger)
- signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sigint_window)
- if IS_MAC:
- window.raise_()
- # This was a good idea, but for this to work as intended we
- # should centralize the start of all services in there.
- #tx_app = leap_services()
- #assert(tx_app)
- # Run main loop
- twisted_main.start(app)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()