import sys import os import errno from distutils import dir_util, file_util from modulegraph import modulegraph def mkdir_p(path): try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError as exc: if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(path): pass else: raise def collect_deps(root, dest_lib_dir, path_file): mg = modulegraph.ModuleGraph( [sys.path[0]] + [x.strip() for x in open(path_file, 'r').readlines()] + sys.path[1:]) # , debug=3) mg.import_hook("distutils") mg.import_hook("site") mg.import_hook("jsonschema") mg.import_hook("scrypt") mg.import_hook("_scrypt") mg.import_hook("ConfigParser") mg.import_hook("encodings.idna") mg.import_hook("leap.soledad.client") mg.import_hook("leap.mail") mg.import_hook("leap.keymanager") mg.import_hook("argparse") mg.import_hook("srp") mg.import_hook("pkgutil") mg.import_hook("pkg_resources") mg.import_hook("_sre") mg.import_hook("zope.proxy") mg.import_hook("tuf") mg.import_hook("timeit") mg.import_hook("daemon") # for leap/bitmask/util/ mg.import_hook("functools32") # jsonschema dep # this import ensures the inclusion of the 'service-identity' dependency # since we don't import it implicitly anywhere mg.import_hook("service_identity") # this wasn't included in the bundle, there's no explicit import for it mg.import_hook("pyasn1_modules") mg.run_script(root) packages = [mg.findNode(i) for i in ["leap.common", "leap.keymanager", "leap.mail", "leap.soledad.client", "leap.soledad.common", "jsonschema"]] other = [] sorted_pkg = [(os.path.basename(m.identifier), m) for m in mg.flatten()] sorted_pkg.sort() for (name, pkg) in sorted_pkg: # skip namespace packages if name in ("leap", "leap.soledad", "google", "zope", "repoze") or \ name.endswith("leap/bitmask/"): continue # print pkg if isinstance(pkg, modulegraph.MissingModule): # print "ignoring", pkg.identifier continue elif isinstance(pkg, modulegraph.Package): foundpackage = False for i in packages: if pkg.identifier.startswith(i.identifier): # print "skipping", pkg.identifier, "member of", i.identifier # print " found in", i.filename foundpackage = True break if foundpackage: continue if pkg.filename is None: continue if pkg not in packages: packages.append(pkg) else: # if isinstance(pkg, modulegraph.Extension): foundpackage = False for i in packages: if pkg.identifier.startswith(i.identifier): # print "skipping", pkg.identifier, "member of", i.identifier # print " found in", i.filename foundpackage = True break if foundpackage: continue if pkg.filename is None: continue other.append(pkg) # print pkg.identifier print "Packages", len(packages) for i in sorted(packages): # if i.identifier == "distutils": # i.filename = distutils.__file__ print i.identifier, i.filename if i.identifier == "leap.bitmask": continue parts = i.identifier.split(".") destdir = os.path.join(*([dest_lib_dir]+parts)) mkdir_p(destdir) dir_util.copy_tree(os.path.dirname(i.filename), destdir) before = [] for part in parts: before.append(part) current = before + [""] try: with open(os.path.join(dest_lib_dir, *current), 'a'): pass except Exception: pass print "Other", len(other) for i in sorted(other): # if i.identifier == "site": # i.filename = site.__file__ print i.identifier, i.filename file_util.copy_file(i.filename, dest_lib_dir)