
- Implement tabbed filebrowser with 
   1. tab file selection
   2. tab inline file for safer storage
 - implement security notice fragment
   - explain plain text storage of all data except for android keystore
   - explain even more insecure of storage on sd card
- implement a small app that can do cert+key+ca => p12 or suggest an app on the market
   - Implementation in ICS OpenVpn would require SD_WRITE permission which I would like to avoid
- finish .ovpn -> configuration importer
    - depends on inline file storage, since config files can include inline files

- implement an encryption for profiles, so no sensitive data has be stored in plain text
   - encrypt/decrypt with android private storage key (+no user input required)
- implement general settings dialog
   - encryption of profiles
   - Speed/Transfered in notification bar (byte counter of managment) 
   - Kick openvpn on network state change (Wifi <-> GPRS/EDGE/UMTS)


Missing configuration options:

IPv6 support:
- Enable IPv6 (tun-ipv6)
- Implementing/testing IPv6 route/ifconfig/DNS Server 

Tap support:
- People still ask how to do tap support. :(
- Put statements that tap is not supported everywhere.
- Actually it is possible to emulate tap with tun device, a minimal implementation would have to do:
   - generate random mac
   - strip macs header on receive
   - append mac header on send
   - implement arp, possible the most difficult task ...
      - need to chose right mac of receiver

Requested by users: