package se.leap.leapclient; import; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import; import; import; import; public class LeapSRPSession { private SRPParameters params; private BigInteger N; private BigInteger g; private BigInteger x; private BigInteger v; private byte[] s; private BigInteger a; private BigInteger A; private byte[] K; /** The M1 = H(H(N) xor H(g) | H(U) | s | A | B | K) hash */ private MessageDigest clientHash; /** The M2 = H(A | M | K) hash */ private MessageDigest serverHash; private static int A_LEN; /** Creates a new SRP server session object from the username, password verifier, @param username, the user ID @param password, the user clear text password @param params, the SRP parameters for the session */ public LeapSRPSession(String username, char[] password, SRPParameters params) { this(username, password, params, null); } /** Creates a new SRP server session object from the username, password verifier, @param username, the user ID @param password, the user clear text password @param params, the SRP parameters for the session @param abytes, the random exponent used in the A public key. This must be 8 bytes in length. */ public LeapSRPSession(String username, char[] password, SRPParameters params, byte[] abytes) { try { // Initialize the secure random number and message digests Util.init(); } catch(NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { } this.params = params; this.g = new BigInteger(1, params.g); byte[] N_trimmed = Util.trim(params.N); this.N = new BigInteger(1, N_trimmed); if( abytes != null ) { A_LEN = 8*abytes.length; /* TODO Why did they put this condition? if( 8*abytes.length != A_LEN ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The abytes param must be " +(A_LEN/8)+" in length, abytes.length="+abytes.length); */ this.a = new BigInteger(abytes); } // Calculate x = H(s | H(U | ':' | password)) byte[] xb = calculatePasswordHash(username, password, params.s); this.x = new BigInteger(1, xb); // Calculate v = kg^x mod N BigInteger k = new BigInteger("bf66c44a428916cad64aa7c679f3fd897ad4c375e9bbb4cbf2f5de241d618ef0", 16); this.v = k.multiply(g.modPow(x, N)); // g^x % N serverHash = newDigest(); clientHash = newDigest(); // H(N) byte[] hn = newDigest().digest(N_trimmed); // H(g) byte[] hg = newDigest().digest(params.g); // clientHash = H(N) xor H(g) byte[] hxg = xor(hn, hg, hg.length); clientHash.update(hxg); // clientHash = H(N) xor H(g) | H(U) byte[] username_digest = newDigest().digest(username.getBytes()); clientHash.update(username_digest); // clientHash = H(N) xor H(g) | H(U) | s clientHash.update(params.s); K = null; } /** * @returns The exponential residue (parameter A) to be sent to the server. */ public byte[] exponential() { byte[] Abytes = null; if(A == null) { /* If the random component of A has not been specified use a random number */ if( a == null ) { BigInteger one = BigInteger.ONE; do { a = new BigInteger(A_LEN, Util.getPRNG()); } while(a.compareTo(one) <= 0); } A = g.modPow(a, N); //Abytes = Util.trim(A.toByteArray()); Abytes = A.toByteArray(); // clientHash = H(N) xor H(g) | H(U) | A clientHash.update(Abytes); // serverHash = A serverHash.update(Abytes); } return Abytes; } public byte[] response(byte[] Bbytes) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { // clientHash = H(N) xor H(g) | H(U) | s | A | B clientHash.update(Util.trim(Bbytes)); /* var B = new BigInteger(ephemeral, 16); var Bstr = ephemeral; // u = H(A,B) var u = new BigInteger(SHA256(hex2a(Astr + Bstr)), 16); // x = H(s, H(I:p)) var x = this.calcX(salt); //S = (B - kg^x) ^ (a + ux) var kgx = k.multiply(g.modPow(x, N)); var aux = a.add(u.multiply(x)); S = B.subtract(kgx).modPow(aux, N); K = SHA256(hex2a(S.toString(16))); */ byte[] ub = getU(A.toByteArray(), Bbytes); // Calculate S = (B - kg^x) ^ (a + u * x) % N BigInteger B = new BigInteger(1, Bbytes); BigInteger u = new BigInteger(1, ub); BigInteger B_v = B.subtract(v); BigInteger a_ux = a.add(u.multiply(x)); BigInteger S = B_v.modPow(a_ux, N); // K = SessionHash(S) MessageDigest sessionDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance(params.hashAlgorithm); K = sessionDigest.digest(S.toByteArray()); // clientHash = H(N) xor H(g) | H(U) | A | B | K clientHash.update(K); byte[] M1 = clientHash.digest(); return M1; } public byte[] getU(byte[] Abytes, byte[] Bbytes) { MessageDigest u_digest = newDigest(); u_digest.update(Abytes); u_digest.update(Bbytes); return new BigInteger(1, u_digest.digest()).toByteArray(); } /** * @param M2 The server's response to the client's challenge * @returns True if and only if the server's response was correct. */ public boolean verify(byte[] M2) { // M2 = H(A | M1 | K) byte[] myM2 = serverHash.digest(); boolean valid = Arrays.equals(M2, myM2); return valid; } /** Returns the negotiated session K, K = SHA_Interleave(S) @return the private session K byte[] @throws SecurityException - if the current thread does not have an getSessionKey SRPPermission. */ public byte[] getSessionKey() throws SecurityException { SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager(); if( sm != null ) { SRPPermission p = new SRPPermission("getSessionKey"); sm.checkPermission(p); } return K; } public MessageDigest newDigest() { MessageDigest md = null; try { md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256"); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return md; } public byte[] calculatePasswordHash(String username, char[] password, byte[] salt) { // Calculate x = H(s | H(U | ':' | password)) MessageDigest xd = newDigest(); // Try to convert the username to a byte[] using UTF-8 byte[] user = null; byte[] colon = {}; try { user = username.getBytes("UTF-8"); colon = ":".getBytes("UTF-8"); } catch(UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // Use the default platform encoding user = username.getBytes(); colon = ":".getBytes(); } byte[] passBytes = new byte[2*password.length]; int passBytesLength = 0; for(int p = 0; p < password.length; p ++) { int c = (password[p] & 0x00FFFF); // The low byte of the char byte b0 = (byte) (c & 0x0000FF); // The high byte of the char byte b1 = (byte) ((c & 0x00FF00) >> 8); passBytes[passBytesLength ++] = b0; // Only encode the high byte if c is a multi-byte char if( c > 255 ) passBytes[passBytesLength ++] = b1; } // Build the hash xd.update(user); xd.update(colon); xd.update(passBytes, 0, passBytesLength); byte[] h = xd.digest(); xd.reset(); xd.update(salt); xd.update(h); byte[] xb = xd.digest(); return xb; } public byte[] xor(byte[] b1, byte[] b2, int length) { //TODO Check if length matters in the order, when b2 is smaller than b1 or viceversa return new BigInteger(1, b1).xor(new BigInteger(1, b2)).toByteArray(); } }