package se.leap.leapclient; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Vector; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import se.leap.openvpn.ConfigParser; import se.leap.openvpn.ConfigParser.ConfigParseError; import se.leap.openvpn.ProfileManager; import se.leap.openvpn.VpnProfile; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.util.Log; /** * @author Sean Leonard <> * */ public final class EIP extends IntentService { public final static String ACTION_UPDATE_EIP_SERVICE = "se.leap.leapclient.UPDATE_EIP_SERVICE"; private static Context context; // Represents our Provider's eip-service.json private static JSONObject eipDefinition = null; public EIP(){ super("LEAPEIP"); } @Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); context = getApplicationContext(); // Inflate our eip-service.json data try { eipDefinition = ConfigHelper.getJsonFromSharedPref(ConfigHelper.EIP_SERVICE_KEY); } catch (JSONException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } @Override protected void onHandleIntent(Intent intent) { // Get our action from the Intent String action = intent.getAction(); if ( action == ACTION_UPDATE_EIP_SERVICE ) this.updateEIPService(); } private void updateEIPService() { // TODO this will also fetch new eip-service.json try { eipDefinition = ConfigHelper.getJsonFromSharedPref(ConfigHelper.EIP_SERVICE_KEY); } catch (JSONException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } updateGateways(); } private void updateGateways(){ JSONArray gatewaysDefined = null; // Get our list of gateways try { gatewaysDefined = eipDefinition.getJSONArray("gateways"); } catch (JSONException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } // Walk the list of gateways and inflate them to VPNProfiles for ( int i=0 ; i < gatewaysDefined.length(); i++ ){ JSONObject gw = null; try { gw = gatewaysDefined.getJSONObject(i); } catch (JSONException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } try { if ( gw.getJSONObject("capabilities").getJSONArray("transport").toString().contains("openvpn") ){ // We have an openvpn gateway! // Now build VPNProfiles and save their UUIDs // TODO create multiple profiles for each gateway to allow trying e.g. different ports when connections don't complete new OVPNGateway(gw); } } catch (JSONException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } private class OVPNGateway { // Log tag private String TAG = "OVPNGateway"; // The actual VPN Profile object private VpnProfile mVpnProfile; // Our gateway definition from eip-service.json private JSONObject gateway; // This holds our OpenVPN options for creating the VPNProfile // Options get put here in the form that se.leap.openvpn.ConfigParser wants TODO will be gone w/ rewrite private HashMap<String,Vector<Vector<String>>> options = new HashMap<String, Vector<Vector<String>>>(); // Constructor to create a gateway by definition protected OVPNGateway(JSONObject gw){ // TODO We're going to build 1 profile per gateway, but eventually several gateway = gw; // Delete VpnProfile for host, if there already is one // FIXME There is a better way to check settings and update them, instead of destroy/rebuild // Also, this allows one gateway per hostname entry, so that had better be true from the server! // TODO Will we define multiple gateways per host, for variable options? or change how .openvpn.VpnProfile works? ProfileManager vpl = ProfileManager.getInstance(context); Collection<VpnProfile> profiles = vpl.getProfiles(); for (VpnProfile p : profiles){ try { if ( p.mName.contains( gateway.getString("host") ) ) vpl.removeProfile(context, p); } catch (JSONException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } // Create options HashMap for se.leap.openvpn.ConfigParser this.parseOptions(); // Now create the VPNProfile this.createVPNProfile(); // Now let's save it in the .openvpn package way setUniqueProfileName(vpl); vpl.addProfile(mVpnProfile); vpl.saveProfile(context, mVpnProfile); vpl.saveProfileList(context); } private void setUniqueProfileName(ProfileManager vpl) { int i=0; String newname; try { newname = gateway.getString("host"); while(vpl.getProfileByName(newname)!=null) { i++; if(i==1) newname = getString(R.string.converted_profile); else newname = getString(R.string.converted_profile_i,i); } mVpnProfile.mName=newname; } catch (JSONException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block Log.v(TAG,"Couldn't read gateway name for profile creation!"); e.printStackTrace(); } } // FIXME this whole thing will get rewritten when we modify ConfigParser // in fact, don't even bother looking, except to debug private void parseOptions(){ // TODO we will want to rewrite se.leap.openvpn.ConfigParser soon to be targeted at our use // FIXME move these to a common API (& version) definition place, like ProviderAPI or ConfigHelper String common_options = "openvpn_configuration"; String remote = "ip_address"; String ports = "ports"; String protos = "protocols"; String capabilities = "capabilities"; // FIXME Our gateway definition has keys that are not OpenVPN options... // We need a hard spec for the eip-service.json and better handling in this class // Then we can stop dumping all the "capabilities" key:values into our options for parsing // Put our common options in // FIXME quite ugly. We don't need the nested vectors, as we're not byte-reading file input, but we haven't rewritten the parser, yet Vector<String> arg = new Vector<String>(); Vector<Vector<String>> args = new Vector<Vector<String>>(); try { JSONObject def = (JSONObject) eipDefinition.get(common_options); Iterator keys = def.keys(); Vector<Vector<String>> value = new Vector<Vector<String>>(); while ( keys.hasNext() ){ String key =; arg.add(key); for ( String word : def.getString(key).split(" ") ) arg.add(word); value.add( (Vector<String>) arg.clone() ); options.put(key, (Vector<Vector<String>>) value.clone()); value.clear(); arg.clear(); } } catch (JSONException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } // Now our gateway-specific options // to hold 'em the way they're wanted for parsing // remote:ip_address try { arg.add("remote"); arg.add(gateway.getString(remote)); } catch (JSONException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } args.add((Vector<String>) arg.clone()); options.put("remote", (Vector<Vector<String>>) args.clone() ); arg.clear(); args.clear(); // proto:udp||tcp JSONArray protocolsJSON = null; arg.add("proto"); try { protocolsJSON = gateway.getJSONObject(capabilities).getJSONArray(protos); } catch (JSONException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } Vector<String> protocols = new Vector<String>(); for ( int i=0; i<protocolsJSON.length(); i++ ) protocols.add(protocolsJSON.optString(i)); if ( protocols.contains("udp")) arg.add("udp"); else if ( protocols.contains("tcp")) arg.add("tcp"); args.add((Vector<String>) arg.clone()); options.put("proto", (Vector<Vector<String>>) args.clone()); arg.clear(); args.clear(); // Now ports...picking one 'cause i say so'... TODO we should have multiple profiles?... String port = null; arg.add("port"); try { port = gateway.getJSONObject(capabilities).getJSONArray(ports).optString(0); } catch (JSONException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } arg.add(port); args.add((Vector<String>) arg.clone()); options.put("port", (Vector<Vector<String>>) args.clone()); args.clear(); arg.clear(); } protected void createVPNProfile(){ // TODO take data from eip-service.json for openvpn gateway definitions and create VPNProfile for each try { ConfigParser cp = new ConfigParser(); cp.setDefinition(options); VpnProfile vp = cp.convertProfile(); mVpnProfile = vp; Log.v(TAG,"Created VPNProfile"); } catch (ConfigParseError e) { // FIXME Being here is bad because we didn't get a VpnProfile! Log.v(TAG,"Error createing VPNProfile"); e.printStackTrace(); } } } }