package de.blinkt.openvpn; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Random; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.Vector; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; import; import; public class VpnProfile implements Serializable{ // Parcable /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 7085688938959334563L; static final int TYPE_CERTIFICATES=0; static final int TYPE_PKCS12=1; static final int TYPE_KEYSTORE=2; public static final int TYPE_USERPASS = 3; public static final int TYPE_STATICKEYS = 4; private static final String OVPNCONFIGFILE = "android.conf"; // Keep in order of parceling // Public attributes, since I got mad with getter/setter // set members to default values private UUID mUuid; public int mAuthenticationType = TYPE_KEYSTORE ; public String mName; public String mAlias; public String mClientCertFilename; public String mTLSAuthDirection=""; public String mTLSAuthFilename; public String mClientKeyFilename; public String mCaFilename; public boolean mUseLzo=true; public String mServerPort= "1194" ; public boolean mUseUdp = true; public String mPKCS12Filename; public String mPKCS12Password; public boolean mUseTLSAuth = false; public String mServerName = "" ; public String mDNS1=""; public String mDNS2=""; public String mIPv4Address; public String mIPv6Address; public boolean mOverrideDNS=false; public String mSearchDomain=""; public boolean mUseDefaultRoute=true; public boolean mUsePull=true; public String mCustomRoutes; public boolean mCheckRemoteCN=false; public boolean mExpectTLSCert=true; public String mRemoteCN=""; public String mPassword=""; public String mUsername=""; public boolean mRoutenopull=false; public int describeContents() { return 0; } public void writeToParcel(Parcel out, int flags) { out.writeInt(mAuthenticationType); out.writeLong(mUuid.getMostSignificantBits()); out.writeLong(mUuid.getLeastSignificantBits()); out.writeString(mName); out.writeString(mAlias); out.writeString(mClientCertFilename); out.writeString(mTLSAuthDirection); out.writeString(mTLSAuthFilename); out.writeString(mClientKeyFilename); out.writeString(mCaFilename); out.writeValue(mUseLzo); out.writeString(mServerPort); out.writeValue(mUseUdp); out.writeString(mPKCS12Filename); out.writeString(mPKCS12Password); out.writeValue(mUseTLSAuth); out.writeString(mServerName); } private VpnProfile(Parcel in) { mAuthenticationType = in.readInt(); mUuid = new UUID(in.readLong(), in.readLong()); mName = in.readString(); mAlias = in.readString(); mClientCertFilename = in.readString(); mTLSAuthDirection = in.readString(); mTLSAuthFilename = in.readString(); mClientKeyFilename = in.readString(); mCaFilename = in.readString(); mUseLzo = (Boolean) in.readValue(null); mServerPort = in.readString(); mUseUdp = (Boolean) in.readValue(null); mPKCS12Filename = in.readString(); mPKCS12Password = in.readString(); mUseTLSAuth = (Boolean) in.readValue(null); mServerName = in.readString(); } public static final Parcelable.Creator CREATOR = new Parcelable.Creator() { public VpnProfile createFromParcel(Parcel in) { return new VpnProfile(in); } public VpnProfile[] newArray(int size) { return new VpnProfile[size]; } }; static final String OVPNCONFIGPKCS12 = "android.pkcs12"; public VpnProfile(String name) { mUuid = UUID.randomUUID(); mName = name; } public UUID getUUID() { return mUuid; } public String getName() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return mName; } public String getConfigFile(File cacheDir) { String cfg=""; // TODO "--remote-cert-eku", "TLS Web Server Authentication" boolean useTLSClient = (mAuthenticationType != TYPE_STATICKEYS); if(useTLSClient && mUsePull) cfg+="client\n"; else if (mUsePull) cfg+="pull\n"; else if(useTLSClient) cfg+="tls-client\n"; cfg+="verb 2\n"; // /tmp does not exist on Android cfg+="tmp-dir "; cfg+=cacheDir.getAbsolutePath(); cfg+="\n"; // quit after 5 tries cfg+="connect-retry-max 5\n"; cfg+="resolv-retry 5\n"; // We cannot use anything else than tun cfg+="dev tun\n"; // Server Address cfg+="remote "; cfg+=mServerName; cfg+=" "; cfg+=mServerPort; if(mUseUdp) cfg+=" udp\n"; else cfg+=" tcp\n"; switch(mAuthenticationType) { case VpnProfile.TYPE_CERTIFICATES: // Ca cfg+="ca "; cfg+=mCaFilename; cfg+="\n"; // Client Cert + Key cfg+="key "; cfg+=mClientKeyFilename; cfg+="\n"; cfg+="cert "; cfg+=mClientCertFilename; cfg+="\n"; break; case VpnProfile.TYPE_PKCS12: cfg+="pkcs12 "; cfg+=mPKCS12Filename; cfg+="\n"; cfg+="management-query-passwords\n"; break; case VpnProfile.TYPE_KEYSTORE: cfg+="pkcs12 "; cfg+=cacheDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + OVPNCONFIGPKCS12; cfg+="\n"; cfg+="management-query-passwords\n"; break; case VpnProfile.TYPE_USERPASS: cfg+="ca " + mCaFilename + "\n"; cfg+="auth-user-pass\n"; cfg+="management-query-passwords\n"; break; } if(mUseLzo) { cfg+="comp-lzo\n"; } if(mUseTLSAuth) { if(mAuthenticationType==TYPE_STATICKEYS) cfg+="static "; else cfg+="tls-auth "; cfg+=mTLSAuthFilename; cfg+=" "; cfg+= mTLSAuthDirection; cfg+="\n"; } // Basic Settings if(!mUsePull ) { cfg +="ifconfig " + cidrToIPAndNetmask(mIPv4Address) + "\n"; } if(mUsePull && mRoutenopull) cfg += "route-nopull\n"; if(mUseDefaultRoute) cfg += "route\n"; else for(String route:getCustomRoutes()) { cfg += "route " + route + "\n"; } if(mOverrideDNS || !mUsePull) { if(!mDNS1.equals("") && mDNS1!=null) cfg+="dhcp-option DNS " + mDNS1 + "\n"; if(!mDNS2.equals("") && mDNS2!=null) cfg+="dhcp-option DNS " + mDNS2 + "\n"; } // Authentication if(mCheckRemoteCN) { if(mRemoteCN == null || mRemoteCN.equals("") ) cfg+="tls-remote " + mServerName + "\n"; else cfg += "tls-remote " + mRemoteCN + "\n"; } if(mExpectTLSCert) cfg += "remote-cert-tls server\n"; return cfg; } private Collection getCustomRoutes() { Vector cidrRoutes=new Vector(); for(String route:mCustomRoutes.split("[\n \t]")) { if(!route.equals("")) { String cidrroute = cidrToIPAndNetmask(route); if(cidrRoutes == null) return null; cidrRoutes.add(cidrroute); } } return cidrRoutes; } private String cidrToIPAndNetmask(String route) { String[] parts = route.split("/"); // No /xx, return verbatim if (parts.length ==1) return route; if (parts.length!=2) return null; int len; try { len = Integer.parseInt(parts[1]); } catch(NumberFormatException ne) { return null; } if (len <0 || len >32) return null; long nm = 0xffffffffl; nm = (nm << len) & 0xffffffffl; String netmask =String.format("%d.%d.%d.%d", (nm & 0xff000000) >> 24,(nm & 0xff0000) >> 16, (nm & 0xff00) >> 8 ,nm & 0xff ); return parts[0] + " " + netmask; } private String[] buildOpenvpnArgv(File cacheDir) { Vector args = new Vector(); // Add fixed paramenters args.add("openvpn"); // Enable managment interface to // stop openvpn args.add("--management"); args.add(cacheDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + "mgmtsocket"); args.add("unix"); //args.add("--management-hold"); args.add("--config"); args.add(cacheDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + OVPNCONFIGFILE); return (String[]) args.toArray(new String[args.size()]); } public Intent prepareIntent(Activity activity) { String prefix = activity.getPackageName(); Intent intent = new Intent(activity,OpenVpnService.class); intent.putExtra(prefix + ".ARGV" , buildOpenvpnArgv(activity.getCacheDir())); if(mAuthenticationType == TYPE_PKCS12){ intent.putExtra(prefix + ".PKCS12PASS", mPKCS12Password); } if(mAuthenticationType == VpnProfile.TYPE_KEYSTORE) { String pkcs12pw = savePKCS12(activity); intent.putExtra(prefix + ".PKCS12PASS", pkcs12pw); } if(mAuthenticationType == VpnProfile.TYPE_USERPASS) { intent.putExtra(prefix + ".USERNAME", mUsername); intent.putExtra(prefix + ".PASSWORD", mPassword); } intent.putExtra(prefix + ".profileUUID", mUuid.toString()); try { FileWriter cfg = new FileWriter(activity.getCacheDir().getAbsolutePath() + "/" + OVPNCONFIGFILE); cfg.write(getConfigFile(activity.getCacheDir())); cfg.flush(); cfg.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return intent; } private String getRandomPW() { String pw= ""; // Put enough digits togher to make a password :) Random r = new Random(); for(int i=0;i < 4;i++) { pw += new Integer(r.nextInt(1000)).toString(); } return pw; } private String savePKCS12(Context context) { PrivateKey privateKey = null; X509Certificate[] cachain=null; try { privateKey = KeyChain.getPrivateKey(context,mAlias); cachain = KeyChain.getCertificateChain(context, mAlias); KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance("PKCS12"); ks.load(null, null); ks.setKeyEntry("usercert", privateKey, null, cachain); String mypw = getRandomPW(); FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream(context.getCacheDir().getAbsolutePath() + "/" + VpnProfile.OVPNCONFIGPKCS12);,mypw.toCharArray()); fout.flush(); fout.close(); return mypw; } catch (KeyChainException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (KeyStoreException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (CertificateException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return "ERROR"; } //! Return an error if somethign is wrong int checkProfile() { if(mAuthenticationType==TYPE_KEYSTORE && mAlias==null) return R.string.no_keystore_cert_selected; if(!mUsePull) { if(mIPv4Address == null || cidrToIPAndNetmask(mIPv4Address) == null) return R.string.ipv4_format_error; } if(!mUseDefaultRoute && getCustomRoutes()==null) return R.string.custom_route_format_error; // Everything okay return R.string.no_error_found; } }