#!/bin/bash # init parameters for ((i=1;i<=$#;i++)); do if [[ ${!i} = "-n" ]] then ((i++)) N=${!i} elif [[ ${!i} = "-h" ]] then echo -e " -n start first N available emulators from alphabetically order -h print help " exit fi done if [[ -z ${N} ]] then N=1 fi err() { echo "$@" exit 1 } sec=0 timeout=30 waitForAdbDevices() { while true; do if [[ $sec -ge $timeout ]]; then err "Timeout ($timeout seconds) reached - adb devices didn't find all emulators" fi out=$(adb devices | grep -v List | awk '$2{print $1}' | wc -l) if [[ "$out" == "$N" ]]; then break fi let "r = sec % 5" if [[ $r -eq 0 ]]; then echo "Waiting for adb devices to start: $out / $N" fi sleep 1 let "sec++" done } #start first N avd images avdmanager list avd | grep Name: | cut -d ':' -f2 | head -n $N | xargs -I{} -P$N -n1 emulator -no-snapshot -avd {} & waitForAdbDevices echo "adb found all emulators..." #wait for each emulator that booting completed adb devices | grep -v List | awk '$2{print $1}' | xargs -I{} .gitlab/wait-for-emulator.sh -s {} echo "all emulators successfully booted"