#!/bin/bash if [ -z "$2" ] then echo Usage: run.sh \"avd name\" \"project folder\" exit 0; fi avd_name=$1 PROJECT_FOLDER=$2 localport=`expr $RANDOM % 65536` wait_until_booted() { OUT=`adb shell getprop init.svc.bootanim` RES="stopped" while [[ ${OUT:0:7} != 'stopped' ]]; do OUT=`adb shell getprop init.svc.bootanim` # echo 'Waiting for emulator to fully boot...' sleep 5 done echo "Emulator booted!" } emulator -wipe-data @$avd_name & # If you want to test the app from scratch wait_until_booted adb install -r $PROJECT_FOLDER/bin/LEAP\ Android-debug.apk # Install the new version of the application adb shell am start se.leap.leapclient/.Dashboard # Run app