#!/bin/bash function quit { echo "Task failed. Exit value: $?." cleanUp exit 1 } function cleanUp { if [[ -f ${ALIGNED_UNSIGNED_APK} ]] then rm ${ALIGNED_UNSIGNED_APK} fi if [[ -f ${ALIGNED_SIGNED_APK} ]] then rm ${ALIGNED_SIGNED_APK} fi } # ----Main----- DO_BUILD=false DO_SIGN=false BETA=false NO_TAG=false APP_NAME="Bitmask" FLAVOR="Normal" FLAVOR_LOWERCASE="normal" EXPECTED_FINGERPRINT="SHA256:9C:94:DB:F8:46:FD:95:97:47:57:17:2A:6A:8D:9A:9B:DF:8C:40:21:A6:6C:15:11:28:28:D1:72:39:1B:81:AA" # check global vars if [[ -z ${ANDROID_BUILD_TOOLS} ]] then echo "ERROR: Environment variable ANDROID_BUILD_TOOLS not set! Please add it to your .bashrc file. Exiting." exit fi # init parameters for ((i=1;i<=$#;i++)); do if [[ ${!i} = "b" || ${!i} = "build" ]] then DO_BUILD=true elif [[ ${!i} = "s" || ${!i} = "sign" ]] then DO_SIGN=true elif [[ ${!i} = "-f" || ${!i} = "-file" ]] then ((i++)) FILE_NAME_STRING=${!i} FILE_NAME=${FILE_NAME_STRING##*/} #remove everything till the last '/' FILE_DIR=${FILE_NAME_STRING%/*} #remove everything after the last '/' elif [[ ${!i} = "-ks" || ${!i} = "-keystore" ]] then ((i++)) KEY_STORE_STRING=${!i}; KEY_STORE_NAME=${KEY_STORE_STRING##*/} KEY_STORE_DIR=${KEY_STORE_STRING%/*} elif [[ ${!i} = "-v" || ${!i} = "-version" ]] then ((i++)) VERSION_NAME=${!i}; if [[ -z $(git tag --list | grep -w ${VERSION_NAME}) ]] then echo "ERROR: Version name has to be a git tag!" exit fi elif [[ ${!i} = "-k" || ${!i} = "-key" ]]; then ((i++)) GPG_KEY=${!i} elif [[ ${!i} = "-k" || ${!i} = "-key" ]]; then ((i++)) GPG_KEY=${!i} elif [[ ${!i} = "-u" || ${!i} = "-user" ]]; then ((i++)) GPG_KEY_USER=${!i} elif [[ ${!i} = "-b" || ${!i} = "-beta" ]]; then BETA=true elif [[ ${!i} = "-no-tag" ]]; then NO_TAG=true elif [[ ${!i} = "-c" || ${!i} = "-custom" ]] then ((i++)) APP_NAME=${!i} FLAVOR="Custom" FLAVOR_LOWERCASE="custom" elif [[ ${!i} = "-h" || ${!i} = "-help" ]]; then echo -e " sign [-ks -fp -f -b -c -u -k] sign a given apk (both app signing and GPG signing) -b / -beta -------------------------- add 'Beta' to filename of resulting apk (optional) -c / -custom [appName] -------------- mark build as custom branded Bitmask client and add custom app name to resulting apk (required for custom branded builds) -ks / -keystore [path] -------------- define path to keystore for signing (required) -fp / -fingerprint [fingerprint] ---- define the fingerprint for the app (required for non-LEAP signed apps) -f / -file [inputfile] -------------- define path to apk going to be signed (required if sign command is not used in conjuction with build) -v / -version [gittag] -------------- define app version as part of the resulting apk file name. If not used, 'latest' will be added instead -u / -user [gpguser] ---------------- define the gpg user whose key will be used for GPG signing (optional) -k / -key [gpgkey] ------------------ define the key used for GPG signing. Using this option, -u will be ignored (optional) build [-v, -c, -b, -no-tag] -v / -version [gittag] -------------- define the git version tag that needs to be checked out for building. It's also part of the resulting apk file name. (required if you don't use -no-tag) -c / -custom ------------------------ build custom Bitmask client instead of main Bitmask client (optional) -b / -beta -------------------------- add 'Beta' to filename (optional) -no-tag ----------------------------- force to build current checked out git commit instead of an official release version -h / -help print out this help example Usages: --------------- * jarsign only: ./prepareForDistribution.sh sign -f app/build/outputs/apk/app-production-beta.apk -ks ~/path/to/bitmask-android.keystore -v 0.9.7 * jarsign and gpg sign only: ./prepareForDistribution.sh sign -f app/build/outputs/apk/app-production-beta.apk -ks ~/path/to/bitmask-android.keystore -u GPG_USER -v 0.9.7 * build custom stable ./prepareForDistribution.sh build -v 0.9.7 -c RiseupVPN * build and sign custom stable: ./prepareForDistribution.sh build sign -ks ~/path/to/bitmask-android.keystore -u GPG_USER -v 0.9.7 -c RiseupVPN * build and sign custom beta: ./prepareForDistribution.sh build sign -ks ~/path/to/bitmask-android.keystore -u GPG_USER -b -v 0.9.7RC2 -c RiseupVPN * build and sign stable: ./prepareForDistribution.sh build sign -ks ~/path/to/bitmask-android.keystore -u GPG_USER -v 0.9.7 * build and sign current git HEAD ./prepareForDistribution.sh build sign -ks ~/path/to/bitmask-android.keystore -u GPG_USER -no-tag" exit else echo "Invalid argument: ${!i}" exit fi done; # check what to do if [[ ${DO_BUILD} == false && ${DO_SIGN} == false ]] then echo "ERROR: No action set. Please check ./prepareForDistribution -help!" exit fi if [[ ${DO_BUILD} == true ]] then if [[ ${NO_TAG} == false && -z ${VERSION_NAME} ]] then echo "ERROR: You didn't enter the version (git tag) to be built. If you really want to force building the current checked out commit, use -no-tag." quit fi if [[ ${NO_TAG} == false ]] then #---- COMPARE TAG COMMIT WITH CURRENT COMMIT AND CHECK OUT TAG COMMIT IF NECESSARY ---- TAG_COMMIT=$(git log -n 1 ${VERSION_NAME} --format="%H") CURRENT_COMMIT=$(git log -n 1 --format="%H") if [[ ${TAG_COMMIT} != ${CURRENT_COMMIT} ]] then echo "CHECKING OUT VERSION: ${VERSION_NAME} ..." git checkout ${VERSION_NAME} || quit fi fi ./cleanProject.sh || quit ./build_deps.sh || quit if [[ ${BETA} == true ]] then ./gradlew clean assemble${FLAVOR}ProductionBeta --stacktrace || quit else ./gradlew clean assemble${FLAVOR}ProductionRelease --stacktrace || quit fi fi if [[ ${DO_SIGN} == true ]] then if [[ -z ${FILE_NAME} && ${DO_BUILD} == false ]] then echo -e "ERROR: Sign only needs a file name. Please check ./prepareForDistribution -help!" exit fi if [[ -z ${KEY_STORE_NAME} ]] then echo "ERROR: Key store not set. Please check ./prepareForDistribution -help" exit fi if [[ -n ${FILE_NAME_STRING} && ${DO_BUILD} == true ]] then echo "WARNING: Ignoring parameter -file. Built APK will be used instead." fi #---- OPT: SELECT APK FROM LAST BUILD ---- if [[ ${DO_BUILD} == true ]] then BASE_FILE_DIR="$(pwd)/app/build/outputs/apk" if [[ ${BETA} == true ]] then FILE_NAME="app-${FLAVOR_LOWERCASE}-production-beta.apk" BUILD_TYPE_DIR="beta" else FILE_NAME="app-${FLAVOR_LOWERCASE}-production-release.apk" BUILD_TYPE_DIR="release" fi if [[ ${FLAVOR_LOWERCASE} == "normal" ]] then FLAVOR_DIR="normalProduction" else FLAVOR_DIR="customProduction" fi FILE_DIR="${BASE_FILE_DIR}/${FLAVOR_DIR}/${BUILD_TYPE_DIR}" fi #---- ALIGN AND JARSIGN APK ----- ALIGNED_UNSIGNED_APK="${FILE_DIR}/aligned-${FILE_NAME}" ALIGNED_SIGNED_APK="${FILE_DIR}/aligned-signed-${FILE_NAME}" ${ANDROID_BUILD_TOOLS}/zipalign -v -p 4 "${FILE_DIR}/${FILE_NAME}" ${ALIGNED_UNSIGNED_APK} || quit ${ANDROID_BUILD_TOOLS}/apksigner sign --ks "${KEY_STORE_STRING}" --out ${ALIGNED_SIGNED_APK} ${ALIGNED_UNSIGNED_APK} || quit rm ${ALIGNED_UNSIGNED_APK} FINGERPRINT=$(unzip -p ${ALIGNED_SIGNED_APK} META-INF/*.RSA | keytool -printcert | grep "SHA256" | tr -d '[:space:]') || quit if [[ ${FINGERPRINT} == ${EXPECTED_FINGERPRINT} ]] then echo "Certificate fingerprint matches: ${FINGERPRINT}" else echo -e "Certificate fingerprint \n${FINGERPRINT} \ndid not match expected fingerprint \n\t${EXPECTED_FINGERPRINT}" quit fi #---- RENAME TO VERSION_NAME ---- FINAL_APK=${ALIGNED_SIGNED_APK} if [[ -z ${VERSION_NAME} ]] then VERSION_NAME="latest" fi if [[ ${BETA} == true ]] then FINAL_FILE_NAME="${APP_NAME}-Android-Beta-${VERSION_NAME}.apk" else FINAL_FILE_NAME="${APP_NAME}-Android-${VERSION_NAME}.apk" fi FINAL_APK="${FILE_DIR}/${FINAL_FILE_NAME}" cp ${ALIGNED_SIGNED_APK} ${FINAL_APK} || quit cleanUp #---- GPG SIGNING ---- if [[ -z ${GPG_KEY} && -z ${GPG_KEY_USER} ]] then echo "WARNING: Could not do gpg signing!" exit fi if [[ ${GPG_KEY} ]] then gpg --default-key ${GPG_KEY} --armor --output "${FINAL_APK}.sig" --detach-sign ${FINAL_APK} || quit #gpg -u ${GPG_KEY} -sab --output ${FINAL_APK} || quit else GPG_KEY=$(gpg --list-keys $GPG_KEY_USER | grep pub | cut -d '/' -f 2 | cut -d ' ' -f 1) || quit #gpg -u ${GPG_KEY} -sab --output ${FINAL_APK} || quit gpg --default-key ${GPG_KEY} --armor --output "${FINAL_APK}.sig" --detach-sign ${FINAL_APK} || quit fi gpg --verify "${FINAL_APK}.sig" || quit fi