FROM MAINTAINER LEAP Encryption Access Project LABEL Description="Android NDK image based on android-sdk baseimage" Vendor="LEAP" Version="r12b" # ------------------------------------------------------ # --- Install System Dependencies RUN apt-get update -qq RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y \ make gcc file lib32stdc++6 lib32z1 # JNI build dependencies w/ 32-bit compatible C libs # ------------------------------------------------------ # --- Install Android NDK (for running C code) # NOTE(@aguestuser|4.23.17) # We woud like to use te current version of Android NDK (r14b) but cannot # due to pinned dependency on year-old version of `ics-openvpn` # which has transitive dependency on `openssl` which will not compile with `clang` # (starting in 13b, android ndk uses `clang` isntead of `gcc`) # Upon rebasing onto to current HEAD of `ics-openvpn` and resolving conflicts, we # should update to current version of `ndk`. ENV ANDROID_NDK_VERSION "r12b" ENV ANDROID_NDK_HOME ${ANDROID_HOME}/android-ndk-${ANDROID_NDK_VERSION} ENV ANDROID_NDK_URL${ANDROID_NDK_VERSION} RUN curl -L $ANDROID_NDK_URL -o \ && unzip -d $ANDROID_HOME \ && rm -rf ENV PATH ${PATH}:${ANDROID_NDK_HOME}