Source code available at
Issue tracker available at
Translations welcome and appreciated. See our Transifex project at
Switch provider
Show connection details
Connection details
Routes: %s
IPv6 routes: %s
The username must not be empty.
Got certificate \'%s\' from keystore
No provider configured
Status unknown.
Encrypted VPN Internet Access
Select a service provider
Add new Provider
Add a new service provider
Domain name
The URL is valid
Malformed URL
Provider details
Use anonymously
Please enter your username
Please enter your password
Passwords match
Passwords do not match
User message
Exclude apps from VPN
Try again: Server math error
Incorrect username or password
It must be at least 8 characters long
Try again: Client HTTP error
Try again: I/O error
Try again: Bad response from the server
Encryption algorithm not found. Please upgrade Android!
Sign Up/Log In
Log In
Log in to profile
Log Out
Sign Up
Create profile
Set up provider
Configuration Error
There was an error configuring %s with your chosen provider.\n\nYou may choose to reconfigure, or exit and configure a provider upon next launch.
There was an error configuring %s.\n\nYou may choose to reconfigure, or exit.
The server is unreachable, please try again.
Security error, upgrade the app or choose another provider.
It doesn\'t seem to be a %s provider.
This is not a trusted %s provider.
The service is down.
Configuring provider
Your anonymous certificate was not downloaded
Downloading VPN certificate
Updating VPN certificate
Riseup users will need to create a separate account to use the VPN service
Authentication failed
Registration failed
Initiating connection
Connecting VPN
Unsecured Connection
Secured Connection
Cancel connection?
There is a connection attempt in progress. Do you wish to cancel it?
Turn off VPN connection? When the VPN is off, you may leak personal information to your Internet provider or local network.
Not running! Insecure connection!
Connection Secure
It seems there is a problem with the provider.
Please try another provider, or contact yours.
Logging in
Signing up
Turn on
Turn off
Stop blocking
Your traffic is securely routed through:
No internet connection detected, when it comes back we\'ll route your traffic securely through:
Open navigation drawer
Close navigation drawer
Example action
%s blocks all outgoing internet traffic.
Blocking all internet traffic failed.
Stopped blocking all outgoing internet traffic.
Blocking traffic
Update provider details
Update certificate
Updating provider configuration failed.
Updating provider configuration failed. Please log in to try again.
The provider gateways could not be recognized. They may be configured incorrectly.
Stored provider details are corrupted. You can either update %s (recommended) or update the provider details using a commercial CA certificate.
Stored provider certificate is invalid. You can either update %s (recommended) or update the provider certificate using a commercial CA certificate.
Stored provider certificate is expired. You can either update %s (recommended) or update the provider certificate using a commercial CA certificate.
Downloading the VPN certificate failed. Try again or choose another provider.
It\'s time to update your VPN certificate. Download a new certificate to keep your connection secure. This is a routine update.
The VPN certificate is invalid. Please log in to download a new one.
Save battery
Disabled while VPN Hotspot is on
Background data connections will hibernate when your phone is inactive.
Always-on VPN
Open Android System Settings
VPN Hotspot
Block IPv6
Requires root permissions
Show experimental features
Hide experimental features
Experimental features
Please make sure to enable tethering in the system settings]]> first.
Share your VPN with other devices via:
Wi-Fi hotspot
USB tethering
Bluetooth tethering
Do not show again
To enable always-on VPN in Android VPN Settings click on the configure icon [img src] and turn the switch on.
To protect your privacy optimally, you should also activate the option \"Block connections without VPN\".
Please donate today if you value secure communication that is easy for both the end-user and the service provider.
LEAP depends on donations and grants. Please donate today if you value secure communication that is easy for both the end-user and the service provider.
Remind me later
Using an obfuscated connection.
Trying an obfuscated connection.
Use Bridges
Circumvent VPN filtering
Be careful of excluding apps from VPN. This will reveal your identity and compromise your security.
- %d unprotected app
- %d unprotected apps
%s could not connect. It might be that VPN connections get blocked. Do you want to try to connect using obfuscated connections?
%s could not connect. Do you want to retry?
%s could not connect using obfuscated VPN connections. Do you want to try to connect using a standard VPN?
%1$s could not connect to %2$s. Do you want to try to connect automatically to the best location?
Try best location
Try obfuscated connection
Try standard connection
Android failed to establish the VPN service.
%s cannot execute features like VPN Hotspot or IPv6 firewall without root permissions.
Start %s
Tap here to start the download.
A new %s version has been found.
Downloading a new %s version
A new %s version has been downloaded.
Tap here to install the update.
PGP verification error. Ignoring download.
Update failed.
No permissions to install app.
Select location
Recommended location
Manually select
Automatically use best connection
Starting bridges for censorship circumvention…
Stopping bridges
Using bridges for censorship circumvention
Connected to pluggable transport
Connecting to pluggable transport
Connected to a relay
Negotiating connection with a relay
Connection with relay negotiated
Establishing an encrypted directory connection
Asking for network status consensus
Loading network status consensus
Loading authority certificates
Asking for relay descriptors
Loading relay descriptors
Loaded enough directory info to build circuits
Negotiation finished with a relay to build circuits
Establishing a Tor circuit
%s Bridges Service
Informs about usage of bridges while configuring %s.
Starting bridges failed. Do you want to retry or continue with an unobfuscated secure connection to configure %s?
Retry unobfuscated
%s has no internet connection. Please check your WiFi and cellular data settings.
Censorship circumvention
Use Snowflake
Protect configuration process against censorship.
VPN settings
Use UDP if available
UDP can be faster and better for streaming, but does not work for all networks.
Disabled while using bridges.
Only locations supporting bridges are currently selectable.
Disable bridges
Connection insecure
You may be leaking information to your internet provider or local network.
You have no working Internet connection. Once you get it back, you will be automatically connected to
%1$s is blocking all internet traffic.
Disabled while UDP is on.
Advanced settings
Unknown location
Developed by LEAP
Select Your Provider
When using a VPN you are transferring your trust from your Internet Service Provider to your VPN provider. Bitmask only connects to providers with a clear history of privacy protection and advocacy.
Riseup provides online communication tools for people and groups working on liberatory social change. We are a project to create democratic alternatives and practice self-determination by controlling our own secure means of communications.
Bitmask allows you to connect to providers that are not publicly listed. Make sure you know and trust the provider you are adding.
Enter the provider’s URL here.
Bitmask allows you to connect to providers using a private Invite Code.
Enter your trusted Invite Code here.
Scan QR Code
Calyx is a non-profit education and research organization devoted to studying, testing, developing and implementing privacy technology and tools to promote free speech, free expression, civic engagement and privacy rights on the internet and in the mobile communications industry.
Do You Require Censorship Circumvention?
If you live where the internet is censored you can use our censorship circumvention options to access all internet services. These options will slow down your connection!
%s will automatically try to connect you to the internet using a variety of circumvention technologies. You can fine tune this in the advanced settings.
Use standard %s
Use circumvention tech (slower)
To connect to your provider %1$s is fetching all the required configuration information. This only happens during first setup.
%1$s is attempting to collect all required configuration data from the provider. This only happens during first setup. You selected to use circumvention technology, so this might take some time.
Tor Status
Snowflake Status
Snowflake client started
Negotiating Snowflake proxy rendezvous (http)
Negotiating Snowflake proxy rendezvous (amp cache)
Snowflake SOCKS error
Snowflake proxy rendezvous successful
Sending data via Snowflake
Upcoming Connection Request
Upcoming requests
In the next panels Android will ask for your permission in form of a Connection Request and Notification Request.
Accepting the Connection Request is essential to use the core functionality of %s.
For the Connection Request it’s important to know that Bitmask only partners with trusted partner providers that adhere to best practices for VPNs and have a verifiable history of protecting user’s data and identities. However, if you are manually connecting to a non-public provider, make sure you trust them.
Accepting the Notification Request allows the app to run in the background and enables you to see your data usage from within Android’s notification center.
Upcoming Notifications Request
You\'re all set!
Click the button below to connect
Permission request rejected.
The current app version doesn\'t support logins, which you need to update your VPN certificate for this provider.
Select Language
Syntax Check:
Enter invite Code
Scan QR Code
Invalid code
Automatic (recommended)
Connection will be attempted using the best available bridges and protocols.
Manual Configuration
Select private bridges and specific protocols
Manual configuration requires technical understanding. Proceed with caution.
Censors can block the discovery of critical configuration information from your provider. Choose a circumvention option to bypass blocks.
Automatically select
Invite Proxy
Censors can block access to the open internet. Choose a circumvention option to bypass blocks.
Port Hopping
"Censors use traffic analysis to block access to the open internet. Port Hopping can make this harder for them. "